This kid, lord this kid.
You are looking at the refrigerator in Bossy’s son’s dorm room at Columbia University. Jam, asparagus, fruit — but mostly he was proud to show his shelf of cheap entree meats, and to tell Bossy that all the guys on his floor have gotten in the habit of cooking. The girls? Not so much.
What you can’t see is the rice, pasta, cereal, and breads that provide the filler — most of which live in his freezer, along with ice cube trays for his Milk. Awww.
Boy, has he got you fooled! Those are plastic decoys that look like food. Once the parent is gone, those go back in the closet and the fridge is again filled with beer!!
As a man who went to a 4 year degree granting institution, I am shocked by the fact that this fridge isn’t filled to the brim with alcohol. SHOCKED I tell you.
Where are the Ho-Ho’s? And the Cap’n Crunch?
That’s an impressive fridge for a 19 year old kid. Ya done good, Bossy.
I’m so glad my mom never felt the need to inspect my frigde and then put a picture of it on the internet. Leave the boy be. Watever he does!
you forgot to mention the yogurt and beer and peppers and beer and…
bossy’s son would make a great chef!
First I was all, “eeewww, he puts ice cubes in his milk?”, and then I got a life and realized that I’m dumber than a bag of hammers.
Could Bossy’s son teach an online class for men on keeping a clean, organized fridge? I am pretty sure he could get credit for it if he proposes this to a female prof.
oh gah, is that fooking Budwiser… I thought we raised him better than that~
Why does Bossy’s son make ice cubes out of milk? Is that allowed? If I did this would it solve the ‘ran out of milk for coffee’ problem? Please let me know!
That just blows me away! But I’m also surprised on a daily basis how much smarter the next generation is about food in general. Knowledge = power and Bossy’s son is making great choices! Er, with the possible exception of Budweiser – blech!
–>Where’s the beer?
This is clearly the angelic “parental photo.” No foolin us, Bossy’s son. We know there’s another stash.
It’s Magic Hat Number 9, ya scrubs, not budweiser. Don’t get it twisted.
Dude. Is that a Brita?
I didn’t have beer in mine, but I did have it filled to the brim with pizza and Chinese food. I’m pretty impressed.
Tiny refrigerators were not invented when I went to college, which was at the height of the Ramen Empire.