Welcome to Bossy’s Ear Worm, which features songs currently in Bossy’s headphones. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.
Level 42, It’s Over.
The other day Bossy was reminded about this band and their string of hits in the 80s, and before you could count to pink neon, Bossy was rifling through their song catalogue.
Bossy likes this good old fashioned slow-dance tune in the tradition of Hall & Oates, who of course assimilated decades of soul before that. Although in the case of this song, it’s a slow dance with yourself, since lead singer/bass player Mark King sings about another road and never coming back.
And he’s not taking any perfume picture promises, either, so don’t even think about it.
Bossy had the (free, always free) opportunity to catch these guys in a small club back in the day, and she’s pleased to report they were dynamic representatives of their recordings, with the keyboard player (far left in the above photo) taking on more of a role than their videos intimated.
And Bossy is always particularly captivated by a lead-singing bass player, since those things are often counter to each other, and successfully carrying it off sometimes requires one to be as busy as a one-armed paper-hanger with crabs.
Oh, this takes me back. I think I had this entire album memorized.