Due to the unfortunate, innocent placement of a throw pillow, they have to suffer the endless teasing and guffawing of a wine-soaked dinner party.
This virtual peek is brought to you by Sven. He’s inventing a new life in Australia. And this is his blog.
Do you have a blog and want to be featured in the Just Like Us photo album? Email Bossy your jpg today! And don’t forget to include a caption describing what you’re doing in the photo.
Hysterical photo!
It took me a moment to get this. At first I was, “aww poor fellow spilled some wine in an embarrassinge spot and had to cover it up with that pillow.” Then reading it again and really seeing the pic, I was, “um. oh. well. my. HAAAHHAA”. They don’t call me Quick Draw McGraw for a good reason.
I like Sven already.
I’m pretty sure this is my favorite photo ever. In the history of photography and darregoutypes.
If I had a dollar for every time I was photographed with a throw pillow that looked phallic, man, I’d be a wealthy woman.