HAHAHA………..yes and I am also annoyed when you have to put in what country you are from and The Untied States isn’t the 1st on the list and then I have to scroll all the way down to the U’s.
Glad you brought that up, Bossy. Moved from New York to Connecticut last year; get mildly gleeful every time that list pops up now, and I “only” have to scroll to the C’s instead of ALLLLL the way down to the N’s now. Man, I gotta get a life…..
I’m in Virginia and here’s a shortcut tip, just hit the first letter on your keyboard and it will automatically take you there.
Unfortunately, I’ve almost sent things to the Virgin Islands vs. Virginia.
Have to say that no, I’ve never fantasized about a move to Alabama. But thanks to this post, now I’m considering Palau… wait, it’s right in the ring of fire.
do you know how many times I’ve clicked United Arab Emirates as where I live??? Too many I tell ya.
I wish there was a choice that said America- yeah take that Canada, America’s Hat.
Yes, entering the first letter of your state usually brings your state right up, except that the states appear in alphabetical order. I live in Iowa…which means that I have to hit “I” four times to get to my state…Idaho…Illinois…Indiana…Iowa.
If you live in “Northern Mariana Islands”…well…it might be just as fast to scroll down as enter “N” nine times. Where is that, anyway? Any comments from “Northern Mariana Islands”?
Alabama is the greatest state with the number 1 team in the nation. Bossy, if you ever come down here, I’ll show you a great time. Ya’ll, this place is awesome!!
–Caroline in Hawai`i, formerly a resident of South Carolina, which is uncomfortably close to Alabama, and no offense to any of you readers in South Carolina OR Alabama, but… I hope you understand. Dudes, I live in HAWAI`I. Would YOU move???
YES! I was just thinking this as I paid for something online and had to select “New York” instead of my usual “California” Although living in NYC is hands down better, I do miss not having to scroll.
That is a crack up……. I type C and “California’ pops up, but I’ve always thought it would be great to live in Alabama ever since “Sweet Home Alabama” song came out……
Then when the movie came out it sealed the deal…. But here I sit in Cali.
I live in the mountains on a ranch……. I’m tryin’! (smile)
Alabama is the worst place I have ever lived. 2 traffic accidents in one month. A gang broke onto our back porch and stall our hedgeclippers. The living room flooded every time it rained. Fundies stole the gravestones from our Halloween tableau.
Being from Jerzee, I can say that it is quite a minor annoyance to have three other statez that also share a “New” in their title. It takes me an extra second to have to click down to NJ! WASTED TIME! WASTED TIME!
SHORTCUT: All you have to do is hit the blank, then type the first letter of your state! It’ll jump you write to the states beginning with that letter.
Trust me, bossy. That is not a good enough reason to move to Alabama. In fact, there isn’t a reason good enough to move to Alabama. (No offense intended to native Alabamians. You’re already there. Just a warning to those of us who moved there and then realized that California exists for a reason.)
True dat Manic Mommy. I grew up in Woodhaven & I’m raising a kid in Waterford. Now I get a text message (from the radio station that plays the school closed anouncements) when school is closed. Much easier!
HAHAHA………..yes and I am also annoyed when you have to put in what country you are from and The Untied States isn’t the 1st on the list and then I have to scroll all the way down to the U’s.
You don’t know how many times I click on Palau instead of Pennsylvania…
The nice thing about Kansas is that when you type in K, Kansas pops right up. Those poor Kentuckyians… well, they should move to Kansas.
Hey, us Alabama folk deserve some kind of perk for living down here.
You are crackin’ me up, Bossy!
Yes! I thought I was the only one weird enough to think like that. I loved it when I lived in Florida, way closer to the top of the list than Ohio.
Yes, I have thought of that very idea, every time I have to scroll all the way to Texas.
Sleepless in Seattle Washington
I can honestly say that I have *never* considered moving to Alabama.
Happy Friday! *smooches*
I think the same thing ever since moving back to PA from FL.
Armed Forces Other? I have never seen that before and now I am intrigued…
I’ve learned that hitting “O” twice typically takes me to OK without scrolling.
Glad you brought that up, Bossy. Moved from New York to Connecticut last year; get mildly gleeful every time that list pops up now, and I “only” have to scroll to the C’s instead of ALLLLL the way down to the N’s now. Man, I gotta get a life…..
I love that Louisiana is the only “L” and sometimes you can type L and it brings you right to it!
Usually you can type the first letter of your state and viola! you’re closer than you were before
Used to live in Seattle WA. Then I moved to Vermont.
Now I live in California and I moved here ONLY for that advantage.
I’m in Virginia and here’s a shortcut tip, just hit the first letter on your keyboard and it will automatically take you there.
Unfortunately, I’ve almost sent things to the Virgin Islands vs. Virginia.
No. But when I used to listen to the radio for no school announcements, I always wanted to live in Abington or Andover instead of Somerville.
Um, no. And I grew up in South Carolina. Where I also no long live.
You’ve just stumbled upon one of the key reasons I moved from New York to Colorado…
most pick lists let you hit the letter of the state multiple times until you get the right one.
I usually type “I” 4 times to get through Idaho, Illinois and Indiana to get to Iowa. Easier than scrolling through the list.
I simply *heart* you for this! Especially when I encounter those lists that include Palau because it screws my “P” option. I Hate that!
Alaska might have more laughs!
I’m with vuboq.
Also? Go Phillies!! it is kinda fun to be in PA when we are winning! (and not tearing the city down in celebration)
I feel the same way about the “year of birth” thing. I have to scroll forever.
That’s one good thing about living in Kansas. On most lists I can just type “K” and jump to it because it’s the first “K” state on the list.
I live in Utah. Beat that. Bossy!
YES from Texas!!
But #21 (monnik), thank you for saving me from that dire fate with your tip!
What monnik said at #21, only I hit the “I” three times to get to Indiana.
I’m in Arkansas, so we’re pretty close to the top. Not too shabby.
so funny. Good Friday fodder. Thanks bossy!
You might consider Delaware. A shorter move for you, and we’re not that far from the top of the list!
I’m in Florida, and on some of those lists, when you hit “F”, it brings up Federated States of Micronesia. Where the hell is that????
Have to say that no, I’ve never fantasized about a move to Alabama. But thanks to this post, now I’m considering Palau… wait, it’s right in the ring of fire.
Guess I’ll stay put.
do you know how many times I’ve clicked United Arab Emirates as where I live??? Too many I tell ya.
I wish there was a choice that said America- yeah take that Canada, America’s Hat.
Ya I agree with jp. I’m in the Untied States and get mad too!!
I’ve never even considered googling Alabama.
Yes, entering the first letter of your state usually brings your state right up, except that the states appear in alphabetical order. I live in Iowa…which means that I have to hit “I” four times to get to my state…Idaho…Illinois…Indiana…Iowa.
If you live in “Northern Mariana Islands”…well…it might be just as fast to scroll down as enter “N” nine times. Where is that, anyway? Any comments from “Northern Mariana Islands”?
Alabama is the greatest state with the number 1 team in the nation. Bossy, if you ever come down here, I’ll show you a great time. Ya’ll, this place is awesome!!
Same reason I think of moving to Azerbaijan as opposed to living in the U.S.
Oh, Manic Mommy #18, you made me snort my coffee! I grew up in Brookline – but it STILL came after ALL the interminable Boston announcements!
Damn straight I do. My only caveat is that I have to only hit *U* and there I am. That is not always such a good thing.
When you live in WA you can just scroll to the bottom of the list… that’s pretty easy, too.
Why the heck do you think I live in Australia (and no people, it’s NOT the same as Austria!)??
Not only does it start with A, but has only eight options in the State/Territory Dept. Nuff said.

Yay! We’re #1 in college football too!!
–Caroline in Hawai`i, formerly a resident of South Carolina, which is uncomfortably close to Alabama, and no offense to any of you readers in South Carolina OR Alabama, but… I hope you understand. Dudes, I live in HAWAI`I. Would YOU move???
I didn’t realize that “Minor Outlying Islands” was an option, so I’d like to move there, please.
I don’t usually get a first letter option. Kentucky is in the middle, but we call that one of the surcharges you pay for living here — sometimes :>)
YES! I was just thinking this as I paid for something online and had to select “New York” instead of my usual “California” Although living in NYC is hands down better, I do miss not having to scroll.
another PA girl who wonders where the heck is Palau even??
I’m in California, but I still gripe about it!
That is a crack up……. I type C and “California’ pops up, but I’ve always thought it would be great to live in Alabama ever since “Sweet Home Alabama” song came out……
Then when the movie came out it sealed the deal…. But here I sit in Cali.
I live in the mountains on a ranch……. I’m tryin’! (smile)
Sometimes, yes. I want to take the easy way out. Which is why I love being with you so much. You make it easy to love you. And Alabama.
Alabama is the worst place I have ever lived. 2 traffic accidents in one month. A gang broke onto our back porch and stall our hedgeclippers. The living room flooded every time it rained. Fundies stole the gravestones from our Halloween tableau.
I’d rather live in Humptulips, WA.
I have to confess that I never once thought of that, but I’m sure I will now!
Entre nous, that’s why I moved to Australia.
Being from Jerzee, I can say that it is quite a minor annoyance to have three other statez that also share a “New” in their title. It takes me an extra second to have to click down to NJ! WASTED TIME! WASTED TIME!
SHORTCUT: All you have to do is hit the blank, then type the first letter of your state! It’ll jump you write to the states beginning with that letter.
Trust me, bossy. That is not a good enough reason to move to Alabama. In fact, there isn’t a reason good enough to move to Alabama. (No offense intended to native Alabamians. You’re already there. Just a warning to those of us who moved there and then realized that California exists for a reason.)
This is one of the many reasons that I am glad to have moved from UTAH to CALIFORNIA. Such a time saver!
Trying living in Virginia.
Alabama? Um, no thanks. I’ll stick with scrolling all the way to “Virginia.”
True dat Manic Mommy. I grew up in Woodhaven & I’m raising a kid in Waterford. Now I get a text message (from the radio station that plays the school closed anouncements) when school is closed. Much easier!
Seriously where is Palau even?
last name: Bossy, first name: Brill. Love this post, love it, love your brain, and well, love your hair.