Bossy’s son wants you to know something.
A few weeks ago he wandered into a store that was having an amazing sale on jeans — it was like 70% off of an already reduced price — but the only relevant pair was a size too large. He stared at the jeans and mourned like we all do, and was prepared to surrender the idea.
Bossy forgets how the rest of the story goes. Perhaps his girlfriend the Delightful One was with him, or maybe it was something she said earlier that stuck in his mind. So possibly it’s the Delightful One who wants you to know something.
In whatever case, Bossy’s son went straight up to the cashier and purchased those cheap-arse jeans, a size too big. And then he took them to a local tailor in Morningside Heights, and for $15 the guy made the jeans fit better than any pants that are supposedly his size.
So now he has new and perfect jeans, and all they cost was a huge reduction plus $15.
Don’t discount, haha, something you can have tailored if the original price is right and it saves you money in the end. Don’t be afraid of the tailor!
Clinton Kelly and Stacy London say this all the time. It will make me rethink my purchasing in the future.
I agree w/ Teri. I hear Stacy and Clinton say this all the time. But the problem with a tailor is that you can’t wear the new article of clothing the day after you purchase it. I need instant gratification like that!
P.S. Bossy is afraid of the tailor. Stay tuned for a post about taking something to the tailor, so we can all learn how it works from Bossy’s ignorance.
Sassy. I can never seem to find jeans that properly fit my pipe-cleaner-like physique, so this is good information.
(Also: Digging the color-on-black-and-white thing; I went on a veritable spree of doing so myself the other day. Contemplating posting a little Photoshop tutorial on the matter.)
Seriously that boy is “heart explosion” adorable
Thanks for the reminder, Bossy’s Son! (or Delightful One, perhaps). I miss living near my former-seamstress mom, who made all of my bargain purchases fit perfectly…for FREE!
Bossy’s son is cute as button. So. Cute.
Isnt that awesome!!!
but really, you lost me after the sideburns…that boy, dreamy McDreamster…the delightful one is a lucky girl!
Survival 101
I always buy my jeans too big – AND don’t have them tailored. I all started 237 years ago when I began riding horses. You want the legs long to cover the tops of the boot when sitting in the saddle and shoes in the stirrups so sage brush and thorns don’t poke you when cantering down a trail in rounding up those doggies, and you want plenty of room in the saddle at those times when you’re taking your horse through flying changes figure eights and when those steaks you ate the night before start to filling them jeans and you are barrel racing. Of course, I only rode a horse twice in my life but the idea stuck with me. Technically, one was actually a small pony and I was – seven.
This is very tempting. At any sale there are usually exactly zero items in my size, since apparently all Americans are fat-asses. I always give up, but I might try this avenue in the future. Thanks, someone who lives in or near Bossy’s house!
so you would think that I would be the Queen o’ saving $$ since I used to make clothing for a living, but no, I just rely on TJMaxx sales.
#11 David – not nice at all. don’t be slammin’ folks so rudely, even if they do have a Bic Mac more than they should.
beautiful green never-worn jacket of my dreams at Salvation Army, size extra-large: $6
tailor bill to make it a medium: $60(!)
dry cleaning bill to remove grandma perfume scent embedded in jacket by tailor: $12
Bossy’s son did well!
i must admit – i am too afraid (some say “lazy”) to go to the tailor. i imagine it will take me an hour and a half to find a tailor, 2 hours to get measured and sized (and the small talk! oy, the small talk!), another hour to get home, and 5 weeks before i see my bargain purchase again. oh, and the inch and half of curtain you hide behind while changing clothes? – no thank you.