Dear Gah,
Beginning today, the official spelling of friend is firend. OK? Thanks. This way Bossy won’t have to keep correcting herself and sister mercy why is it always this word?
It’s not so much a matter of dyslexia as it is exlyasdi.
Also Gah, if it’s not too much trouble, can you change the word just to juts? And how about obviously to obviosuly.
Seriously. Seriosuly.
P.S. Bossy’s council may have more words to add to this Name Change Edict, dear Gah, so please read Bossy’s comment section. Not that you don’t always! Because: Gahhhhh!
I’m changing the name of facebook to FACEWOOK.
I really need to bookmark facvebook. faveniil.
Because needs to change to becasue.
I type it wrong every. single. time.
My life would be infinitely easier this semester if bureaucracy were spelled breuacuraycy. Because that’s what I normally get from my fingers on the first try.
I work in an accounting firm ….can we plseas (that was totally spontanious (!) right there) ….danm didn’t know how many typos I make when I don’t correct them!! …….change it TAX RETRUNS??? I type it like that every time. Makes me wonder how many RETRUNS have slipped through.
Wait – Gah – greta! Please change great to greta! How could Bossy forget! Thank you, gah. You’re so greta.
How about ocasion, because, as my Grandpa insisted, double consonants are wasteful? And I can never remember which one gets doubled when I write occasion . . .or ocassion. Praises on spellcheck.
Oh, and dear gah: bedsides. Instead of besides. Despite what P.J.’s grandpa says, the extra ‘d’ just seems to make so much visual sense there, eh?
No dissresspecct, P.J.’s Grandpa.
Goofed more often than anything else for me…………the should = teh.
Can we please change any word with the “for” group – like “for” and “form”?. My left hand must be a little faster than my right, because I get “fro” and “from” every time!
My life would be so much easier if my mother had named me Shaorn.
Wierd and weird should be interchangable, because I just can’t ever remember which is which.
But really? Iron should be irno.
the end of friend is end.
thought = thouhgt, please = plaese, fight = fihgt, like = liek, first = frist, giant = gaint, truth = turth, and = adn (and so on into infinity)…thank gah for spellchecker!
An idiot boss from another era used to write that his employees were so “conscious” in their yearly reviews.
I was extremely conscientious about not correcting the toad.
I am a pretty good speller – but why aren’t my fingers?
In my frequent reading of blogs, I’ve seen “teh” so often that I wondered if it was a secret, special blog thing that I just didn’t understand. I see now that it is merely a typo. Or is it?
the=teh every. single. time.
vacum and restaraunt! Can not spell them EVER!!!
The end!
I vote for TEH, too!
for = fro maybe = mabey and I am sure there are more but those popped out of my head first.
definitely the = teh
and for me WISH should iwsh. I ALWAYS spell that one wrong the first go-round.
Sorry, after you change the spelling you’ll find your fingers messing the new way up too.
The german word “nicht” (meaning “not”) is what I need to be changed, cause it always comes out as nciht. And I think it might be a kind of Freudian slip not to be able to say no more insistently.
Please add “univresity” to our dictionary. Also can we change “united” to “untied”. My students would be happier. (“I live in the Untied States and I fly on Untied Airlines.” Kind of apt at times.) Anothre (oh, there’s one!) student calls Applebee’s “Apple Pies” and I’m ok with that one too.
hospital = hosptial
or hopsital
They are close enough, Gah. Also, I vote for liek, frist, teh. Let’s just make form and from interchangeable and be done with it.
And Always offcie…change that one as well.
“Public” = pubic. Very unfortunate, as I use the word a lot in my professional life. “Public,” I mean. Not “pubic.”
yeha for yeah. It’s sometimes appropriate (and I can’t count how many times it just took me to get “appropriate” right just then!), if you pronounce it “yee-haw”.
Could we please use the words form and from interchangeably?
Silly Bossy. It’s not “juts” it’s “jsut”. And I should know…I teach wirting to college kisd!
I keep typing “I fucking hate you” instead of “Sincerely” in business emails. My damn clumsy fingers!
What about organe for orange? Something my grade four teacher taught me that has stuck this long. If you ‘fri’ your FRIend, it will be the ‘end’ of your FRIEND.
Well, there’s teh obvious. Also, I can’t write “sushi” without typing “sushit”, which doesn’t sound nearly as appealing
Probably should be “prolly”. The way my co-worker pronounces it. Much easier to type.
I’m soo with monnik on becuase. And teh. Adn. And then the embarrassing little ones I usually miss in emails to DB’s etachers like “of” for “on” and stuff like that.
And don’t forget: teh/hte, hosue, adn, ect., taht, and the ever popular, taht. Studies have shown that our minds read the words correctly, so WTH? H’it don’t make no nevermind nohow!
taht teh left hand is soo mcuh faster than teh right hand.
It makes mcuh sense.
I don’t want to commmit.
Please, ‘inot’ – it’s not much to ask.
Client = clinet. I have even taken to speaking it that way, and said it to my dad, who is now completely unable to type it correctly.
abd, adn
teh (of course)
How about Gerogia?
affect and effect – can’t keep ’em straight
appriciate instead of appreciate
Three words: wurd, wird and werd.
I’d like to change the name Brian to Brain. I don’t think too many Brians would mind.
Oh my gosh! I had no idea these were such common typos! I alway thought it was just me typing faster than I think. Since so many other people are also typing teh, adn, taht and from, maybe we need to change the keyboard order. Because it’s obviously the fault of the layout, not our fingers!
Anyone else get “Thnaks” when meaning “Thanks”? And I thnak everyone (Wow. And THAT wasn’t even intentional!) when I sign off my e-mails and they’ve helped me out in some way. So, “Thnaks” for asking, Bossy!
Would andyway be too much to ask?
spell chk on The Well Read Hostess’s Blog!
saves my ass everytime so I don’t look so stoopid!
My husband made Detroit DETRIOT in a commercial – – – that was aired.
My list is too long, but a high school friend of mine had a boyfriend named Brain, except he was really Brian and there was no brain anywhere in the equation.
Oh yeah, Thnaks is a good one! And how about throwing in prenatal instead of parental? Your Ten Word Tuesday post just brought that one to my attention – I clearly see “Parental” but I read “Prenatal.” Ah, but this is not a spelling issue, is it? Maybe that migraine I just had scrambled things up in my brain. Thank you for your good wishes, BTW!
I think we should change the word “lose” to “loose.” Everyone else on the interwebs already has. As in, “Oh my gah, I really need to loose some weight.”
I want to change the spelling of AnnCoulter to Jack Ass.
teh, adn, taht, fro, ot, jsut, untied and thnaks. ‘Type’ often ends up as ‘tpe’, my finger just doesn’t reach far enough to get the y. Any word that ends in ‘gh’ comes out as ‘ght’. I had to backup and fix the word ‘enough’ in the previous sentence and this one. A word I type a lot is ‘environment’ and it comes out as ‘enviornment’ every time.
LOL at Avitable! I think excercize should be spelled as it sounds. Not that I use the word a lot, but still.
and I thought it was just my dyslexia….LOL
I agree–my right hand is much faster than my left hand. The mistakes I make are usually right handed mistakes.
An easy way to remember restaurant=there is no U in rant. I have had to learn a lot of little “tricks” to remember how to spell things. It’s one of the major problems I have with my dyslexia.
meterologist. And I have a friend who is one!
#53 – that made me laugh, but I refuse to type L O L.
I loev that Bossy is getting some words changed around here.
I thougth I was the only one with typing dyslesxia. Love not chanigng anything when typeing. Hmmm. Ok, I don’t love it much. My foe is from/form because then spell check doesn’t catch it.
teh (the), fro (for) and, my favorite at work…agreeemnt.
I’m with Avitable on this one. If only our fingers did what we wanted them to all of the time. But for the love there are 3 forms of the word to (two and too) but nobody ever uses them correctly anymore The End
I’m the world’s worst typist so commonly make almost all of the mistakes mentioned about. Also Spet for Sept. Always. Grrr.
let’s add Thrusday to the list. Because by THURSDAY I am THRU!
I work for a company that makes screws and bolts. I hereby annonce the propler spelling is “Farsteners”
That is all.
“Youtube” always comes out like that first when I type it. And, I think it could make for an entertaining site on its own!
Definitely ‘taht’ and ‘Royal Aok’ instead of ‘that’ and ‘Royal Oak’. It’s very sad – my fingers obviously work much faster than my brain.
Aww come on the word is wen. Who needs the stinkin H
Without even trying, I will now type the words that for over 30 years have eluded my ability to type correctly unless I really focus (like, who the heck does that anyways?)
hte brown fox nda the red bull all went fro a drive. Form the way they were headed it wlodu seen that they knew hwat they were doing. But alas, it was not to be. They drove off a bridge nda were killed instantly. Hte nde
Oh geez, I have several of these I have to retype EVERY TIME. The most common – students: studnets. Every.single.time.
Thank you for making me feel less alone in my mispoelled world. I hate double constantns too. Oh, and can we please get rid of their there and they’re. I often type the wrong one.