One night two weeks ago, Bossy’s friend Martha cut Bossy’s daughter’s hair, and many of you have written to express interest in how this haircut turned out — and when Bossy says many of you have written she is mostly talking about Martha, who expressed her own curiosity and regret at having wielded scissors that many wines into the night.
It all began when Bossy’s daughter was complaining about her long knots with hair, and how difficult this was to manage twice a week when trying to maneuver the mess into a nazi ballet bun. Bossy’s daughter expressed her longing for a short bob, and before you could say more red wine? Bossy and her mother and Bossy’s friend Martha were setting up a makeshift salon in Bossy’s kitchen.
Ultimately Bossy’s daughter had to sacrifice the idea of a short bob since her hair must remain long enough to capture in a bun — so instead Bossy’s friend Martha opted for a shoulder-length cut with long layers.
And the good news is the result is darling! To prove it, Bossy asked her daughter to pose for a photo! And it was so convenient because Bossy and her daughter were on their way somewhere! Also Bossy was driving! And Bossy’s daughter was all, “Right this second?”
And then Bossy was all, “No, you can’t see the shape of the haircut. Look straight ahead.”
And then Bossy was all, “No, because now you can’t see the front. Turn this way. Right over here. Turn to the side. Bossy’s daughter? Bossy’s daughter?”
that girl is so damn cute!
LOVE the new cut!! Bossy’s daughter, you look terrific! (Good job, Martha; come on out to San Francisco and work your magic on me!)
I love Bossy’s daughter’s face in that last pic. I think I used to make that face. Now I get that face made AT me.
I get that face A LOT when trying to photograph my two sons. Like, what’s wrong with taking 100 or so photos of the two cutest boys in Texas?
Bossy’s daughter’s hair looks as cute as she does! WTG, Martha!
Bossy’s daughter has beautiful hair. I’m jealous.
gah!! bossy REALLY IS bossy!!
On the other hand,my grandaughter looks fabulous!
I’m with The Great Getzby. Thank the powers that be that my mom is not a blogger. I don’t think I’d ever visit if stuff like this happened regularly.
I want to steal Bossy’s Daughter’s hair. It looks to be about thirty seven times thicker than my own hair.
Bossy’s daughter has Bossy’s cheekbones.
Why is this wrong on so many levels?
1stly, studies have shown that taking pictures of a daughter’s hair while driving is hazardous to everyone’s health within a five block radius of the moving vehicle.
2ndly, Bossy’s daughter should never trust a well meaning lovable aunt with a pair of scissors period after the aunt whipped back a few wines. Okay, sipped, but we all know better.
3rdly, Audubon Ron makes his wife cut his hair an hour and one-half after she wakes up on a Saturday morning when she’s all fresh to avoid any errant cuts that could possibly ruin Ron’s life as a professional, much less after whipping back a few wines. Okay, sipped…
4thly, Bossy’s friend Martha is now laboring in the morning after guilt feelings for having cut while drinking. We should never encourage such events because the well meaning lovable aunt can have dreams and will wonder if she ruined the nieces’ life with a Martha Bob. The niece also might need to read up on bad haircut survival techniques.
That Girl said it all. Bossy’s daughter is SO DAMN CUTE!
It’s cute! It makes her look older, but not TOO much older. Just right.
Love it! My 11 y.o. went to the bob last year and though I loved her long, dark, shiny hair, I have to admit the bob is the cutest!
You’re a beauty, Bossy’s Daughter!
The new hairdo makes Bossy’s daughter’s hair look really thick and healthy! On my birthday I had three glasses of wine and asked my 15 year old daughter to cut my hair!
gah, you have such wonderful kids!
Bossy’s daughter continues to have the most amazing eyes. If it were my mom taking a picture of my tweenage self, I would be ALL about the eyeroll. Bossy was lucky to only get the smirky-smile.
That magnificent hair (and no one even MENTIONED the layers of russet/audubon/brown colors), and those eyes…THOSE EYES!
yet another reason i love me some bossy’s daughter
Adorable, great job Martha (and the red wine…)
Us moms know that face… .and Auntie M… we all need cuts and a little dye, and some red wine!
Perilous indeed to be an offspring of Bossy: all that press coverage. Or internet coverage. Or over-documentation. Bossy’s Son is right. And long-suffering. And outa there, mostly unlike his little sis who’s in the car with mom.
Audobon Ron makes me laugh. I kinda want a Martha Bob.
And maybe I’ll name my next kid that. Either , covers all bases. As good as the ever-popular last-name-for-a-first-name approach.
I know that face.
She looks adorable.
Bossy’s daughter’s hair cut is totally fab because it perfectly frames her beautiful face (even when she is making *that* face, it is a beautiful face).
Go Martha Scissorhands! I see the back is slightly elevated with an angle toward the adorable face. Love it!
how did you get a picture of my daughter’s face?
I just love the look on her face.
Hmm, photoing while driving. Probably even more dangerous that texting while driving. Shame, Bossy
“Like if she moved she’d be shot.” It is phrases like these that make me HOWL with appreciation and half-sadness because I swear to doodie you are my dead grandfather the funniest person who ever lived.
I laughed so hard at this post. I found your blog yesterday and it is on my to read every day list! THANK YOU!
It looks so cute! I need a haircut so bad…. You should cut my hair and blog about it! lol
Your daughter is gorgeous. And seems like such a great kid. Bossy would make a fortune cloning her.
I’ve seen that impish smirk on someone else’s face. Someone whose name rhymes with Shmossy. Or Shmorgia.
Beauteous!! I love how it brings out the colors in her hair.
My oldest had a cut just like this (great job, BTW, Martha!)…until she chopped giant hunks out of it with her safety scissors and now it is more Joan Jett than Bossy’s Daughter.
Wow, so Martha drank red wine and gave a great haircut. I paid a ridiculous sum to a professional and got a horrible haircut….Lesson learned. BTW Bossy’s daughter is one of the most sincerely beautiful people in the world.
Bossy’s daughter is a beautiful girl. I like the haircut. It accentuates her natural beauty.
Lovely look with that hairstyle. Good thing she isn’t one of those girls who cry when their hair is getting cut. uhuh!
Bossy’s daughter, you are ROCKIN that haircut!!! Actually, you rock all the time, no matter what haircut’s goin on!! What a good sport, and no awkwardness! My teenage self is jealous of your teenage self. You go girl!!!