Who remembers the stray cat who isn’t really a stray cat, the artist formerly known as Snow Flake, who Bossy renamed Honky, even if she can’t stop calling it by the name the cat wants to be, Baby David?
Well. Hold on to your hat. The one covered in cat hair. Because Baby David née Honky née Snow Flake?
It’s two cats, not one.
According to the neighbor girls who shove into Bossy’s backseat on her early morning carpool days, the all-white cats are a brother/sister deal, and between the two of them, they’ve managed to worm their way into most of the houses on the block.
Bossy feels taken, like that movie about the guy who pretends to be Sidney Poitier’s son.
Happy weekend, council! Be sure to visit Bossy over the weekend because she’ll be hosting a new Match Game coffee giveaway.
Damn cats. Further proof that they cannot be trusted.
O. M. G.
Thing is, the one in the box is Snow Flake.
Always the same one. (unless they are BOTH named Snow Flake!?)
Which begs the question.
Which sucker did the other one adopt?
So… one of the cats is named Honky. Is cat #2 named Cracker?
It’s all over once you set the kitty manger up.
Yup , once you put up that kitty house , more will come .
For someone who seems to be not so sure she likes cats, you’re doing all the right things. The cardboard box? Sure to be a kitty favorite. I quit buying beds for my cat, she just sleeps in boxes or baskets with an old blaket thrown in.
Awww…Sweet kitties. They’re lucky that have such a nice neighborhood in which to mooch
Some are not so lucky.
Bossy has a caaaat, Bossy has a caaaat.
They’re doing that twin thing, where they switch classrooms to fool the teacher.
Not a Match Game CAT giveaway?
The old saying ” When the Cat is away the Mice will Play.”
Me thinks there’s a lot of Mice playing!! Ya Think?
See, I’m thinking this was all just set up for a photo shoot. Look at the artful way the leaves are arranged. And the POP! of the red adirondak chair, the pure white of the cat with the beige/browns of the box, pillow and door mat.
Yup, Bossy is stylin’ photo shoots for Cat Fancy now and just didn’t want to tell us.
Bossy’s cat looks very comfortable in his/her new home!
I have always thought cats are smarter than most of us. look how this one dragged a pillow into a box on bossy’s porch.
What’s going to happen when it gets really cold? It’s going to be interesting to see which neighbor takes the cats inside. I’m on the edge of my seat.
If you think you have any control over this situation, you really don’t know cats very well at all.
Hell Bossy, you aren’t even in charge of Stella!
What makes you think you can match wits with 2 Kitties???
Can’t wait to see all 3 of them sleeping fireside in your house come colder weather!
Your house is a perpetually kitten holiday! Me & mah three beautiful babiez will be moving in wiff you next week. MAKE ROOM FOR US!
I’m envisioning a screenplay about a brother/sister pair of cat grifters who take over a neighborhood, always keeping one step ahead of the animal control officers.
Has that cat been deboned? He/she looks totally relaxed.
Can’t believe you actually set up a cat house/bed. Are you feeding it/them too? when they/it starts looking fat, it MAY NOT BE DUE TO FOOD. Unneutered male + unneutered female = Bossy’s overrun with kittens. Just sayin.
It’s rainin’ cats and…more cats in Bossy’s ‘hood.
Let me tell you something. Your new cat? Whitey? The one who looks like half a penguin? I don’t like him.
Darn, I’m too late for the Whitey and Cracker jokes. Snooze I lose.
Stella, this is Honky and her brother. Honky, this is Stella. Now I expect you all to play nice or else. The first one who comes meowing or growling to me will get a timeout.
I bet Stella knew the whole time, & was just WAITING for Bossy to catch up & get with the program.
Cats are awesome.
Notice how Bossy’s son, the intelligent Great Getzby, is missing from this cat conversation?
My family is sadly missing a cat in our household….that is, all of us except one, cranky husband who thinks we’ll be okay without one for awhile.
Send one of those brother/sister combos to Utah, we’ll happily take it in.
Is Bossy’s son missing from this conversation or is he really comment #’s 1, 22, 24 and 25???? Especially # 22, Chris Eschleman nee Great Getzbsy
Awwww. *sniff* this is how our Bonnie and Clyde (who look just like your cat) “found” us 8 years ago. We lost Bonnie this August. If I were closer I would offer to come pick up the package deal.
vuboq *hearts* kittehs and can’t wait to meet them at the next Gay Camp BOSSY! YAYz!
Oh, kitty kitty meow meow, I wanna wuv you.
I’ve been checking back over the weekend, and…nothing. Oh Bossy, so disillusioned.
It’s so sad to see people just let their pets run about without ID and not taking care of them properly. Cats belong in the house where it is safe and cozy and lovely windows to look out of. These two beauties deserve a loving home. They are obviously needing a loving and warm home.
I would be powerless to resist a cat that beautiful.
Just wondering who gets them in the winter time?
Hoping for a Puss in boots shot soon.
I like the idea of neighborhood cats! Pass the love around!
I’m wondering why that piece of carpet in the box is not turned over. Were you undecided about whether or not it might like the soft side more? You have been had, my sister. For real about the boy and girl cat equalling many more little weird kitties is very true. Cats have no knowledge of not doing it with your sister and all. They just go for it…and then you have silly little kittens with many toes…a la Hemmingway’s cats.
Too cute to be a stray cat! Lazy cat! Aren’t all cats supposed to be lazy? But this one’s a classy! Look at that with a pillow!