Dang you for posting this AFTER I left for work so I won’t be able to watch until I get home tonight, and my comment will be an uncool #174 or something instead of in the single digits.
Bossy is my hero. Muskrat is afraid to vlog, because then everyone will know how he blushes when talking to a camera, and his online friends will call him the “p” word.
thats the hugest bottle of iodine I’ve ever seen….thought iodine was just in tini-tiny bottles with a skull and crossbones….
Opera is bowing out just in time for a Bossy takeover…I’m serious.
Can Bossy call her dad and ask him what to do about Osteoarthritis of the hip and do a module for that? Audubon Ron is not sleeping from the severe Inquisition level torture and the fear of getting a plastic hip. He is now officially dragging what use to be known as a leg. He has called an attorney to sue former ballet instructors but sadly, the statue of limitations has run.
Your voice sounds EXACTLY as I have heard it in my head reading your posts! Thanks Bossy, for the home remedy, and thanks Bossy’s Dad for your medical knowledge. BTW: isn’t he a cardiologist? Can he do a vlog post to scare the shit out of my husband who already had a heart attack at 29 and has gained back every bit of the weight he lost??
I use similar method to eradicate pimples, substituting hydrogen peroxide for the iodine. (I am allergic to shellfish, iodine is a no-no.) Same results!
Hi, longtime mostly-lurker here. That was hilarious. Also, I’m headed out to get some iodine, because I have one of those exact same pimples brewing at the moment. Thanks.
Victoria liked “meeting” Bossy for reals like that, yay!
Victoria also had one of those pimples last week, but it’s too late for the iodine if you know what Victoria means.
For some reason I thought that once I turned 30 I’d stop getting pimples. I’m well past 30 and the pimple keep on coming. I’ll definitely try this method.
Hmmm… I’m going to have to try that. My *Secret* weapon against pimples is toothpaste before bedtime. It clears them right up, too. However, I like the idea of having a non-crusty option in the stable. Though I might miss the minty-fresh smell.
I thought iodine was a red staining thing, like mechurochrome (MY father’s cure-all). But you don’t look like you have red dots on your skin. I learned to use camphor. It stinks, it stings, but man, does it clear up skin in a hurry. Dries out everything around the zit too!
Cool! Bossy should do more of those! I did have a little trouble with the voice being out of sync with the picture, so it threw me off a little at first…guess it’s time to do some housekeeping on my computer. Having 5,000+ photos in my iPhoto library kinda slows it down a bit.
So nice to hear your lovely voice! I had this horrible pimple once that I couldn’t leave alone. I popped it and put it Neosporin on it. Now I’m off to Google the Iodine and shellfish connection.
vuboq was totally thinking of “put a little windex on it” but was totally beaten to the punch b/c he has to get up at a godawful hour and go to work where he has no internet access and can’t post fun pithy comments on iambossy.com. Which, to summarize, means BOSSY should start posting at 4AM. thank you very much
Bossy is just like I thought. It’s nice to know that one’s writing (where one equals bossy) is just like one’s real self, (where ‘real self’ equals video)~~by the way, my BFF and I (ya, the one that lives 1500 miles away from me) call “THOSE” kind of pimples, those underlying ones waiting to erupt? Horns. They are horns. As in “I have this horn that really hurts!”
I second Amy’s technique: old-fashioned white Colgate toothpaste also works like a charm!…although it’s prone to become embedded in my midlife “character lines”… gah…
Well Mr. Farty, I’ve got plenty of pimples to go around. Nothing says adulthood like breaking out constantly.
I am purchasing some iodine tomorrow and sleeping with a dark pillow.
Good gracious! Could you BE any cuter? I’m too distracted by your darling self to actually listen to your advice. Did you say cover your head with your pillowcase if you have a zit? Because that’s what I do. It doesn’t make the zit go away, but at least I’m a danger to myself and others on the road.
Wow. You’re voice is different from the one I hear in my head when I read your posts, but it’s great to see you in “real life”.
I like you even more (if that were possible).
To think I could have eliminated 2 or 3 syllables with this method! I’ve been using benzoyl peroxide (5), salicylic acid (6) and now hydrogen peroxide (6). With generally good results (if used regularly in the case of the first 2).
But iodine would be much more efficient, syllable-wise that is.
Oh, have you tried growing a beard, Bossy? It’s worked for me sometimes. No?
Why, just yesterday two cyst-y pimples conveniently appeared on my face so I doused them last night. This morning one is down signficantly and the other, while smaller, refuses to go gently. I’ll be hitting that one again.
Incidentally, although I’ve been eating cheese and yogurt and drinking milk all my life, I’ve noticed now in my 40s that most cow dairy (except kefir, possibly yogurt) makes me breakout like a teenager working the fry machine at McDonalds (with all due respect to teenagers at the fry machine). Eliminating most cow dairy has helped–I switched to goat and sheep’s cheese, and kefir still is okay.
And I zap an inflamed pimple with Aveeno diaper rash creme, which is essentially zinc. It takes down inflammation and gets the red out, signficantly minimizing or eliminating scarring. You’re welcome
A secret: I was always a little afraid Bossy would be intimidatingly cool in person, like, with the blase (there should be a SCHWA over that last ‘e’ there; please excuse) voice and mannerisms, because HOW COULD BOSSY BE SO COOL WITHOUT BEING DISDAINFUL OF THE UNCOOLNESS OF US MERE MORTALS??? But there it is! You’re as delightful and sweet and friendly as I’d hoped.
I was blessed with perfect skin. But to make up for it, my ass is the size of North Dakota.
Bossy has such a great feminine voice – and she is gorgeous ! I just don’t believe you get pimples, your skin looks too dewy to get hateful week long blemishes.
Bossy sounds just like i imagined her to sound: just like my awesomely cool Aunt Rosemarie, who, like Bossy, doesn’t seem to have a trace of the Philadelphia accent, which bursts out of my mouth every time i am home. Shtrawburrys or churry wooder ice, anyone?
Bossy! So fun to see a vlog and see you in real time rather than just always reading your thoughts. Way fun! I will have to try the iodine thing. I use Dermalogica (which is way expensive, too expensive) but totally has cleared my face from zits for the first time in my life.
By the way, I read your blog EVERY DAY, but this post cheered me up so much I have decided to comment (which I have never done before on this site!).
Finally watched (and loved) it — Bossy, you’re becoming more and more real to us. Watch out — we may all show up on your doorstep tomorrow morning for turkey dinner!
The attempt to SPEAK in third person was valiant and amusing. Good thing you have lots of experience in writing in the third person. Reeb doesn’t think she could pull that off beyond this single sentence.
I really thought you were leading up to telling us to put Windex on it, especially when you said your dad told you about it. I was surprised when you said iodine!
I love you Bossy!
Happy Thanksgiving, I love the video blog and now I wish I lived closer so I could beg/stalk you to be my friend and let me hang out with Martha…….
Can bossy please do a vlog on her daily beauty routine. Or call that skin routine? Coz her skin is awesome and Lively wants one of that kind. Please pretty please?
Amy, (me) enjoyed seeing a web blog of Bossy. So interesting to put a voice to the person
Good advice. Our latest remedy for the zit problem is putting antibacterial goop (the hand washing stuff you find everywhere these days) on the site as often as you remember. Really works too!
Grandma J was slightly disappointed that Bossy didn’t actually apply the iodine to her face. Will there we an actual demo coming soon?
BTW, Grandma J’s orthopedic surgeon thinks iodine cures all skin eruptions too….before they erupt.
Is this the same method as “Big Fat Greek Wedding” where the father is always spritzing Windex on pimples and cuts?
Bossy is even more youthful and beautiful in action than in still! I’ll try the iodine. My solution up to now has been calamine lotion.
I loved watching Bossy’s way of talking! So sparkling and pretty! All of a sudden Bossy sunshine daughter and Bossy look like twins!
You are so freakin cute!
Dang you for posting this AFTER I left for work so I won’t be able to watch until I get home tonight, and my comment will be an uncool #174 or something instead of in the single digits.
This is information that would have been helpful THREE DAYS AGO when Little Miss Sunshine State’s menopausal face erupted in THREE volcanoes!!
Bossy is my hero. Muskrat is afraid to vlog, because then everyone will know how he blushes when talking to a camera, and his online friends will call him the “p” word.
thats the hugest bottle of iodine I’ve ever seen….thought iodine was just in tini-tiny bottles with a skull and crossbones….
Opera is bowing out just in time for a Bossy takeover…I’m serious.
sorry Oprah. But heh, maybe Opera…..
BOSSY’s Mom! You and your daughter are both ready for prime time and taking over Opera!
If you put the iodine on before you go to bed do you wake up with a red pillow?
Can Bossy call her dad and ask him what to do about Osteoarthritis of the hip and do a module for that? Audubon Ron is not sleeping from the severe Inquisition level torture and the fear of getting a plastic hip. He is now officially dragging what use to be known as a leg. He has called an attorney to sue former ballet instructors but sadly, the statue of limitations has run.
Sort of makes me look forward to getting a pimple so I can try this. I love tried and true home remedies.
–>Bossy speaks!
I love the tip and it seems much more work-appropriate than a bag over the head with eyes cut out so I can see my computer monitor.
Your voice sounds EXACTLY as I have heard it in my head reading your posts! Thanks Bossy, for the home remedy, and thanks Bossy’s Dad for your medical knowledge. BTW: isn’t he a cardiologist? Can he do a vlog post to scare the shit out of my husband who already had a heart attack at 29 and has gained back every bit of the weight he lost??
You are the cutest.
I pictured you differently for some reason. Isn’t that weird?
cool – a bossy PSA on Pimples…
Nope, no iodine on the pillowcase if you let the stuff dry. And Bossy has white pillowcases!
It’s so nice to know what you sound like!
I use similar method to eradicate pimples, substituting hydrogen peroxide for the iodine. (I am allergic to shellfish, iodine is a no-no.) Same results!
Bossy sounds exactly like I was expecting her too.
Love the spoof of dooce!
Hi, longtime mostly-lurker here. That was hilarious. Also, I’m headed out to get some iodine, because I have one of those exact same pimples brewing at the moment. Thanks.
OMG BOSSY has a voice! *swoons*
Now Farty wants a pimple so he can try out this remedy.
Victoria liked “meeting” Bossy for reals like that, yay!
Victoria also had one of those pimples last week, but it’s too late for the iodine if you know what Victoria means.
Bossy should definitely do more vlogs (especially about skin control because, oy, I hears ‘ya).
For some reason I thought that once I turned 30 I’d stop getting pimples. I’m well past 30 and the pimple keep on coming. I’ll definitely try this method.
Hmmm… I’m going to have to try that. My *Secret* weapon against pimples is toothpaste before bedtime. It clears them right up, too. However, I like the idea of having a non-crusty option in the stable. Though I might miss the minty-fresh smell.
I thought iodine was a red staining thing, like mechurochrome (MY father’s cure-all). But you don’t look like you have red dots on your skin. I learned to use camphor. It stinks, it stings, but man, does it clear up skin in a hurry. Dries out everything around the zit too!
Bossy reminds Caleal of Meryl Streep. A younger, more charming, Not-In-Danger-Of-Being-Punched-In-The-Face-By-Caleal Meryl Streep, but still.
Wow Bossy is so HOT! and Sparkly, yes sparkly I agree with that totally!
Cool! Bossy should do more of those! I did have a little trouble with the voice being out of sync with the picture, so it threw me off a little at first…guess it’s time to do some housekeeping on my computer. Having 5,000+ photos in my iPhoto library kinda slows it down a bit.
So nice to hear your lovely voice! I had this horrible pimple once that I couldn’t leave alone. I popped it and put it Neosporin on it. Now I’m off to Google the Iodine and shellfish connection.
Bossy is cuter in real life! I remember people putting Iodine in baby oil and hittin the beach baby! Yowza.
I will bathe in iodine if Bossy says to do so.
Because Bossy is the hotness.
vuboq was totally thinking of “put a little windex on it” but was totally beaten to the punch b/c he has to get up at a godawful hour and go to work where he has no internet access and can’t post fun pithy comments on iambossy.com. Which, to summarize, means BOSSY should start posting at 4AM. thank you very much
Fun to see you in real life Bossy! As for my pimples, they’re imbedded within my wrinkles and folds. Oy!
Bossy is just like I thought. It’s nice to know that one’s writing (where one equals bossy) is just like one’s real self, (where ‘real self’ equals video)~~by the way, my BFF and I (ya, the one that lives 1500 miles away from me) call “THOSE” kind of pimples, those underlying ones waiting to erupt? Horns. They are horns. As in “I have this horn that really hurts!”
My 12 year old has about 6 little pimples on his nose today. WIll he let me apply the iodine? hahahaha. I’m so frustrated!
I second Amy’s technique: old-fashioned white Colgate toothpaste also works like a charm!…although it’s prone to become embedded in my midlife “character lines”… gah…
More vlogs please!
Horns – bwahahahaha. Perfect name…
Well Mr. Farty, I’ve got plenty of pimples to go around. Nothing says adulthood like breaking out constantly.
I am purchasing some iodine tomorrow and sleeping with a dark pillow.
Good gracious! Could you BE any cuter? I’m too distracted by your darling self to actually listen to your advice. Did you say cover your head with your pillowcase if you have a zit? Because that’s what I do. It doesn’t make the zit go away, but at least I’m a danger to myself and others on the road.
Bossy has GREAT Cheek bones!
Wow. You’re voice is different from the one I hear in my head when I read your posts, but it’s great to see you in “real life”.
I like you even more (if that were possible).
I’ve tried toothpaste…
Lovelyn said: “For some reason I thought that once I turned 30 I’d stop getting pimples. I’m well past 30 and the pimple keep on coming.”
hon-nee, I am 55 and STILL the pimples come a-callin’! so I will try bossy’s home remedy and give props to her daddy for the suggestion!
Agree with anne marie in philly, it’s not fair to have pimples and wrinkles at the same time.
To think I could have eliminated 2 or 3 syllables with this method! I’ve been using benzoyl peroxide (5), salicylic acid (6) and now hydrogen peroxide (6). With generally good results (if used regularly in the case of the first 2).
But iodine would be much more efficient, syllable-wise that is.
Oh, have you tried growing a beard, Bossy? It’s worked for me sometimes. No?
Why, just yesterday two cyst-y pimples conveniently appeared on my face so I doused them last night. This morning one is down signficantly and the other, while smaller, refuses to go gently. I’ll be hitting that one again.
Incidentally, although I’ve been eating cheese and yogurt and drinking milk all my life, I’ve noticed now in my 40s that most cow dairy (except kefir, possibly yogurt) makes me breakout like a teenager working the fry machine at McDonalds (with all due respect to teenagers at the fry machine). Eliminating most cow dairy has helped–I switched to goat and sheep’s cheese, and kefir still is okay.
And I zap an inflamed pimple with Aveeno diaper rash creme, which is essentially zinc. It takes down inflammation and gets the red out, signficantly minimizing or eliminating scarring. You’re welcome
Somewhat disconcerting to hear Bossy’s REAL LIFE voice, because Sewmouse keeps hearing Rhoda Morgenstern in her head when reading Bossy’s posts.
Oy. and indeed… Vey.
It’s too early in the morning to watch a video with the name “pimples” in it. Even if it does feature Bossy. I’ll do that later…
I am giving Bossy props for challenging herself to post a video! One can guess which format Bossy is more comfortable with!!! Nicely done Bosssy!
Now please – take a drink of water!!!!
A secret: I was always a little afraid Bossy would be intimidatingly cool in person, like, with the blase (there should be a SCHWA over that last ‘e’ there; please excuse) voice and mannerisms, because HOW COULD BOSSY BE SO COOL WITHOUT BEING DISDAINFUL OF THE UNCOOLNESS OF US MERE MORTALS??? But there it is! You’re as delightful and sweet and friendly as I’d hoped.
I was blessed with perfect skin. But to make up for it, my ass is the size of North Dakota.
Wow, this was the first time JoeinVegas had seen Bossy in a moving talking picture. JoeinVegas is still impressed. Thanks.
Bossy….I couldnt notice a pimple, but did notice great hair, and CLEAR, dewey skin…lookin’ good! (and Im not kidding!)
Bossy has such a great feminine voice – and she is gorgeous ! I just don’t believe you get pimples, your skin looks too dewy to get hateful week long blemishes.
Bossy sounds just like i imagined her to sound: just like my awesomely cool Aunt Rosemarie, who, like Bossy, doesn’t seem to have a trace of the Philadelphia accent, which bursts out of my mouth every time i am home. Shtrawburrys or churry wooder ice, anyone?
Bossy looks so cute in the video, I want to kiss her right through the stupid player which gets stuck often. But I loved bossy’s hair
Your voice is so different from what I expected in real life
Bossy! So fun to see a vlog and see you in real time rather than just always reading your thoughts. Way fun! I will have to try the iodine thing. I use Dermalogica (which is way expensive, too expensive) but totally has cleared my face from zits for the first time in my life.
By the way, I read your blog EVERY DAY, but this post cheered me up so much I have decided to comment (which I have never done before on this site!).
Finally watched (and loved) it — Bossy, you’re becoming more and more real to us. Watch out — we may all show up on your doorstep tomorrow morning for turkey dinner!
The attempt to SPEAK in third person was valiant and amusing. Good thing you have lots of experience in writing in the third person. Reeb doesn’t think she could pull that off beyond this single sentence.
It was so much fun to watch Bossy move and listen to Bossy talk. Love it!!!
Isn’t your left eyebrow a little fuller than your right?
thanks for the share haha
I really thought you were leading up to telling us to put Windex on it, especially when you said your dad told you about it. I was surprised when you said iodine!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Bossy! Remember, it’s “eat a turkey”….not “be a turkey”.
First, I like the video blog… second… I hope you have a wonderful Turkey Day… our best to you and your family!
I love you Bossy!
Happy Thanksgiving, I love the video blog and now I wish I lived closer so I could beg/stalk you to be my friend and let me hang out with Martha…….
Can bossy please do a vlog on her daily beauty routine. Or call that skin routine? Coz her skin is awesome and Lively wants one of that kind. Please pretty please?
So good to hear Bossy’s voice. Next time I get a pimple, I will try this! But first I’ll have to buy iodine. Is this going to sting?
Amy, (me) enjoyed seeing a web blog of Bossy. So interesting to put a voice to the person
Good advice. Our latest remedy for the zit problem is putting antibacterial goop (the hand washing stuff you find everywhere these days) on the site as often as you remember. Really works too!
Could you be any cuter Bossy? Not fair.
What if the pimple on your chin? Will the iodine show the next day?