Bossy and her brother recently had the chance to spend the day hanging out, which included splitting a crêpe in Reading Terminal Market. It was filled with stuff like banana and apple and chocolate and topped with powdered sugar, ice cream and sister mercy.
Ahhhhh… 2 of my favorite people doing one of my favorite things….
Life = GOOD
Bossy and her brother give me the warm fuzzies.
clever thumbnail crop
I’m sure it was delicious but it looks like a piece of moldy cheese.
Hanging out with my brother is one of my favorite things. We are twins, separated by 16 months and one sister.
I’m glad you told us what it was. If it had been Guess and Press, I would have failed.
Bossy’s brother looks like a delighted six year old. Don’t you love it when adult men look like children.
Ya, for about five minutes, but still. Cute photo.