This Thursday night marks the premiere episode of the latest Project Runway on the Lifetime network. As Bossy’s excitement builds, she wants to take a moment to honor one of the reasons Bossy adores this reality show, now in its seventh season.
And that reason is Tim Gunn Heidi Klum Nina Garcia New York City The L’Oréal Paris makeup room The TRESemme hair salon The Bluefly accessory wall Michael Kors.
Michael Kors, whose real name is Karl Anderson, Jr. has been successfully designing clothes since the age of nineteen. As a judge of Project Runway, he has pitch-perfect critiques of the contestants’ clothing designs, which sometimes are inspired and sometimes are ridiculous — and sometimes, according to Michael Kors’ expression, smell funny.
But Bossy’s all-time favorite thing about Michael Kors is Michael
Kors’ mom.
The similarity in looks between Michael Kors and his mother sparked Bossy to do some internet research to see how common this occurrence is. It turns out it is fairly common.
For instance, here is a photo of Sean Penn and his mother:
And a nice photo of Matthew McconaugheyCcaughry and his mother:
The End. (Because Bossy can’t distract herself another minute from the work she should be doing today, which involves an announcement at the end of the week.)
Unless you’d rather see what Bossy was up to on this date last year. Or rather, what Bossy’s son was up to, back when he used to love the family.
Or maybe you’d like to see why Bossy was talking about baby names two years ago today.
It’s actually on the Lifetime channel this time around. Set your DVR.
THis is a show I have never watched. I stink.
I am *so* excited about PR7!!! Now, if only I had cable, I wouldn’t have to wait until the show is posted on on Saturday. Anyone want to take up a collection?
Sean Penn’s mom is scary.
hmmmm…interesting…he’s a JUNIOR!!
Is he too cool for you now?
Ok I have to brag. I know (as in met one time) Amy Sarabi who is on this season. She is the girlfriend of one of my husband’s high school classmates. We live in this tiny I’m talking 400 people town and I met her when he brought her home one time. I remember thinking she was a bit overdressed (but super cute) for the area, but she never mentioned what she did. I was blown away when I saw her on the previews.
Oh you made me scream when I saw Sean Penn’s mother!!!! And laugh hysterically. I’m still laughing.
Have you seen these At the Beach tanning commercials? They are very strange. Maybe you could do an expose’ on them.
bossy son needs to get cooking beef filet with provencalmost butter to prove his love.
(reference the comment: when bossy son loved the family).
Wait, what?! It’s time for Project Runway again? I thought they went to Lifetime. I am all shades of confused. Thank goodness for the remote and DVR. (I have the entire last season on DVR and I haven’t watched it yet. *ahem*)
Meleah is totally super excited about the 7th season of Project Runway.
Bossy’s son loved the family a year ago because he was a mere freshman. Now he’s a College Man. What are you expecting? He’s got places to go, people to see, rarely involving Provencal cooking (which was impressive) or the fam. Silly Bossy.
I saw the very last 2 episodes of the previous one over Xmas holiday because I was staying someplace with cable. Wish I could have seen an episode where the only material available was used fish wrapping paper.
I totally did not see Sean Penn’s “mother” coming. Hilarious!
I. Can. Not. Wait. One. More. Day.
Root for my friend, Seth Aaron Henderson this season…I promise his designs are great, but he will be VERY entertaining!
Wait, wait, wait. Project Runway is back tomorrow? My DVR is going to burn up. Too many TV shows for me to humanly watch ever.
Cant wait either!!!! Naughty bossys son…learning like that and being all kinds of AWAY..I feel I am looking into my future…whaaaaaah..
Nice to see that Sean Penn’s mom has that little mustache problem under control. Poor Mrs. McCoughcoughcoughackwheezeWHATEVER needs an Epilady.
I think putting the “um” in “hump day” is preferable to putting the “hu” in “hump day.” Don’t you? A little more sophisticated? A smidge more intellectual?
OMGoodGah! There was so much going on yesterday I didn’t even think about it, PR. Oh yes.. I’ve never really watched it with as great enthusiasm as you and the others, but my daughter does. I’ll have to let her know where and when it is showing.
It is so hard when the kids start to understand they aren’t really our appendages anymore when they get to college. Mine were the same. However, they still cook for us from time to time and invite us to their homes for dinner, too. It is gut wrenching to let go, but eventually they will have grandchildren for you and you will be all…how could I be old enough to be a granny?? But it will all fall away when the baby holds your hand.
Sadly, I never get to watch PR, as it is on cable, and I don’t have cable, because I am cheap. Thus, the name.