–>I have a lot of friends who have accidently flushed their cell phones and pagers (dating myself) down the toilet. But it was usually around 2 a.m. when the bars were closing.
They would be people who work in my building. I had to put a similar sign up in our bathroom. Seriously. Poop, pee, and TP. That is all that should go in the toilet.
It’s me. I travel around the world, it’s my mission. Click on the paypal link on my blog if you would like to donate to help defray costs. thanks@@!!!!
I’ve seen this happen (from outside the stall, thankyouverymuch), mostly at airport bathrooms–no TP; grab a paper towel before going in; forget to put it in the container and flush instead = blocked toilets for the rest of us. I keep a baggie of TP in my backpack when traveling…
I agree with Bossy’s Mom.
I also want to know how people (in my office building) manage to leave the stall without flushing!!! How can one possibly “forget”? WHAT is that about???
Grossed out, p.j.
People who did not grow up with septic systems often flush lots of stuff – also some people new to the US. My parents had a housekeeper from Ghana who flushed EVERYTHING – she thought toilets were magic. After the plumber pulled out cloth hand towels, underwear, etc we had a long talk with her.
Not only do they leave the stalls without flushing, when I worked in the corporate world I was COMPLETELY DISGUSTED to find out how many people went back to their desks without washing their freaking hands. EW!
Worse is the sign in my office building telling occupants to “please ensure the stall is clean for the next occupant and if blood (!) gets outside the toilet to call maintenence have it properly cleaned”.
Oh Lord, don’t EVEn get me started….. I work in a hospital and EVERYTHING ends up in the bathroom, in the toilets, sinks and floor. And yes, not only do some of these people need a sign – I think they need pictures…. Just sayin.
The same people who cut to the front of the line because they are in a “rush,” don’t put the weights back on the proper rack at the gym (if at all) and leave their used towels on the locker room floor instead of the towel basket two feet away from them, don’t wait for folks to get off the subway car before barreling on, and leave their shopping cart unattended in the middle of the aisle.
Total agreement with pj (#7). David’s (#16) rant is something I totally could’ve said myself, because even just reading that gets me all riled up! I hate people.
My husband. We got a new puppy and I finally caught him flushing the “accident” and the paper towel he picked it up with. Explains the mysterious and sudden need for plunging that first week with the dog. (Both puppy and husband are now trained.)
With our proximity to the border we have to have very specific signs about what goes in the toilet. In parts of Central American you don’t flush anything, so the trash cans can get quite disgusting with that which should definitely be flushed.
And a follow on question … Do they do the same thing at their own home? Because seriously … does anyone want that kind of plumbing bill?
–>I have a lot of friends who have accidently flushed their cell phones and pagers (dating myself) down the toilet. But it was usually around 2 a.m. when the bars were closing.
They would be people who work in my building. I had to put a similar sign up in our bathroom. Seriously. Poop, pee, and TP. That is all that should go in the toilet.
selfish bastards. that’s who.
It’s me. I travel around the world, it’s my mission. Click on the paypal link on my blog if you would like to donate to help defray costs. thanks@@!!!!
I’ve seen this happen (from outside the stall, thankyouverymuch), mostly at airport bathrooms–no TP; grab a paper towel before going in; forget to put it in the container and flush instead = blocked toilets for the rest of us. I keep a baggie of TP in my backpack when traveling…
I agree with Bossy’s Mom.
I also want to know how people (in my office building) manage to leave the stall without flushing!!! How can one possibly “forget”? WHAT is that about???
Grossed out, p.j.
I heart bossys Mom. amen.
What is people with empty TP rolls for $20?
People who did not grow up with septic systems often flush lots of stuff – also some people new to the US. My parents had a housekeeper from Ghana who flushed EVERYTHING – she thought toilets were magic. After the plumber pulled out cloth hand towels, underwear, etc we had a long talk with her.
Not only do they leave the stalls without flushing, when I worked in the corporate world I was COMPLETELY DISGUSTED to find out how many people went back to their desks without washing their freaking hands. EW!
@Bossy’s Mom: go rinse your mouth with soapy water. I say!
also, those flushable wipeys for kids learning to go to the potty…. you know who prints flushable on those things? plumbers
Worse is the sign in my office building telling occupants to “please ensure the stall is clean for the next occupant and if blood (!) gets outside the toilet to call maintenence have it properly cleaned”.
Oh Lord, don’t EVEn get me started….. I work in a hospital and EVERYTHING ends up in the bathroom, in the toilets, sinks and floor. And yes, not only do some of these people need a sign – I think they need pictures…. Just sayin.
The same people who cut to the front of the line because they are in a “rush,” don’t put the weights back on the proper rack at the gym (if at all) and leave their used towels on the locker room floor instead of the towel basket two feet away from them, don’t wait for folks to get off the subway car before barreling on, and leave their shopping cart unattended in the middle of the aisle.
I LOVE Bossy’s Mom.
Total agreement with pj (#7). David’s (#16) rant is something I totally could’ve said myself, because even just reading that gets me all riled up! I hate people.
It’s people who have outhouses, where you can just chuck an entire pick-up truck down the hole without worry…
Maybe its people that watch plumbing manufacturing videos. They are always flushing ping-pong balls and what not to show how great they are
I once reached over to flush at the airport and watched my favorite sunglasses go a swirling away…..
Oh Bossy’s Mom, we must have the same selfish bastard circles.
Well, sheesh! Where else are we supposed to flush paper towels?
My husband. We got a new puppy and I finally caught him flushing the “accident” and the paper towel he picked it up with. Explains the mysterious and sudden need for plunging that first week with the dog. (Both puppy and husband are now trained.)
It’s me. I flush my used post-it notes, earrings and dried up sharpies down the toilet. Sorry everyone.
With our proximity to the border we have to have very specific signs about what goes in the toilet. In parts of Central American you don’t flush anything, so the trash cans can get quite disgusting with that which should definitely be flushed.