If you would like to participate, sister mercy please, email Bossy today: iambossy (at) gmail dot com or push the contact button at the top of this page on the header. Comments are great, but Bossy needs an email to get you on the itinerary.
If you would like to contribute gas money to Bossy’s cause, consider following this link to donate to Haiti relief instead.
Bossy will provide more information about her announcement as soon as she isn’t trying to make you watch the video!
Super duper extra exciting!
Come back to Orlando! I sent you a begging email, but here’s a good place to beg, too.
You know where I’m at, woman. Wonder Woman and I will take you to a hole-on-the-wall pizza joint in Boston that I guarantee will make you wonder why any other round crust with sauce and cheese on it deserves to share the name “pizza.”
Bossy, like the 70’s song, “Please Come to Boston”!
Come to LA. We’ll stalk Robert Downey Jr.
Awww… c’mon BOSSY!!! Like you are going to stick Australia on that itenerary (God that’s a hard word to spell!). I guess it wouldn’t be a road trip then – except if you had a Mega Chunnel from the US to Oz. *shudder*
SO let me know when the Air Trip is on schedule, and I shall allocate some Bossy and Axel time. K?

I was chair dancing to the music
If Bossy comes to PunditMom’s neck of the woods, we can have a John Cusack film festival!
HERE! HERE! HERE! I even have my fancy schmancy guest house for you to crash in, although my pool isn’t usually warm enough to go skinny dipping in the Spring.
I’m Northern California, near Sacramento.
And my first reaction was, dang, didn’t Bossy JUST get back from her LAST road trip, and oh my gah, where did the last 2 years go?
I’m in San Diego and I know I’ve got some friends that would love to see you again. Plus, as always, I am will to bake Bossy a cake!
Well, San Francisco, of course. And this time, stay in San Francisco. We can work something out.
OK – you gotta come to Houston this time! Either that or we need to have a meet up in New Orleans – seriously!!
Are you bringing the “Grey Fox” with you?
: )
If you happen to be driving through the Southern Colorado dessert, I would be happy to buy you a drink or five.
I live like 2 minutes from Ree Drummond – come see me! Ok, so it’s where Ree grew up, near the golf course, but still I *met* Ree. At her book signing in her hometown (where I live!). So that’s another reason to meet me!
No chance of your popping over to New Zealand, I suppose? It’s downhill, you know…
I would LOVE IT if you would come back to Florida. It doesn’t matter where. I would drive anywhere for a Bossy reunion. I have a big vehicle. I would even drive some other people.
We could go to the BEACH!!!!!
Based on just these comments, you now have at least three reasons to come to Boston – Daddy Scratches, Meg of the Members Lounge and ME, MidLifeMama. The email has been sent.
You know you are welcome at our place again and it will be a new place in a couple weeks… within walking distance of a fabulous wine bar and this dive of a place for some great (greasy) food… we would love to see you again!!!
If you plan to drive your Partidge Family bus through Atlanta, I’d be thrilled to meet up for cocktails! And if you need a place to stay for the night, we have a guest room in our townhouse. If it turns out we get on each other’s nerves, well we’ll all be separated by 2 floors (Oh, and we have an elevator that use you can use to carry your 27 bags of luggage up and down between floors.)
We are soooooo giving you a totally awesome Philly send off. WHO’S IN, PHILLY BLOGGRRRRLZ?
In, baby. Cheapest stop on the route. In fact, we could walk!
Bossy, you had me at … (no) book.
I am SO in because of the fact that I had to drop out last time due to, I think, my mom’s hysterectomy. I mean, what are the chances of that happening again?!
(in Boston)
P.S. As you may remember, I am very-near Madison, WI, which Advocate Magazine declared the US’s FIFTH GAYEST CITY this year.
I’ll post this to my Facebook and such to try and rally a few locals, gay or not.
Here’s a thought…. why don’t we just ALL go to Boston and have pizza with Daddy Scratches!?
Another Bostonian pleading that you won’t blow us off again, please! Boston. Boston. BOSTON.
I’m going to be one of the few people who don’t beg you to come to Massachusetts, because I did that last time and you completely knocked New England off your travel list. This year I’m not going to say anything and if you get the whole reverse psychology thing YOU’LL KNOW WHERE I’M GOING WITH THIS. Fer chrissake. xoxo
Austin, Austin, Austin!
Did I really just call the Silver Fox the Grey Fox???
REALLY? (sorry Bossy’s husband!!)
Just kidding about that anyway – but can Stella come?
BTW – Can you possibly time your Houston stop during Art Car Weekend? May8th!!!
You are welcome to crash at ours – the garage apt. awaits…
Please come to Phoenix. D and I would love to see you again!
Here is reason #6 (or #7?) who want you to come to Boston!
goldenbryant AT comcast.net
Detroit: 2am White Castle sliders and the latest night out on the last adventure. How could you pass up that opportunity again? =)
I guess you could always just drive through NJ on the way to Boston
Though I do think you’re only an hour and a half away from me!!!
Well, State College is just a hop, skip and a jump away, so you may as well stop here. If you want to babysit, I will let you! How generous am I! I am from OSAGE COUNTY, OK! We can reminisce about your trip to visit PW last year, though I don’t know her personally. We will share red wine when you’re not babysitting. It will be lovely. I’ve already started on the red wine. Obviously.
I e-mailed you, too, but you simply MUST come back to Kansas City. After all, we’re right smack in the middle of the country.
If you can make it to Southeast Michigan, I’ll see if the cutest cottage in the world is available for you.
See it here:
Chicago is the MOST wonderful city – when it’s not winter. We have a guest room with a bath and we love to cook and though we have thousands and thousands of books, we don’t have to talk about any of them. We’re near the lake. In the city. katepflynn@gmail.com
I think, by spring, I should be moved to the Amherst area of Massachusetts. Which is (ready?) within easy driving distance of BOSTON! lol! Or, you can stop in Amherst on the way!
Right now I’m in Los Angeles and I will drive to Massachusetts and do dishes along the way or something if I’m not moved by spring. Seriously.
Girl, your video is busted. It invites me to come back later. What’s up with that? I’m missing all the fun.
Okay, nevermind. Mr. Video finally showed himself and now I know everything (?) about the no book tour. So come to Phoenix while you are out and about but try to come when it is 122 degrees outside, probably around June. I have some books in a box that we can read or not or maybe just unpack them.
Certainly Bossy cannot resist stopping in Dallas again!
Fajitas and margaritas, baby!! And the dreamiest guest suite in all the land!
Take the Ben into NJ Bossy…Please! If not I’ll meet you at Regina’s in the North End in Boston (IF you want the best pizza)
Dear Bossy,
Due to the curse known as dial-up internet, I cannot view your most excellent video, however based on the comments I will carefully and guardedly assume that you’re doing another road trip.
Dear Bossy, Regardless:
JULY 15-18 is when Grandma J.; Foolery; and several others will be converging on a little speck on the map known as Blog Fest. We would be beside ourselves if you stopped by. When I say “we would be beside ourselves” of course you know that means I would be so beside myself that I’d be in a parallel universe.
I hope you can make it back down to the DC/Metro area! It’s not like it’s far and you already have a guest room named after you
Yee Ha! Another road trip? Count me in. And bring Stella. The knuckleheads would love to meet her…
Okay, I know you said “continental U.S.,” blahblahblah, but sister mercy, you really SHOULD come to Hawai`i for the triumphant climax of your fabulous no-book tour! Come for Bluegrass Hawai`i’s awesome Pickin’ Weekend in April. See http://www.bluegrasshawaii.com, and look for the video. Camping is FREE, and it’s the most beautiful place ever… and we’d be happy to lend you a tent and stuff when you get here, and to put you up in serious style for the rest of your stay, in our funky little tin roof shack in Wahiawa. Srsly. Roundtrips are $406 from LAX to HNL. Y’all come!
So how is it possible that the Pacific Northwest is so woefully unrepresented here? Did you come to Seattle last time? I’m going to check on that and maybe email you. Seattle! Seattle!
Atlanta, Atlanta, Atlanta. Wanna come stay on our houseboat with a beautiful view of Lake Lanier??? Martinis is Atlanta or Alpharetta with all of your friends here and then a relaxing cup of coffee in the morning gazing at the water!!
Please come to Cap Cod!
Would you like to come to New Mexico? The question most asked here is Red or Green? chile that is! Will send the email.
There is a place it would be great to meet!!!!
I’m with cynthiagirl — Seattle, Seattle, Seattle! Salmon and Starbucks and SEVERAL sinfully scintillating wineries!
I’m in! Here’s what I can offer you from Salt Lake City.
1) SLC is on the way to everywhere; plus Dooce lives here
2) We’ve had the WORST air quality in the NATION so far this winter; but I’m sure it will be pristine this spring.
3) Great garlic burgers
4) We DO have alcohol here in Utah; brought in by the cases from Nevada
5) A great guest party basement.
6) Dooce lives here
Hahahahaha it said POOP behind the part where you say that you didn’t actually write a book. Hahahaha poop.
Oh yea, come to Richmond.
Clearly Grand Rapids, Michigan is maybe not the epicenter of culture, and we can’t claim the “gayest” city, and there will still be 2 feet of snow in the spring. Despite all those things, we show Stella the best time evah! and you too Bossy.
Come to Richmond VA! I missed you last time!
That “Z. Mulls” post from earlier is an imposter — someone who lives in my house got on my laptop when I wasn’t looking.
The whole ‘road trip’ thing just doesn’t work for the local folks. I keep waiting for Bossy’s Excellent Sleepover.
San Francisco! San Francisco!
I don’t know Bossy. All your Boston fans are making ME want to go home for good hole in the wall pizza and good times!
Of course if you come to where I live now, I could hook you up with, umm, let’s see, hmmm, awwe hell, I will take you to the COOLEST grocery store on the planet (and no, even after 13 years I still can’t believe it is in Fairfield, Ohio)
What a fun idea! You’re right about the publishing industry — there are already lots of good old books to read in places where you can’t take your laptop. So who needs new ones when we have good blogs to read!
We live a full-time roadtrip life so I’m not even sure yet where we’ll be this Spring. Hope it’s somewhere where you’re going anyway and I can come buy you a glass of wine at least.
Bossy please come back to So. Cal. We have so much to offer, dude.
And please let non-bloggers, though Diehard fans, be a part of this party!! DUDE!!
Bossy, there’s not much in Iowa. I don’t even want to be here. But you’re welcome to come to my house…or like come anywhere near my house…or anywhere near my state…or like anywhere in the Midwest. We’d all like to see you; maybe like a Midwest party.
Okay, well, I think Maine is TOO far, for bossy, but I would drive to Boston even if it SCARES me to death. Totally. But back to Maine you COULD come up here because it’s beautiful on on your way somewhere else…not sure where…or Chicago is good because I can fly to chicago/madison WI and visit my family at the same time. I’m good either way…phew…
Southern California!!!
Again? Neeeet – will Saturn be helping you out this year? (yea, right)
Chico, CA , home of Sierra Nevada Brewery, Cal State University Chico and “ammonds” or almonds as they’re known to the rest of the world. If you can’t make it here, I can meet up with you in San Francisco w/FrancaBollo. I know her very well!
gol darn it bossy, please come to boring Jacksonville, Florida but not really Jacksonville, it’s the Jacksonville Beaches, MY beachlife – atlanticbeachlife and even if it’s just ME, won’t we have fun while you’re on your way to Orlando or some such? Seriously, Bossy. Beach. Bars. Book tour. Yes!
Did you know Austin is the live music capital of the world? Now you do. Come here!
Chicago! Chicago! Come to Chicago! We are the city of big shoulders and deep dish pizza. What more do you need?
Gutrhie, OK – we’re just north of OKC!
Hopefully you’ll head to Texas. I would do it right about……in six weeks. You’ll find great weather, great barbecue, and if you come to Houston, a Rodeo experience like no other.
Wait, Bossy said to email her. That Bossy. Always making it difficult!
Utah? Utah? Where Salt Lake City made the top of the list of the worst air quality in the nation for how many days now?
Okay, so I’m 20 miles north of the worst air quality, I’m sure I’m breathing in the good air.
If you want to start out slow you can go up 422 and come to the wilds of Boyertown in Berks County – we could go to Zerns (though technically in Montgomery County), and go to Grandview Speedway. Never been but you can hear it from my house
My dog Cooper wants you to see the Pacific Ocean from our roof. We could be your turnaround point!
Come back to Seattle! I know the cutest Pub with the best food ever! And if you don’t mind Chihuahuas and their hair, I have a couch with your name on it!
Hi Bossy! Think you can make it to Japan? I will contribute gas money!!!
Birmingham? In the spring? Nothing better. I’ll supply the Claritin.
You may be the only writer alive who can draw a crowd not-reading from your no-book. Non-fiction, I presume? I will expect an unsigned copy in exchange for hosting.
Come to Malibu!
I’m with #’s 46, 51, & 74 SEATTLE!!!
But, I highly recommend the drive on 101 (Pacific Coast Hiway) going through Ventura, Santa Barbara, etc. It is the most beautiful drive right along the water, waves crashing right there…..right there! Santa Barbara takes my breath away, you must stop there. It’s a nice little drive up through Monterey & Carmel, and on into San Fransisco.
But, speaking as a native Californian who scored 100% on her “How Californian are you?” quiz on Facebook, Seattle is a must! It has everything.
If you wouldn’t mind two boys, a shedding black lab and a telecommuting working mom there’s a bed in a room with lots of Yankees posters. We’re on the way to Boston.
I guess you can either start or end your tour in the Philly area. I would love to hang out.
It’s back to San Diego/OC for you, missy!
Come to Wisconsin! I saw at least one other person begging you to come to our fine state. Plenty of room at our house if you can put up with the 3 cats, one dog, one moody teenager and delightful 2 year old who is going on 20. Oh yeah, my husband and I live there too.
I better post something on my blog so you know I really do exist in blogland still. 
Since you’re heading up I-5 anyway you’ll be going through ORLAND whether you like it or not — “please come to Orland in the springtime . . .” — so you and me and Birdbrain (hi Birdbrain!) can go hang out in the park in Chico and drink Sierra Nevada beer or cheap California red and pretend we’re writers on a NoBook Tour. Or, I can.
Aw, crap, now I gotta paint the house.
Laguna Beach would love to see you again… maybe we could have some glorious weather for you this time!
Your room is waiting…
I would love to go…but I have 2 babies so I am basically on house arrest. Maybe I can join the tour in 5 years??? By then you’ll have a book and the no book tour will be canceled!
OK. If I could figure out how to lure anyone to Detroit I’d be rich, because I’d have solved all the problems that plague this area. However, I am No. 4 on your list, alongside Nancy, Tuli and Gertrude, who also hail from the Mitten State. Is that a majority yet?