Over the weekend, Camp Bossy experienced a kitchen fire. Bossy has very little to say about this hot mess, except for oh my gah the fire extinguisher chemical found its way precisely everywhere, including closed cabinets and drawers. Also, do you hear that? That’s the sound of Bossy’s son, 118 miles away, asking, “Can we laugh about this yet?”
(And no, Bossy’s son was not responsible for the kitchen fire. Except maybe his cuteness, standing there, distracted Bossy from the caramelized onions she was saturating in rum and lighting with a blow torch.)
(Maybe the blow torch part didn’t happen. Bossy can’t remember due to a thing she calls Oy The Depression brought on by the plastic-smell of extinguisher remains permeating sofa cushions and drywall and nose hairs.)
So sorry to hear about your tragedy, Bossy. I, too, had a little kitchen fire while frying up long hots two years ago….I ran out the back door with my kids frantically calling 911…my brave Hubs took the flaming pan OUTSIDE (risking 3rd degree grease burns all the while) and when the fire dept. came I pretended not to live there and stood with the mass of neighbors on my lawn posing as an on-looker….
OH–and drinking wine….that made me look like a neighbor and NOT a dweller in said house, for sure.
–>AGH. I’m glad you had a fire extinguisher nearby but the MESS, THE MESS……..
So, CAN we laugh now?
Ack… that’s a horrible thing to experience. Glad you are all safe.
That sucks, but glad to hear everyone is ok.
I always take the pan off the stove when adding the liquor.
Ouch. Bummer, Bossy.
OMG, that looks way worse than the burnt to a crisp ribs that caught on fire in the grill last night. Because, well, that was outside. Oh my. What a mess. Sorry about that.
Must be time to plan a road trip or something. Oy.
What a nightmare. I’m glad you caught it in time. Hope the cleanup is easier than it looks.
Oh so sorry !!!
Yuck Ugh Sh*t !!
I am reminded that I have no fire extinguisher nearby my kitchen… Bossy is so prepared! In her honor I will get prepared.
but how was the wine?
bahahaaha. not to laugh at the catastophe, but bahahahahaha. that first picture killed me
My kitchen fire was several years ago. Country ribs cooking on an indoor grill + dripping grease. At least the flame was small enough to put out with baking soda.
I like how you signed the stove like artwork. Seriously, glad the camp did not sustain more damage.
My first thought when I saw the dusty white layer on your stove:
I want to clean that.
A good mess is so satisfying to clean.
Sorry about the kitchen fire. It’s a good thing no one got hurt. I really should get a fire extinguisher. The afghan I’ve taken to wrapping around myself while cooking could burst into flames any day now.
Is that the first time I’ve seen a swear word on your blog?
Holy catturds! Hey, that first batch of toast is gonna tasty mighty fi—- , well, like catturds!
It looks like a mess but at least there is a lingering malodorous scent.
Yeesh. Sorry about that, Bossy.
I’m glad you’re safe. The smell will go away, honest. And the commentary on the stove is funny. (And, I suspect, heartfelt.)
@theknowitall: I think it was the wine that did it for sure. LOL!
Ouch. Ugh. I am so sorry this happened, but very glad no one got hurt. So the boy gets to go back to school without helping to clean up the mess? Harrumph.
Good luck to all of you,
Oh crap! That sucks!
Oh my hell! Fire is one of the things in life that scare me most. SO glad noone was hurt.
Last week I decided to make vanilla extract using everclear (190 proof =95% alcohol) and vanilla beans. I decided that a month was too long to wait so I’d just bring it up to an almost boil and see if that would give me instant vanilla extract. What it gave me was instant fire – I threw the pot in the sink and the entire bottom of the sink was in flames. No permanent damage to anything except my heart and what would have been vanilla extract.
Yikes! I think there’s a lesson to be learned here…Maybe one should stick to DRINKING the alcohol, and extinguish all pilot lights in the vicinity.
THIS, is not funny.
Hey Bossy ! What’s cookin’?
BTW I liked the “shit” on the stove.
Oy. I hope you didn’t use all the rum.
Time for a road trip! Glad it was just “stuff” that got hurt.
SHIT spelled out on extinguisher scum…too funny
Oh, the memories this brings back . . . of a kitchen fire that required the removal of a burning stove and the services of a restoration company.
Well, glad no one was hurt. Of course a stove fire is even more of an excuse to meet up with people in Philly for a bite to eat, right?
All these years and I’ve been spelling S,HIT incorrectly. I’ve always placed the comma after the H.
Bossy’s husband is a VERY smart guy!
Will Bossy be demonstrating this cooking technique on tour?
Oh man! Sorry and glad it wasn’t worse.
What happened? Are you all ok?
Daaaaaamn. That’s a mess.
Oopsy. The good news is that everyone is fine, right?
I can smell it all the way over here.
Like, I RILLY don’t know what you were trying to COOK, but that does NOT look tasty, my friend.
I’ve been promising myself for YEARS to buy a fire extinguisher. The idea that I get from your experience? Buy one TOMORROW!
Cripes, Bossy. I’m glad that everyone is okay, save for the contents of your extinguisher and their whereabouts. I kind of want to cough from just thinking about it.
I have nothing to say except I am sorry about your tragedy and NO TOASTER OVENS, EVER!
Yikes. DANGER.
Oh Bossy what a mess!! what a scary incident – I had something similar with a washing machine – not nice!
Trying to get the extinguisher chemicals out is a pain – normally requiring a special cleaning service (was it a powder extinguisher?) – fingers crossed your insurance company will pay out.