People do you know about this?
The other night Bossy was sitting around with her friend who shall remain nameless but here he is, when suddenly he was telling Bossy that his close friend constructed the prosthetic finger for Daryl Hannah.
The what who where why how?
Oh yes, said Bossy’s friend who shall remain nameless but it rhymes with Beff, Daryl Hannah is missing one of her fingers from the knuckle down, and always has been. No way says Bossy, who immediately turned to the local library to do some research, where local library equals the little Google man who lives in her laptop.
Beff was all, Then he paints it from the inside out and he does it in layers because you know how skin has layers? but Bossy couldn’t hear Beff over the din of her own typing:
Thus began Bossy’s exhaustive search for a photo of Daryl Hannah’s finger on the internet:
And finally Bossy found a photo of the finger! Or should Bossy say, lack of one!
For the record, Daryl, you’re plenty cute without ten whole fingers. And Bossy wants your shoes.
Is missing part of her left hand index finger. She sometimes uses a prosthetic finger in movies.
I lost part of my ring finger on my left hand when I was 6. Most people do not even notice, little kids do. Even Bossy didn’t notice when I met her.
Prosthetic finger? Wonder if my insurance will cover that.
Vince Vaughn too has some sort of nubby finger.. I can’t remember which. Hey, I was in a bar at the time and it was llike, 10 years ago.
She looks like she has 6 toes. I think I remember her finger from Kill Bill.
oh my god….I think she does have 6 toes….
here we all are…counting fingers and toes…..
BossysMom liked this!
OH MY GAH she DOES have six toes. Go back and count again, y’alls!
I wonder how she lost it? Other celebs missing digits (or parts of their digits): Jerry Garcia, Buster Keaton, Telly Savalas, Danny Thomas, Scotty from Star Trek, Matthew Perry and Mike Lookinland (post Brady Bunch).
Maybe she is growing an extra toe to replace her missing finger tip…..medical technology now a days.
OMG I *knew* she was a freak. I KNEW it!
Saw a production of The King and I, the actor playing the King (barefoot through the entire show) had six toes on both feet….. it was hard not to stop counting his toes!
Wow. You learn something new every day. Prosthetic finger…six toes! Wonder what tomorrow will bring?!
6 toes or one bitchin bunion?
I hate feet – especially when they have six toes. That just makes me want to gag one digit MORE than normal feet.
My little Google man says Bossy is right…left index finger.
Ah! I can’t believe that I didn’t know this about Daryl Hannah. Seriously. Tabloid FAIL.
Bossy, thank you for making me laugh today. “Laughing and crying, you know it’s the same release” — name that folk singer!
Now that you’ve settled the finger issue, find out who made the pantsuit she wore in her last scene in “Kill Bill, Vol. 2.” Also, the blouse. Because that pantsuit haunts my dreams.
“While she rarely talks about the hand, in 2001 she told The Sunday Times of South Africa, “I got my finger stuck in the pulley of a well at my grandmother’s house when I was three.”
Joni Mitchell.
–>Is that Daryl’s left or my left?
Sixth toe may be preparation for Splash sequal.
OMG. Hilarious post followed up by a discovery of six toes… or one helluva bunion.
Awesome post Bossy!
Great, Bossy temporarily caused Meleah to obsess about Daryl Hannah’s missing finger. And then Meleah HAD TO know WHY. This was all Meleah could find:
“Actress DARYL HANNAH starred in Splash and Blade Runner while missing part of her left index finger. In a 2001 story in The Sunday Times of South Africa, Hannah explained: “I got my finger stuck in the pulley of a well at my grandmother’s house when I was three.”
Well, thank goodness it wasn’t her middle finger that was missing. That would just be nature’s cruel joke.
AUGH the counting! I once had a job copying flyers on an old um Mimeograph (?) machine, and had to count to 30 sheets then shove a spacer sheet in. Counting to 30 OVER AND OVER again. I found myself counting my footsteps, breaths, cars, birds, clouds, ad nauseum, in 30’s.
Michelle M., just curious: how do you KNOW about all those celebs with missing digits???
Am wondering if there’s some sort of celebrity missing digit fetish website or something.
Meh. I knew about the finger. The real story here is the awesome Geoff (who has already made his appearance as one of Bossy’s Favorite Things). He’s one of my faves too. In fact, he introduced me to the awesome a few years ago (though sadly, not to Bossy herself). Bossy’s blog needs more Geoff!
She is also mildly autistic.
I read it on the internet so it must be true.
P.S. OOPS – that should actually say borderline autistic.
Bossy is a mere two degrees of separation from Daryl Hannah.
Ergo, Bossy is only three degrees of separation from Jackson Browne, her former flame.
In conclusion, Bossy is four degrees of separation from me, Jackson’s wife.
Caroline – I remember hearing about Daryl Hannah’s finger (or lack of) and also heard about Matthew Perry. Bossy’s post made me curious as to other famous people who are digitally impaired. So I Googled it.
I am in LOVE with the fact that “daryl hannah finger” ranks one Google spot higher than “daryl hannah jackson browne”!
Daryl: “Look here Jackson, if that is really your name . . . I have more popularity in my little missing chunk of index finger than you have in your whole whiny ballady ass.”
Jackson: “Oh yeah?”
Daryl: “Yeah, now get lost before I kick your ass with my polydactyl foot”
She has more than one prosthetic finger. She has a wooden one that a relative made, I think it was her uncle. It has a greenish tinge. (Its very hard to get skin tone right using paint without a lot of practice).
She touched my head and I thought she had a pencil in her hand.
I suggested she just let people see the finger and they would get over it. She tends to hide it.
She showed me her foot and I did not notice the toe, I just saw beauty. I told her every part of her was beautiful.
The more I find out about her the more amazed I am.
Random but related: my grandpa had a nub, I think on his left hand. He told me that it got bitten off by a tiger –and for YEARS I believed this & told all my friends. Turns out he was a die machinist — work accident.
Oh, and #18, RuthWells — Joni Mitchell.
is that her new bodyguard – Charlie Sheen?
six toes and she can still find cute shoes that fit!
Watch out for “Da Google” it can find out anything about you:
Um. WOW.
Yeah, it’s noted on IMDB trivia….Apparently she also drives a car that runs on recycled fast food grease. For reals.
I found this online…Bossy…you were right!
Actress DARYL HANNAH starred in Splash and Blade Runner while missing part of her left index finger. In a 2001 story in The Sunday Times of South Africa, Hannah explained: “I got my finger stuck in the pulley of a well at my grandmother’s house when I was three.” Good luck spotting the missing digit onscreen: it’s almost always hidden behind gloves, coats, guns, etc.
I lost my ring finger when I was 6 but everyone noticed as my mother made me wear aring on the stump when it had healed and used to paint my 9 fingers.By the time I was wa teenager I was uced to it and thought it quitw fun to surprisw my boyfriends with my midding finger.