Welcome to Bossy’s Ear Worm, which features songs currently in Bossy’s headphones. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.
Incubus, Wish You Were Here.
Unless you’ve stood behind Bossy during a live performance, in which case Bossy hopes you are very tall, you may not know that, sister mercy, sometimes Bossy just needs to get her rock and roll on.
That’s the sound of Bossy’s family nodding their heads. Hi mom and dad!
This song is from Incubus’ 2001 record, Morning View. And to all of you who are, Incubus meh, what with their Whatever tomorrow brings I’ll be there with open arms and open eyes song, Bossy has this to say: Bossy has the unique ability to judge bands one song at a time and not foster the spillover of hate that comes from lesser tunes — although Bossy respects how this can be a deal breaker for some.
Bossy likes this one. So there. Of course she never owned it until the other day. First of all she likes the ring-a-ling guitar throughout the verses. And nice use of the acoustic guitar in the chorus, too, fellahs. And slamming drums, like a kid playing in a puddle, just as rock drums should be. Is the singing a little overwrought which is slightly embarrassing? OK, yes on that one.
But Bossy appreciates how the lyrics are about a single point in time.
The world’s a roller coaster
And I am not strapped in
Maybe I should hold with care
But my hands are busy in the air saying: I wish you were here
My husband was always slightly surprised that I liked Incubus. Now I think I need to go listen to an album or 2.
I didn’t even know you could be despised for liking Incubus. I’ve seen them live before, in 2007 they shared a dutch stage with Pearl Jam and Kings Of Leon for a wee little festival and that was just hell yeah great.
You forgot to mention Mr. Boyd is one of the handsomer guys on earth – or do you disagree?
I just love “Are You In”, along with the one you mentioned and some others …
Incubus confuses me because its name makes it sound like the band is some kind of super heavy, growly metal, but that’s not at all what’s going on.
Incubus is one of those bands that I am on the fence on. The processed vocals are an instant turn-off for my ears, but i do like the musicianship and some of the lyrics are a little compelling.
I’m a casual Incubus fan, but I love this song!
Love Brandon Boyd, love Incubus, love this song (in that order). But this song makes me sort of sad sometimes, too, especially on days like today, when I would like to be listening to it on a beach somewhere, with the warm water lapping at my toes and cute waiters bringing me umbrella drinks with skewers of fruit and live parrots and stuff.
brandon boyd ~ RAWR
I dig all of their music pretty much. “Make Yourself” is my favo album by them. It features “Stellar” which is one of the sexiest, most bootiful lurrrve songs I’ve ever heard!