Did you sweep all of that road? I found that video riveting. I watched every second with anticipation. You are a star. I give you a ten! And that skirt too.
Go Bossy go! Bossy definitely rocked the frozen street. And made this gal quite jealous that she never gets to skate anymore. Neither on a hockey rink, frozen pond, or icy street. *boo-hoo*
Figure skating where figure equals bossy’s cute one! GAH. Jealous. First your hair, then your kitchen cupboards and now your figure. Will my bossy jealousy ever end???
I want you to know my 11..wait. Almost 12 year old daughter and I laughed until tears ran down our eyes. I think it was the combo of the music and the yawn. See, bossy is always bringing my peeps and I together.
Ahhh…kicking off the Olympics..this really sets the mood. Nothing like excellence in what you do.
(I wonder if Steven Colbert knows your reputation. He is promoting the winter olympics, focusing on skaters.)
I had to laugh just thinking about what the people driving by must have thought seeing you skating back and forth. Or maybe that’s normal behavior in the north??
Oh, Bossy, I laughed so hard at the close ups of the skates moving directly in front of the camera…ever so slowly and deliberately. The shots of the cars going by you was also quite funny, although I was a little worried about you while watching that part. Good job and I agree with others that you put the word ‘figure’ in figure skating.
This was funny! Hats off to you for getting out there! I’m in CT and it’s cold here too–can barely go from my house through the breezeway to the garage! Wouldn’t even attempt to go out in a skirt–ice skating or not! Thanks for the smiles!!
That was wonderful….I seriously laughed out loud. I also love the going backwards
I have an above ground pool that is frozen, I wonder if skating would work there too!
Wow, such impressive artestry! Nice calves too.
So Bossy’s daughter didn’t get any shots of Bossy’s butt hitting the ice? (or did those get cut from the final production product?)
Thanks. Another reason I moved to Vegas. (all our ice skaters are nude)
Per your directions, I changed my setting every which way I could and still never saw anything of “High Quality”!!
Kudos to you for getting out there on skates and also to the best Camera Girl in the world. You never cease to make me laugh and want to be like Bossy!!
#1 LACE up your ^%$#& skates
#2 sharpen your Mother – skates
#3 find a skating rink more than 12 inches wide… we have lots of here
I am so still laughing! Love you Bossy friend! and your tutu!
This has got to be the best production quality I’ve seen in forever. You perfectly captured the dangers and the skill involved in skating in front of your house, lol.
I am out of breath from the suspense of this. The commentary by that really IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE jackass DIck Button was incredible. I loved how Bossy threw in an extra Triple Lutz a the very end right before she did the death spiral thing.
So what’s up with these hats all of the sudden? I was in the London at New Year and all I saw was everyone wearing your knitted hat with the long sideburns. Did I somehow miss an issue of Winter Wear Daily?
Fabulous! Thanks for the performance–LOVED the music selection….but can’t help wondering if Bossy’s ankles were cold? They were exposed to the elements!
How have you kept that a secret from us all this time!?!!?! Bosssssyyyyyy!!!! You were INCREDIBLE out there! Unbelievable…what other talents do you have hidden up those sleeves of yours!?! Beautiful!
It is dangerous out there in the frozen wilds. My son broke a tooth gutter skating. Be careful. And, why are those skates so white? Does Bossy’s mother never fall? Or does she not ever wear those skates? My skates are all scuffed.
Bossy, now that you’ve revealed your true talent, you will have to bring your skates with you on your (no) book tour. If you come to N. California, we will take you skating in a rink. (Unfortunately, we don’t have the luxury of being able to skate down our street.)
You have outdone yourself – what a wonderful post! Your daughter deserves a huge amount of praise for filming you so well – really, she did an incredible and artistic job. And your skating – well there just aren’t words that can describe it. Seriously, this was so much fun to watch, and I hope that you tell your daughter that she did an excellent and very artistic job of capturing your fabulous skating. I think you did very well considering how often you probably skate and how uneven that surface must have been. Did you every fall down? Thanks for a wonferful post!
Grab your skates & come to Detroit. I have a lake & remarkably similar skates. They were my mom’s too. From Sears in the 60’s. Bring your own Zamboni. We could watch “Ice Princess” too. It has been below freezing for long enough to skate!
O Bossy. Most people are far more amusing and alluring in text than in person. Not you. Seeing you in living color and motion accelerated my fandom beyond what I can cope with.
63/Doug Richardson — I’m not sure it’s possible to get Bossy out of the gutter.
That gutter-skating takes lots of core strength.
Is this how Bossy stays slim, after packing on all those wine and other drinks calories? Which reminds me, we’re about due for another homage to alcohol, never mind what the nay-sayers say. (which is nay.)
I watched this without sound – suspect I needed some captions to help me through! And then when it got to the part including actual TRAFFIC then I freaked. I was all: LOOK OUT Bossy you are going to get hit by oncoming traffic! Look OUT you are on the WRONG side of the road… Then I realised you are in AMERICA where EVERYONE drives on the wrong side of the road.
Now I need a cup of tea and a lie down. THIS IS like the Olympics!!!
Bossy on ice is most amusing.
Julie on ice would involve a lot more ass on ice. That is why Julie lives in California, where we believe ice only belongs in cocktails.
Bossy needs to lace her skates tighter! My sidewalk was like that two days ago, but that icy melt stuff works really well.
I’m incredibly not jealous of the ice on your road.
I am, however, incredibly jealous of Bossy’s un-shabby chic house.
You glide with the grace of a thousand angels. Every movement tells a story.
–>I’m glad you didn’t have Tonya Harding attack you before the Olympics.
Dang Bossy, you gave Johnny Weir a run for his money.
The roll of Bossys skates was superbly played by Bossys moms skates!
Simply marvelous.
Love Bossy’s command of the ice.
Love the fashion show too!
A Gold medal award winning performance! Woo hoo! loved it!
I’m betting that the driver of at least one of those cars that passed by said to herself, “she must be a blogger.”
Bossy is so graceful and beautiful on her mom’s skates. Are those Christmas lights still on the house?
I love Bossy videos!
gutter skating – who’dve thunk. score = 10.0
I couldn’t concentrate on your skating. All I could think was, “That exposed bit of ankle looks SOOOO cold!”
Did you sweep all of that road? I found that video riveting. I watched every second with anticipation. You are a star. I give you a ten! And that skirt too.
No doubt Bossy has a figure.
Did you neighbors call the men with the nets?
Great camera work!
I kept waiting for the tripple Lutz that never happened
I was most impressed by the moon-walk maneuver toward the end, way to increase the difficulty score!
Then Bossy sat in the Kiss And Cry with a teddy bear and blew kisses to her family.
Bossy On Ice was definitely the best On Ice production I have ever seen. And I even saw High School Musical on Ice. I enjoyed Bossy a lot more.
That was hysterical….. I had to watch it twice! Loved your choice of music.
I think Bossy could have been a “Star” back in the golden days of silent movies.
I think Bossy puts the “trip” in triple axle.
Both entertaining and meditative.
Go Bossy go! Bossy definitely rocked the frozen street. And made this gal quite jealous that she never gets to skate anymore. Neither on a hockey rink, frozen pond, or icy street. *boo-hoo*
Figure skating where figure equals bossy’s cute one! GAH. Jealous. First your hair, then your kitchen cupboards and now your figure. Will my bossy jealousy ever end???
I want you to know my 11..wait. Almost 12 year old daughter and I laughed until tears ran down our eyes. I think it was the combo of the music and the yawn. See, bossy is always bringing my peeps and I together.
I have to wonder what the neighbors and the people in the passing cars were thinking….LOL
loved the “whoa arms” when going backwards…..just priceless! I’m surprised Bossy’s daughter wasn’t jiggling the camera with the giggles.
Standing Ovation! I give you a 10!
Girl, you gonna fall down and break your walk.
I’m impressed that Bossy (‘s mom) actually has skates. Of course you do live in the northlands.
So this is what clinical insanity looks like …
My husband and I agree — two 10’s. Definitely.
It’s amazing how far special education has come.
Ahhh…kicking off the Olympics..this really sets the mood. Nothing like excellence in what you do.
(I wonder if Steven Colbert knows your reputation. He is promoting the winter olympics, focusing on skaters.)
I had to laugh just thinking about what the people driving by must have thought seeing you skating back and forth. Or maybe that’s normal behavior in the north??
Oh, Bossy, I laughed so hard at the close ups of the skates moving directly in front of the camera…ever so slowly and deliberately. The shots of the cars going by you was also quite funny, although I was a little worried about you while watching that part. Good job and I agree with others that you put the word ‘figure’ in figure skating.
and on a serious note, I was glad to see, when restudying the video, that they have reinstated the old curbstop.
you didn’t fall, that gets a 10 in my book.
Bossy has mad skillz!!
what, no hamel camel???
The Russian judge just put you over the top for the gold medal.
i wonder what bossy’s neighbors think. That’s what I wonder.
What with all that fancy footwork we would make a great pairs team.
Love it! Were cars honking at you as they drove by?
Who needs Disney on Ice when you’ve got Bossy? Way more entertaining!
I am so glad Bossy didn’t fall and break something. That video was riveting. And inspirational.
Swift moves on your neighborhood pond, Bossy!
Best post eva!!
Holy Triple Sow Cow, that was funny!
I love you even more than ever for this.
Bossy’s cute skirt! I love it all – great post Bossy!
obviously bossy has a figure, but no skater.
I tried that once at 30ish. had to have a knee replacement.
I got a little nervous with the cars driving by, but you remained poised throughout. Bravo!
you forgot to say “Thanks to Bossy’s crack pipe for giving her the courage to attempt ice skating…out in public…gah!!!”
Thank you for this video! I bright spot in an otherwise dull day!
This was funny! Hats off to you for getting out there! I’m in CT and it’s cold here too–can barely go from my house through the breezeway to the garage! Wouldn’t even attempt to go out in a skirt–ice skating or not! Thanks for the smiles!!
Nice job and so glad there was no fox tail trim on your costume!
Wouldn’t want those PETA folks chasing and harrassing you!
I 2nd the ‘curb stop move’
You had me at the stretching and the weeping. You are truly talented! Nice camera work too!
Such grace and agility! If only I lived in your area so you could give me lessons…sigh…
You always give me a good chuckle, Bossy. Love your blog….
Bossy is so tall and THIN!
And I would love to her Bossy say sister mercy on one of these videos.
We have to get you out of the gutter and onto some proper ice.
That said, we must commend your tasteful skating ensemble, unlike this one:
That was wonderful….I seriously laughed out loud. I also love the going backwards
I have an above ground pool that is frozen, I wonder if skating would work there too!
operagal commends BOSSY for the excellent classical music selection!
omg, lmao! Girl, you so crazy! I bet the sight of you cheered up all those forlorn motorists whizzing by!
Bpssy is my new hero! You stood up on those things. And in public! Yay!
Wow, such impressive artestry! Nice calves too.
So Bossy’s daughter didn’t get any shots of Bossy’s butt hitting the ice? (or did those get cut from the final production product?)
Thanks. Another reason I moved to Vegas. (all our ice skaters are nude)
Per your directions, I changed my setting every which way I could and still never saw anything of “High Quality”!!
Kudos to you for getting out there on skates and also to the best Camera Girl in the world. You never cease to make me laugh and want to be like Bossy!!
you must be the BEST entertainment for your neighbors!
the traffic thought you were entertaining, as well!
#1 LACE up your ^%$#& skates
#2 sharpen your Mother – skates
#3 find a skating rink more than 12 inches wide… we have lots of here
I am so still laughing! Love you Bossy friend! and your tutu!
I was waiting for your Biellmann.
Dick Button would be proud!
I can only hope pairs skating with John Cusack is next.
Bossy’s so good she could be Canadian!
This has got to be the best production quality I’ve seen in forever. You perfectly captured the dangers and the skill involved in skating in front of your house, lol.
I am out of breath from the suspense of this. The commentary by that really IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE jackass DIck Button was incredible. I loved how Bossy threw in an extra Triple Lutz a the very end right before she did the death spiral thing.
It’s like you’re flipping the bird to broken bones. This inspires me to go take my calcium supplement. Nicely done.
Oh Bossy you are hys-ter-i-cal! And adorable, to boot. Kudos to Bossy’s daughter on her mastery of yet another talent.
Bossy is so funny! I hope the cars liked your tutu flowing in the breeze!
I laughed at this. LAUGHED. As in, OUT LOUD. At the internet. Great post. The close ups of the skates were what put me over the edge.
Your talent never ceases to amaze. This is why the rest of us know we will just never be able to measure up to Bossy.
My favorite part was when you could see cars driving by. You can really imagine the looks on their faces. Great video Bossy and Bossy’s daughter!
So what’s up with these hats all of the sudden? I was in the London at New Year and all I saw was everyone wearing your knitted hat with the long sideburns. Did I somehow miss an issue of Winter Wear Daily?
Well, sister. I don’t know from Figure Skating. But Bossy sure does look good in that fancy skating outfit.
Fabulous! Thanks for the performance–LOVED the music selection….but can’t help wondering if Bossy’s ankles were cold? They were exposed to the elements!
Oh good grief, this is hilarious! I loved the very serious close-ups of Bossy’s fancy footwork.
How awesome would it be if this video was for Bossy’s Daughter’s science fair project?
Hopefully you’ll get a big rain that will freeze your backyard pond and you’ll get to show off your ice hockey skills next.
Hula considers herself an expert in curling….curling her hand around a good margarita.
ok, Bossy….I am peeing my pants I am laughing so hard….I hope you know I am laughing with you….not at you….HILARIOUS!!!!!!
Bossy, you killed me before coffee, which means that I laughed previous to drinking my morning elixir.
I’m now going to do my part to help this go viral.
What? 92 comments and not one “Sonia Heinie” joke?
Bossy–I’m a Northern Mich. native (U.Per). Now I gotta leave early and find some where to SKATE!!
thanks…I think.
I agree with Julie at the top there. I don’t do ice or snow, so that makes the whole ice skating thing a non-issue.
Ice is for cocktails and I have plenty!
Bossy, if you stop by Detroit on your (no)book tour we will take you to an actual skating rink, which is like a giant frozen puddle with walls.
I think the fashion of Bossy skates is so much more RELEVANT to us than the skating per se.
Oh, for crap’s sake! You crack me up.
How have you kept that a secret from us all this time!?!!?! Bosssssyyyyyy!!!! You were INCREDIBLE out there! Unbelievable…what other talents do you have hidden up those sleeves of yours!?! Beautiful!
It is dangerous out there in the frozen wilds. My son broke a tooth gutter skating. Be careful. And, why are those skates so white? Does Bossy’s mother never fall? Or does she not ever wear those skates? My skates are all scuffed.
Nice skating costume Bossy!
Bossy, now that you’ve revealed your true talent, you will have to bring your skates with you on your (no) book tour. If you come to N. California, we will take you skating in a rink. (Unfortunately, we don’t have the luxury of being able to skate down our street.)
I just caught up with Bossy and this made my day. That was brilliant.
You have outdone yourself – what a wonderful post! Your daughter deserves a huge amount of praise for filming you so well – really, she did an incredible and artistic job. And your skating – well there just aren’t words that can describe it. Seriously, this was so much fun to watch, and I hope that you tell your daughter that she did an excellent and very artistic job of capturing your fabulous skating. I think you did very well considering how often you probably skate and how uneven that surface must have been. Did you every fall down? Thanks for a wonferful post!
Bossy rocks on skates! And Bossy stops like I do. And Bossy has a tiny waist, like I don’t.
that was one of your best! loved it! skip says next time do it in black and white
Good Lord, woman. You crack me up.
Grab your skates & come to Detroit. I have a lake & remarkably similar skates. They were my mom’s too. From Sears in the 60’s. Bring your own Zamboni. We could watch “Ice Princess” too. It has been below freezing for long enough to skate!
O Bossy. Most people are far more amusing and alluring in text than in person. Not you. Seeing you in living color and motion accelerated my fandom beyond what I can cope with.
YO Adrian!
Oh Bossy. You are so funny. And actually I think you are really cute. Love your outfit.
This reminds me so much of Ice Castles….the part when she was blind….
Thank you for your kooky humor!
I think the camera work was exceptional!
This was such a great preview of the Winter Olympics! Thanks for helping us get psyched, Bossy.
Bossy is so slim!! I am jealous!
Definitely Gold Medal Worthy!!
Nothing short of SPLENDID!
63/Doug Richardson — I’m not sure it’s possible to get Bossy out of the gutter.
That gutter-skating takes lots of core strength.
Is this how Bossy stays slim, after packing on all those wine and other drinks calories? Which reminds me, we’re about due for another homage to alcohol, never mind what the nay-sayers say. (which is nay.)
I couldn’t focus on anything at all after I saw the Scarlett O’Hara waistline. You look like a teenage model!
Pure. Genius.
The Ohio judge gives you a 10.5!
Would love to have 5 minutes inside your mind just to see how it works.
I am very jealous of you skating abilities…..will I be seeing you in the winter Olympics?
and that skinny body of yours……grrrr
peace #2
I LOVE IT!!!!!
And your tiny waist!! Girl!! Go you!!
I am still recovering from laughing so hard, Bossy! Goodness, you have such a tiny waist, I’m afraid you may break if you fall on ice!
Yes! I agree! Bossy on ice sound like a new coctail! You had me laughin” girl!
Give us more, Bossy…we’re home, snowed in and bored…please post soon!
And here I was all impressed that you had skates!
random: how come bossy doesnt wear a wedding ring?
If Lindsay had more room at her place she’d invite Bossy and her daughter to come and stay during the Olympics.
I watched this without sound – suspect I needed some captions to help me through! And then when it got to the part including actual TRAFFIC then I freaked. I was all: LOOK OUT Bossy you are going to get hit by oncoming traffic! Look OUT you are on the WRONG side of the road… Then I realised you are in AMERICA where EVERYONE drives on the wrong side of the road.
Now I need a cup of tea and a lie down. THIS IS like the Olympics!!!

PS It’s Axel’s birthday – want to come over and sing to him?
Fughetabutt Michelle Trachtenberg! That bitch isn’t half the ice princess you are! Winter time dancy goddess!
EXCELLANT!! After that performance I think I will skip watching the Olympic skating….not as much fun
That’s the thing about triple lutzes – if you blink you miss ’em. That must be why I missed yours.
One year, the low field behind our house flooded and froze solid. That was the year I learned to skate. Not on a pond or at a rink – in the back 40.
I think you should change Bossy’s name to NUTTY
What a hoot. So enjoyed watching your exquisite performance! Clap, clap, clap!!
I used to take figure skating as a kid. Wasn’t too bad either. Last time I put on skates I was 40 and holy doodle did they kill the ankles!
I covet your jacket. And your skill.
You make it look so easy.
Could you be any cuter? i have to show this video to my son. He keeps asking to see snow. Now he can see it actually falling!
Don’t let Tonya Harding see this. Your life. It could be in danger.
That ice rink is dope!
Wait, I just realized……….was that the triple sow cow you did b/f putting on Bossy’s mom’s skates at Bossy’s doorway?