This pillow. Bossy made it for her mother on Valentine’s Day.
You are looking at all that remains of the white heart on the back of the pillow, because this pillow was made in 1863 when Bossy was ten. Actually, Bossy thinks Bossy’s mom is only trying to humor her about when she made this pillow. Bossy was probably 17. Bossy never was any good at sewing, even if her expert stitching tells a different story:
Ahhhhh. You sewed the “I love you” on real well.
That’s a forever treasure for sure.
I have a Christmas Tree on a piece of burlap I made for my mom–a yarn tree with button ornaments. Now that my mom is gone, I treasure it even more.
awwwwww I love that pillow
That is so great! I just mentioned on a blog post today about a pillow I made for my mom when I was about ten (or seventeen, after you get to a certain age it all runs together, doesn’t it?). I made it out of hankies, and I think embroidered the words “I love you, Mom” on it. I see you stuffed yours with cotton balls. I used dryer sheets. Unfortunately, mine did not survive. It probably didn’t survive my mom’s memory either. I wonder if I just imagined it…
It is a treasure to your mom worth more than all her stock in wine!
I love that you stuffed it with cotton balls!
so so sweet…it always warms my heart.
what a smart council…cotton balls…I thought it was water chestnuts.
Love.That.Pillow. (*sniffle*)
That pillow looks like it has been loved very much.
1863 – LMAO!
that pillow is frickin’ adorable! omg! how sweet. no way…were you THAT sweet as a teen-ager? GASP!!!! My turd, er uh..I mean, teenager wouldn’t sew jack diddly squat for me. i know she loves me, but in order to SEW she would have to surgically remove her fingers from her cell phone long enough to do said sewing and that would require entirely too much time away from the fifty gazillion messages she gets in a day!!! y’know what I’m saying? anyway…love it. that’s super cute.
I’m just impressed that you managed to create something so lovely during a time when this country was at war with itself. I can’t imagine trying to concentrate on sewing with all those cannons going off.
He he to dgm’s comment above… silly!
Love that the pillow is still around and looking VERY loved.
If my life had a Favorite Things page, Bossy’s picture would be in it.
Mahalo for making me smile, every day, no matter what else is going on.