For those of you not living on the rings of Saturn, you may have heard about this winter’s unusual snowfall accumulation along the Northeast corridor, where Northeast corridor equals Bossy’s backyard, and Bossy thinks she heard something about D.C.
Well nothing gets Bossy in the mood for watching movies more than a snow day! Except super hot days. Also rainy days. And days of the week which end in “day”.
The point: Bossy has watched her fair share of movies this past week. In fact she’s watched your share too, and your Aunt Sadie’s. The reason Bossy brings up this whole subject of the movies she’s watched is because selecting which film to view is a real hardship.
First of all, the raft sofa where Bossy reposes has a window behind it, which results in an irritating reflection that obscures a portion of the television screen.
And next: Bossy employs Fios as her television cable system, which comes with a very complicated remote control, which means it has buttons. And Bossy never learned how to use this remote — so for instance, when in guide mode, which provides a description of the movies, the summary ends in an ellipses indicating a read more situation, except Bossy hasn’t figured out how to read more.
So between the irritating reflection on the screen and the abrupt placement of ellipses before the summary is complete, Bossy has a difficult time understanding what her potential movies are going to be about.
Shall we?
- House of Games (1987) A p—— attempting to help a patient in debt to a c—— caught up in the shadowy world of conf—– world that…
- Role Models (2008) A couple of —– drink salesman avoid jail time by —– mentoring program, but the obnoxious —– to help battle…
- Heaven Can Wait (1943) A —- fully aware of the sinful life he has led is —- learn that he must await judgment at the —– where he…
- The Chase (1994) Both the —- and the media actively pursue an —– has been sentenced to life in prison for —— never…
- El esperito en nosotros (200_) Un —– cayó en la Tierra desencadenando el —- fin está proximo, los pocos —— guerra con…
- Flash of Genius (2000) After —- automakers begin using a college professor —- on their vehicles without giving him —– or recognit…
- Run, Fatboy, Run (2008) A —– his fiancée on her wedding day only to realize —- loves her, so he decides to —- getting in…
Which is why I always have the curtains pulled in our living room. My H complains about the dark abyss, but darn it I hate glare.
When you are on the show you want, hit INFO, and if you want the full monty, hit INFO again, then EXIT.
I loves my FIOS.
Run fatboy run is a great movie!
Bossy, I can’t figure out the “read more” feature on my Fios as well!
Full Monty! now THERE’S a great movie.
“Oh I suppose they don’t have any fatass cream now do they?” or something like that. Hilarious.
It will be 76 and sunny here tomorrow *ducks*
–>Hit the info button to read more and then page down if there is more there. Have you hit the On Demand button to scroll through all the FREE options for tv shows and movies? Just use the up and down arrows in that section.
It took me awhile with Fios too.
Where is Bossy’s daughter with the remote chart/explanation?
Big white window glare? Yep, here in the midwest too. And in the wintertime, it’s either the glare or the dark abyss, like Bri said.
Bring on summer . . .
Thinking Ramon the Pool Boy could come in handy. Have him stand by the TV and read it to you. Or maybe he could block the glare. Either way, I’m getting a nice visual. Can I borrow you pool boy, BOSSY?
I bet Ramon could translate “El esperito en nosotros” for Bossy too. Oh wait, is that profiling I did? Sorry, that was wrong of me. Ramon could be the hot stud from Italy…
I recommend El esperito en nosotros. If you’re like me on a snowy/rainy/hot/day day, you’ll take a nap during the movie. But if you don’t, it won’t matter that you can’t read the whole description. because, you won’t know what’s going on anyway.
What? Did someone say something about snow in D.C.? I couldn’t hear because of all the snow in my ears . . . .
after reading your comments on that movie ‘run, fatboy, run’ i watched it and totally loved it!
Call me crazy but I’d rather have cold than hot. Even with the snow. I don’t watch TV enough to know what gizmo you’re talking about here but now I’m on a google mission to figure out what words are supposed to be filling in the blanks in the movie descriptions.
That’s my girl….fun, fun, fun! I’m home alone tonight (hubz is traveling up north to Boston) and I’m busy running up the On-demand cable bill. And we have snow all around – IN ATLANTA! Woo-hoo!
Okay this time you really killed me with the “el espirito” channel. I laughed out loud.
I swear to god I feel elderly when I try to work my remote. And there’s no window behind me.
I know, right? It drives me crazy. And I can’t read it anyways, since the tv is across the room from my bed and my glasses are in my purse, and the dogs are asleep on my feet and there’s no way I can get up.
Remote control, computer applications, dvr, etc. Isn’t that why teenagers were invented?
Definitely go with Heaven Can Wait! I hate glare too.
House of Games if you like David Mamet and even if you don’t.
HOUSE OF GAMES is one of my favorite movies! You will want to watch it several times to see what you missed the previous times, so I wish you a lot more days. If I remember correctly, the movie involves some thinking, so go light on the wine.
HEAVEN CAN WAIT reminds me of simpler days.
I haven’t learned how to work a VCR yet. Fee FIOS Fo Fum.
During a sick time I figured out our att Uverse remote. It was much like the old cable one, but not. It had some buttons that made sense on the Charter one, but the cable guy told me not to worry about them…they don’t work on this Uverse thing. Oh well…I can almost change channels, etc. by braille these days.
Run Fat Boy Run was a good movie and I hope you watched it. The movie with subtitles is too difficult to deal with when you want to veg.
Oh..and just so you know…We got snow, too. Right here in Texas…we got snow that broke 100 year old trees. It was very wet snow. It was pretty until a huge branch almost fell through the window onto me! Thank you, Lord for not taking out the screen, windows and me.
I’ve spent the day trying like everything to get photos to upload at photobucket so I could make a slideshow. Finally got enough so it looks sort of good.
I must be living on the rings of Saturn, i.e. Iowa, ’cause I’ve never heard of a cable company called “Fios”? Weird name. Of course, I can’t work my remote control ’cause of those button doohickeys either.
Watching movies would require me to have an attention span. Might I suggest simply napping your days away?
Mad Libs time!!!
In other news – I’m not sure a movie about the Spirit of Nachos would be all that interesting. Certainly the Spirit of Nachos is tequila – and triple sec. And lime.
With salt.
I like run fatboy run.
We have a Roku and Netflix combo that’s passing out our Comcast premium channel daily. We’re on week 3 of it and ready to dump down to very basic cable
I have to admit that I love my FIOS, and the remote is a bit of a pain – watch “Role Models” (vulgar and hilarious, with the super cute Paul Rudd) and “Heaven Can Wait” (with the super cute 1978 Warren Beatty)
A. It’s snowing up here in MN, too. I’m feeling like Laura Ingalls Wilder in The Long Winter…
B. Run Fatboy, Run is made of win. So awesome. Must watch.
I never heard of that company but I can run the remote the young lady tactfully called “the old lady one” and then she looked up. OOps! Even we have had snow a couple of times this winter up here in the North Georgia Mountains.
Did you cut and paste that off of your TV screen? How did you do that? Popcorn, wine and El esperito en nosotros … you’re good.
I can top your remote control problem. I bought a display TV (because I’m cheap, what’s it to you? it was a flatscreen. hello.) and the remote was nowhere to be found. Ok, it was Sam’s Club. Need I say more. Well, I’ll be damned if we still don’t have that TV all these years later … and it still doesn’t have a remote.
We just watch the line up channel and argue over who has to get up to change the channel. Now that’s entertainment.
Thank God! Smoneoe with brains speaks!