The truth is, the above Olympics graphic has very little to do with what Bossy is about to say. She just thought she’d include it since it took her fifteen minutes to create, what with the colored circles, and then the white circles within the colored circles — and then Bossy realized the actual Olympic symbol has intertwining rings and, yeah, anyway.
Bossy was going to write about the Olympics, until she realized she didn’t have much to say beyond: Is Dick Button a name or a medical syndrome?
Perhaps Bossy is just tired of the sound of her own voice, where sound of her voice equals this constant clacking of her fingers against computer keyboard.
Or maybe Bossy is just tired, having stayed up too late for the past umpteen days watching men in rubberized lycra romp in snowdrifts.
Bossy can sum up her desire to write today in this way: What desire to write? Nope, Bossy can’t find it anywhere.
Bossy doesn’t want to write or talk, she just wants to listen. Which is what today’s Ten-Word Challenge is all about. In exactly ten words, can you please tell Bossy and her council what you’ve been up to lately?
And be sure to check back later today for the most brevity-filled updates on the web.
If you missed last week’s challenge, click here to find out exactly who and what Bossy’s council would surround themselves with if caught in a blizzard.
–>Watching Olympics and hoping my birthday and Spring arrive soon.
work, shovel, shovel, work, shovel horse, work, work, eat, bleh.
Sitting inside, going crazy, waiting for the snow to melt.
I also have been unable to write this month. Depressing.
Cleaning, snowblowing, cleaning, taxes, Bravo TV, cleaning, wine, also cleaning.
Patiently gestating human number four. Dreading labor and delivery. Epidural?
Avoiding writing too, waiting for Bossy’s road trip to start.
Shoveling snow, work, shoveling snow, work, shoveling snow, work, shoveling……..
regrettably stayed up til midnight watching the pairs skate. tired.
Falling in love for the first time in my life.
Sorting thru my past so I can enjoy my future.
OH! and…
Making paczki’s for MardiGras & trying not to eat them all
Shoveling snow, not working, more shoveling, now I am sick.
eating, sleeping, reading, watching, and not cleaning like I should
You could just copy the Olympics logo off the Internet.
Watched Canada get are First Gold Medal on Canadian Soil.
Adjusting to single life after eleven years with someone else.
wondering why I have been watching Be Good Johnny Weir
Many interviews for job promotion. House guests. Unruly hair days.
Nursing a sore throat. It sucks being sick during summer.
@ Tiffany #10 – Yay for you! good luck
Worrying about money, jobs, daughter. I think there’s a pattern.
Recovering from my most recent disappointment with love. Sad!
Daughter’s first car wreck. She’s fine, car not so much.
working events that were rescheduled due to snow going crazy
Cleaning up cat poop, toddler poop, baby poop. Yay Mommyhood!
In rubberized lycra yes, but I was shoveling not romping.
I’ve been working and making plans for a new career.
Daughter had diabetic ketoacidosis. Hospitalized. Came home. Then Jodi drank.
rejoined Netflix (YAY!), reading Bossy, not one minute of Olympics
Having two rowdy four month old puppies neutered and microchipped.
dumping making up dumping…dreaming, wanting, eating, drinking, working out!
Drinking wine, waiting for spring, drinking more wine. Rinse. Repeat.
with curling allowed, really no excuse for no women’s jumping
Drinking too much wine, eating too much food. What exercise?
I wrote about Mardi Gras on my blog you know.
Shifting the furniture around. Dreaming of Mexico.
Sitting, eating, getting pudgy from eating and sitting. Olympics too.
ugh, gah…. yeah… no desire to write over here either.
Snow doesn’t close hospitals. Taking care of patients as usual.
Unrealistic workload. Making mistakes. Tears. Consoled by BFFs Ben & Jerry.
Me? Praying for the kids to go back to school.
Finally admitting career path is dead. Sweet surrender.
Apolo Anton Ohno: hot flashes. Could be his grandma. Bummer.
Lazily celebrating holidays while watching Olympians be anything but lazy.
Scraping by, looking for work, rejection, cheap wine… poverty party!
Have cold, refuse doctor, tired of seeing them for anything!
Worrying about Bossy, who doesn’t seem quite up to snuff.
Grandkids for 4 hours, screamed at by daughter for French Fry poisoning ………….
12 words…………….shoot me!
Trying to eat less and move more, not so easy.
Working out five days a week – eating less – LOSING FAT!
Love Tiffany’s and Heather’s!
Mine: Surprise Valentine’s Day Wedding for my brother in law! Wooo!
Penciling out Dick Button jokes all weekend but BOSSY’s wins.
“What is Fat Tuesday named for?” Answer: foolery. Thursdays, too.
Wishing I could ice dance and never come off ice.
Baby comforting, not sleeping, going to work at paid job.
Watch husband do taxes. We owe. Send H to get vodka. (Ok that was 11 words)
To move or not to move? That is the question.
Playing “SAHM” while kids are
off school because of SNOW.
Leaving for 3 week trip home to Australia in 4 sleeps. Not much sleeping.
Teaching my daughter to say ‘mama’, big hugs all round.
Cleaning guest room for Bossy, counting down days until honeymoon!
Impatiently awaiting hearing to be divorced from douchebag husband. Meh.
Took budding filmmaker daughter to meet her idol, Brad Bird.
Taking photos with no camera card and flat battery – skilled!
Dick Button’s shoes make him look tiny in the chair.
I’ve been waiting for Bossy to say something really enlightening. ;0)
Done nothing productive for school or home during snow days.
Accountant. Taxes. Inside. No snow. Phoenix. Sunny & 75 degrees.
Walked around work parking lot for 30 min. Also Phoenix
Watching Westminster with my two best of shows!
trying not to gnaw my arms off from cabin fever.
Worried Mom might have cancer. Again. Grieving friend’s husband’s death.
(yes, it’s all sweetness and light here) :^(
ice-snow-fall-pain-depression-booze-chocolate-all better now
Drinking Plungerhead wine because I like the label. And shoveling.
cough, work, sniff, work, hack, work, bossy break, work, cough (I would add whine in there as well, but I have laryngitis) (Ha! Got that whine in there anyway!)
olympics, dog show, shoveling, phone, computer, repeat, more snow today!
I’ve been living vicariously through my friends up North. SNOW!
(so glad you didn’t limit my syllables ;-))
Work at day job, feed family, do laundry, rinse, repeat
hugglin’,snugglin’,bugglin’,mugglin’,and of course fugglin’ (just dreamin’)
Stupid work drama. “Saving money”, they incurred $800 rush charge.
Meanwhile, each evening: enjoying those hot fit bods in spandex.
…er …er …er …er …er …er bit brain dead here
Nitpicking. Literally. Picking nits out of hair. Then washing everything.
linlah (#65)– YES! What is up with those shoes? Cardboard boxes?
Caring for mom with alzheimers and sick grandson: total exhaustion.
Turned 31, bought sweet ride, can’t discover unborn baby’s sex.
Watching two plumbers replace hot water heater, so fascinating, not.
Watching Olympics. Wishing for more gym time. Want to be thing.
oops. Thin, not thing.
Saw Bossy’s Husband this morning and almost had an accident!
Seriously. I was behind a car and noticed it had a bumper sticker. Then I noticed the Columbia University sticker. As he pulled into the same parking lot as me (around 7:30 this morning), I craned my neck to see if it was Bossy. Not Bossy, but second best, Bossy’s husband. You would have thought I saw a celebrity! (I really am not a stalker or anything, really). HA!
Nose blowing.
(^^lol to Linda’s comment above me.^^
I miss Bossy and her husband. =[ )
ps…hope everythings ok….
NYC, Dinner, Wicked, Washington Square Hotel, Valentine’s Day, Hubby, Heaven
sitting worrying
loving my crew
caring for everyone but me
Hot flashes, paranoia, periodic seething rage = joys of peri-menopause.
Husband lost job. Trying not to freak out. Freaking Out.
Vacation! Yoga. Sex in the City marathons. Lovin’ Hunnie.
Ten day cruise with Mum to eastern and Southern Caribbean.
Shade and Sweetwater,
Also. Been wondering. You think Dick Button criticizes his soap?
Third week being sick – wanting to quit brand new job.
1. I’ve been up to my ears in “whys” and “hows”.
2. The “whys” don’t really matter, but the “hows” are troublesome.
Wait, did you say something about the Olympics? Damn internet.
Work, eat, surf the internet, sleep.
Searching disappeared college classmates: reunion next year. Unfindable on purpose?
Need new sofa. Nothing suitable in stores. Considering building one.
*Hoping* house sells for 40k loss – offer could be worse.
*Wondering* how we will survive 40k loss- trusting awesome husband.
*Usually* awesome Husband who broke ankle two days before Christmas.
Sick with flu, sick of cold, sick of snow, still sick. (ok, that’s 11 words, but “meh”, don’t care)
Must fold clothes, which won’t fold themselves. Why is that?
Bring Mister valet key after he’s locked out of car.
I get a free car wash; that’s where he was!
Go to work.
Go home.
Back to work.
Fighting a bad cold, wishing I could sleep all day.
Watching: birds, snow, tv, basketball
Reading: online, newspapers, Graham Greene
Getting over malaria; paperwork and reports; watching the cutest baby.