The other night Bossy accidentally caught this accidental pose by Simon Cowell while pausing the American Idol broadcast, accidentally.
The reason this is so funny to Bossy is not because Simon Cowell looks to be giving one of the contestants the finger.
No, it’s funny to Bossy because Bossy paused the show in order to go into an ill-advised long-winded explanation — directed at Bossy’s daughter — about the function of a record producer in the recording studio and Oh my gah they make or break an artist’s vision, and they totally transform strummy songs into techno hits, and and and Bossy’s daughter was all Can’t you see the television screen, woman?
While we’re on the subject of Simon Cowell because sister mercy Bossy may never be on this subject again, Bossy used to think he was mean and ugly mean and also mean, but now more often than not Bossy thinks his advice is pitch-perfect — and see how Bossy did that? Used a music reference right here in the middle of an American Idol post?
Dear Friday, take Bossy away…
i’ve noticed that simon uses his middle finger a lot….does it mean something different in england?
He has always had great advice and opinions. Unfortunately, the manner in which he used to express them was so caustic it made it easy to just feel sorry for the person he was criticizing, and THINK he was just being mean.
–>I noticed that particular British finger during the broadcast too. Simon makes the show for me and without his honest and accurate comments and mostly critiques, I don’t know if I’ll watch next year. Til it starts in January and then I’ll have it set to record on the DVR.
I have a secret crush on Simon.
Well, OK, now it’s not so secret. Thanks, Bossy, for outing me. haha
I think he does that middle finger scratch thing on purpose. I’m serious, he’s like a spoiled brat rich little kid naughty boy (gotta kinda like him, no?)
i love simon! i always skip over everyone’s advice & just listen to him. this season is kind of boring but i can’t help but compare the one shaggy-hair boy to bossy’s son. not sure why.
I won’t miss him; I think he’s mean. Having said that, I think the producers should do everything possible to grab KEITH RICHARDS as the next AI judge, and move Randy into the “Simon Seat.” Dawg’s paid his dues and deserves it; Ellen DeG has to go; she adds nothing. Karen can stay; she doesn’t bother me. And having just read the previous, I’m WAAAAAY too into this show for a 57-year-old father of two. Criminy!
Simon who? American Idol what?
When does “Masterpiece Barbie” come on again? That’s what I am waiting for!
I think Bossy is correct that Simon’s advice/criticism is pretty much right on target. And I don’t say this just because I once had dinner with him at The Ivy in Los Angeles.
And by having dinner with him, I mean he was at the table next to us, deep in conversation with some Hollywood muckety-muck. I must say he did seem extremely smart, with his v-neck black sweater and British accent.
Could have been the martinis, though. Hard to tell.
The use of that gesture, while looking as if he is really scratching his eye is truly the f you gesture we all know. It can be subconcious or not.
If they didn’t have Simon to just say “You can’t sing at all!” I wonder who would win.
‘Tis time for my nap or something…dragging that bit of trivia out of the deep caverns of my brain was tiresome. We all await the return of Barbie. Idol isn’t one of my favs.
He is always giving the finger.
Simon knows his stuff and knows talent when he sees it. I think he is quite amusing and enjoy watching him. I love his cut to chase remarks, most of the time I agree with him and think he is dead on.
Simon IS mean, and sort of creepy with those tight, low cut t-shirts. But always, always spot on. Can Kara stop faux-fawning over him???
I went to a musical at the local high school last night. When the first starting singing, quite boldly but fairly flat, (a) I thought “I’m doomed; this is going to be a long evening” and (b) everyone tells her what a great singer she is so she believes it and (c) Simon Cowell would NOT tell her what a great singer she is.
Of course I’m sort of over A.I. and am not watching this year — who is that Kara woman and what are her creds? — and the musical ended up being quite entertaining and pretty well-done for high schoolers. Fortunately that first didn’t have other solos and the lead was indeed good.
By the way, I’m all over 8/Gail’s request for Masterpiece Barbie. Maybe she can do a behind-the-scenes expose of the makings of a local production of Wizard of Oz… or just anything. I lurf the Barbie shows.
Simon meant this for my neighbor Jen!– Haha !!
I haven’t seen a single episode of AI this season, but I almost always agree with Simon’s assessment of the talent on that show.
I like the ‘straight to the point’ ness of him. But his fashion choices creep me out. And that haircut is seriously annoying.
this show is on it’s last leg on think…much like Bossy! ar ar ar
I think he’s overcompensating for some weakness. Maybe his name sounds a little bookish. Maybe it’s something else . . . does he drive a Porsche?
Yes Friday, please, if she has to pause things in front of Bossy’s daughter, let it be a fluffy bunny or something pretty to look at.
I have to admit, I almost always agree with the disagreeable Simon….He is mean, but usually, oh, so right.
Too funny that you posted this today Bossy. Just last night, I paused my TV to go to the bathroom and when I came back I had to laugh at the funny pose the actor was making. It made me wonder why someone hasn’t started a blog with funny TV pauses. Then today you posted this. Your pause photo is much better than mine was though!
I usually agree with him….but did you know he didnt think Daughtry should go to Hollywood??? He said no charisma…
AND, he is one of the producers, so he must have given the ok for that Lady Gaga- knock off to sing, “blah blah blah”…how’s that for a techno hit???
He’s cool, but sometimes, I want to give him the finger!
I actually tend to agree with Simon’s opinion at least 99% of the time. And that photo of him is HILARIOUS!
Simon is always doing the finger thing. I almost always agree with him as well. Too bad he’s leaving the show.
We watched a lot of last year’s AI. Simon is always on the lookout for people who will make lots of money with their talent. That is the goal of the show after all, and he owns the show (or the other one like it in Britain). His opinion carries more weight for the contestants. And he is good at mean.
Sho biz. Gotta have tough hide to survive.
To turn the phrase of Wall Street’s GG, “Mean is good.”