Bossy has a friend. And this friend is in a bit of a pickle over recent events.
Wait — before Bossy begins she should say this: you know how people say I have a friend and then they go on to say something egregious even though Bossy isnt sure what egregious means and you sit there the whole time listening and thinking They are actually talking about themselves?
Well Bossy is not talking about herself.
And if you are a friend of Bossy’s, this is not Bossy’s way of giving you bad news, so all of you just relax. No, this is actually a friend of a friend of a friend story, with another friend thrown in for added complication.
Here’s the deal:
Bossy has a friend. A friend who is not herself. And this friend has a friend who is dating someone. And — maybe this would be easier if Bossy were to illustrate:
And this Bossy has a friend who is not herself:
And this friend of Bossy’s who is not herself also has a friend:
And this friend of a friend is seeing someone. Do people still see people? It’s been a long time since Bossy dated:
But recently… wait, let’s go back to Bossy’s friend who is not herself:
Because this friend has yet another friend:
And this friend with enormous eyes was out one night when he spied the person who is dating Bossy’s friend’s friend:
Except this person who is dating Bossy’s friend’s friend was there with someone else:
So now back to Bossy’s friend who is not herself:
Bossy’s friend who is not herself was told all about this night and now he doesn’t know what to do. He is confused if he should tell his friend about the fact that the love interest was spied out with someone else:
Bossy can summarize her position on this dilemma in the following way: Sure, why not kill two precious hours drawing stick figures?
Which is what today’s Ten-Word Challenge is all about. In exactly ten words, can you please help Bossy’s friend make the decision: should he tell his friend that the love interest is cheating? Feel free to share your personal experience with this problem.
And be sure to check back later today for the sagest comments on the web.
If you missed last week’s Ten-Word Challenge, you didn’t miss much. Just kidding! You missed The Meaning of Life. Click here to read it in ten words.
Maybe it was his sister. Stay out of it. it.
why get entangled in something ugly and sad? keep out.
One word advice: MYOB. Let it happen.
–>Mention you spotted the person out. Leave it at that.
do not tell, or friend will lose friendship with friend.
Do not tell — possibly, though, point in the right direction.
As in the wise words of Jenny, Run Forrest, Run !
Use friend of friend theory to illustrate point/stay out.
I cannot limit myself to 10 words on this subject. TELL. Especially because they’re only dating. What if this friend of a friend of a friend goes on to marry a cheater but doesn’t know they’re marrying a cheater? Cheating is a lot more painful and damaging in marriage than it is in dating. So TELL.
Someone tried to tell me that my husband was cheating but the voice mail was intercepted by said cheater. I could have known YEARS before I found out on my own. I’m grateful to the person who tried to tell me, even though I don’t know him. I’ll never forgive my husband for standing in the way of that discovery.
WOW. Glad you all are not my friends. Friends tell.
Unless you have all the details stay out of it
How do you know they are not just good friends?
Sack up and spill the beans. Then pour a drink.
I stay outta that stuff because it never ends well.
Tell gently so friend can make choices based on reality.
“You two still dating? Steve saw Sandy with some guy.”
(adjust for gender, couldn’t tell from the drawings.)
e-mail friend Bossy’s post of today.
Being the last to know sucks. Take it from me.
There, that was my 10 words.
But here’s another ten words to clarify.
Tell potential cheater how it looked; PC confess or clarify.
Undecided, though quite possible I will lose sleep over it.
Things are seldom what they seem. Wise words from _Pinafore_.
Too much indirection – believe only first-person sightings – keep mouth zipped.
Been there, done that. I told, we are still friends.
Assuming they’re exclusive, tell. I would’ve liked to have known,.
Tell immediately. Waiting isn’t kind; can imply complicity. NOT appreciated.
Bossy is about not telling. Possible miscommunication, not witnessed firsthand.
Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Maybe …..
Run, run like the wind. Unless it’s my husband, in which case. Call.
Hey, I saw friend of friend the other night!
With some guy/girl–couldn’t see who.
Let friend decide if he/she needs to know anything else and he/she can ask his/her friend.
Not 10. I know.
A simple statement-not accusatory since we don’t know- suffices.
Unless you got the facts Jack, stay out of it!
My current crisis one-person-removed: friend’s daughter + her creepy husband.
If it’s innocent, no harm no foul. But if not…
If someone would have told me, I’d have been grateful.
I’ll always appreciate the person who tried to tell me.
Boy, that was hard to figure out a way to write in 10 words!
Because there’s nothing worse than being trapped with a cheater.
Tough one…probably would not tell.. but watch like hawk.
Do people still use the expression “mind your own beeswax”?
you always remember the one imparting bad news. uh ha!
Keep eyes peeled for actual confirmation, zip lips for now.
I think Allison, number 29, nailed it. Ditto from me.
Ten words? How ’bout five: It’s always better to know.
Cheaters suck.
Relationships are hard enough knowing where you stand, nevermind without.
I dine with people who aren’t my spouse, but tell.
Been there. Thankfully my friend told me. Nobody else would.
I’m with Chesapeake Bay Woman, others. Tread lightly, no embellishment.
Doesn’t matter gay or straight, a cheater is a cheater!
Would want to be told by person who actually witnessed.
Hell, it took me 5 minutes to figure out how to pronounce “egregious” so “HUH?”
always sucks to be the last to know – take it from one who knows. always tell – if you witnessed said act – then absolutely tell.
I’m with Lazuette. Tell cheater to clarify or tell her.
Friend should’ve said “hi”. Then ball is in cheater’s court.
Bonus words: If the friend is a good friend and the cheat-ee thinks the relationship with the cheat-er is going somewhere, tell.
Or as The Great Getzy wisely advises, point in the right direction. (His mom must be really, really smart.)
Matter of factly: “I saw your friend last night at ________. How are things going?
Married friend who’s doing the same. No answers here. Conflicted.
…wish someone had told me, but wouldn’t have believed them anyway… Sorry, too many words and not enough help.
Same situation here.
My mouth stayed shut.
Couple now divorced.
Poor kids.
I agree with Angela #16.
I once told three gals their BF was also mine.
If you have an uneasy feeling about the sitch, tell.
1. What you think you know is a rumor. Don’t spread..
2. If there is cheating going on, she already knows it.
3. Don’t embarass her by telling her what she already knows
I have a cheater next door to me and I try to let her huzzband know indirectly.
Depends on depth of friendship. Good friend, tell. Acquaintance, nah.
No ten words from me. I just have to ‘fess up that I thought “Bossy’s-friend-who-is-not-herself” meant that your friend was behaving oddly, and you wondered what was going on. As in “She’s just not herself these days.” Feeling like a dork, now, but a properly punctuated dork.
Y to the E to the S to the exclamation.
My friend tells me she would rather have been told.
told babysitter her slampiece had a slampiece on saturday. argh.
If you don’t know what REALLY happened, don’t spread rumors.
I’m tipping over into telling, but without assuming the facts.
I keep wondering how you got such a big head?
Ugh. Been there. Keep encouraging the eyewitness to step up.
#63 janet said:
2. If there is cheating going on, she already knows it.
Are you EFFING kidding me, janet? I had no effing idea. Eff you.
Tell. If it were you, you’d want to know. TELL.
I agree MYOB as tough as that is, Nuff said,
Tell–because I was the person being cheated on and I am so glad the friend told me.
Honesty is the best policy, even when it hurts. Tell.
This is gonna be more than 10: a further development on my comment #32 (“dunno/ my friend’s daughter’s creepy husband etc”) …
Daughter’s Friend (“DF”) had a visitor to her house, who absolutely RECOILED at seeing photo of Daughter + Daughter’s Husband (“DH”) on her refrig. Apparently the visitor had a friend who had dated DH prior — I hope — to his marriage. There was an intervention because he was too controlling etc etc, all the stuff that Daughter has been learning the hard way, after the marriage.
Not sure if this relates or not. I need some stick figures to illustrate this please, Bossy. Okay, resume the 10-word thing.
no no no no no but do what Getzby said
Unless you have absolute proof, do not tell. If it’s second-hand information, you could do more harm than good.
Such a dilemma. My husband’s best friend/boss cheated on his wife. Who was my good friend. I told her. She went to my husband for confirmation; he denied it. I lost a friend and almost a husband. Husband is still best friends with this guy. This guy also beat up his wife and lived with us for a month. Yeah, my husband also treats me like shit. But we have two kids.
If it were me, I’d want to know.
If you tell, be prepared to lose a friend forever
if you don’t , be prepared to lose her trust forever
don’t say anything until you are really, completely sure…wait
If I didn’t see it, I don’t talk about it.
Say “big-eyes saw big-head with woman.” No speculation, just facts.
Gosh. Mention so-and-so saw him out. That’s all ‘they’ know.
I don’t know WHAT to say. This is so complicated.
#34 said it all! Tell tell tell tell (tell)
unless it is your sister’s prick of a husband, no.
I told, bestfriend still not talking to me 25 yrs later!
(I would want to know so I could crush Husband with a cement block if true)
Do the honorable thing: Kill the friend’s friend’s love interest.
(I kid! I kind! Violence is never the answer … unless the question is “What is never the answer?”)
The witness should be the one to mention the sighting.
Telling what you don’t know is just telling a story.
hmmmmmmmm…………tough one………probably not but a hint wouldn’t hurt!
No No No No No No No No No No!!!!!
You say no, but why you not want to know?
In this day and age NO ONE can afford to take those kinds of chances — and you KNOW what I’m talkin’ about!!!!
No way. Too many possibilities.
Leave it. If witness tells, one thing. hearsay another.
Stepping out of ten words, the person that witnessed can swear to what they SAW, they can stand by absolute. What friend heard is another. If there was some kind of misconception friend will lose friend. If cheater convinces friend it was nothing, friend will lose friend. Leave it.
I have a friend who is a very famous psychic. The best advice I ever heard her give, when her sister was in this situation, was that most everything that happens is between two people and if your not one of the people stay out of it. The girl did find out about the philandering on her own and the friendship was spared that messiness.
Peyton Place abounds. People love, hate, gossip, cheat, forgive… survive.
If certain of cheating dear lord wouldn’t you wanna know?
If it were me, I’d want to know. The End.
@jewelee ROFL! You win.
Heresay not a good thing. You didn’t see, don’t tell.
Ummm… since when is being seen equal to The Cheating?
I put up with someone who cheated on me for far too long. I had no idea whatsoever. A clue from someone who knew anything would have been most helpful in ridding him far sooner than it did.
I think it depends on the relationship you have with the one who has been duped. My best friend? No question. My sister? Ditto… The the woman I barely know/like? Not so much.
Love the suggestion that one casually mentions how things are with X.. Feeling it out and if need be explaining what was heard lightheartedly.
Thinking the Tiger Woods and Jesse James slutdom has opened our eyes to things that may be going on behind our backs and we have no clue of. Shocking displays of selfishness/ignorance/self importance and gratification.
Do you think Elin or Sandra would have liked a heads up? I think SO..
I only need one word to answer that question: YES
Tell only what you know… saw so-and-so out with other.
Jen #82: there are worse things than being alone. Take care of yourself.
I would want to be told.
Tell what you know. Friends don’t leave friends in dark.
If it’s hearsay, then don’t tell. Post on Facebook instead.
(KIDDING! Really. Sorry.)
been there, done that. i told. we aren’t friends. ssshhh!
Off subject, but I agree w/Amelia’s advice to Jen. Run, Jen, Run! And take your children and your husband’s boss/friend’s wife with you.
You cannot always believe your eyes. I’d talk to boyfriend.