Kale Chips.
Bossy has eaten these marvels nearly every day since one of Bossy’s council posted the recipe in the comment section here.
It’s as easy as can be: Bossy takes a bundle of kale and washes it off and pats it dry. Why does everyone always say pat dry when referring to food? Anyway, Bossy pats it dry and then breaks it into chip-size pieces, discarding all of the larger stems and woody parts.
Next Bossy spreads these on a baking sheet and drizzles with a little olive oil and sprinkles with kosher salt, and then she mixes it all up with her hands for even coating, and then places the baking sheet in a 350-degree oven for fifteen minutes.
Done. And crunchy. And good for you! And beats popcorn and most noshes.
interesting, i like Kale… i like chips. this could be the second coming of Reece’s
I’ve been wanting to try these but I can’t find kale anywhere here.
Oh, I’m trying this! Need a healthy snack… thanks Bossy!
We love kale chips! My 5-year-old can’t get enough of them. I’ve always put just a little salt and pepper on them, but I recently saw a recipe that used a sprinkle of sugar on top. Yummm!
Oooo, something new to try!
This is the second time in as many days that I’ve heard of kale chips. Smitten Kitchen posted a recipe for it a couple of days ago and she grinds it and puts it IN her popcorn. Fascinating….but somehow doesn’t seem too tasty to me. Guess I will have to try it to see.:)
I made these last night only instead of kale I had this Salad Savory in my fridge that I didn’t know what to do with. It was awesome. The house stunk like cabbage after baking them but even the husband and the 2 year old tried them and ate more then one. Can’t say honestly that they liked them. 😉 Thanks for the idea to help me use up some veggies instead of them getting sent to the compost pile.
I made these last night too – several of the health food blogs I read talk about them. I loved them – dipped them in a mix of ketchup and hot sauce.
Are you absolutely positive those aren’t scouring pads?
I love kale and I unsuccessfully tried to make kale chips once. It seems simple enough, but leave it to me to mess that up.
Barefoot Bossy!
This is how you know I thought of you at the store today. Off too wash and pat.
to (sigh)