Bossy has been in Texas since this past Monday, and Bossy is here to tell you why: Texas is a little like quicksand. Quicksand that’s smothered in barbeque sauce and stuck between two slices of white bread. One of the reasons Bossy is still in Texas is her:
She’s Karen Walrond from Chookooloonks, and let’s just all agree to blame her for Bossy’s tardiness in posting. That’s because Bossy has been staying with Chookooloonks in a sweet happy nest tucked inside of Houston for two days and this is what they did:
They went to a camera store so Bossy could buy a new lens for her camera in order to take better photos in low light conditions. And because Bossy is a professional photographer, she decided to buy the 1.8 lens. Or was that the 1.6 lens? 1.4? And then there was something about a 50mm or maybe it was 35mm and other mm and Bossy thinks she remembers something with 2 in it but anyway, Bossy was happy about her lens purchase!
In fact Bossy was so happy about her lens purchase, she and Chookooloonks celebrated with a ladies’ luncheon! Which was when Bossy decided to return her lens because Bossy doesn’t deserve a point-whatever mm lens until she graduates from kindergarten and can remember what the various numbers represent. Good luck with that Bossy!
Other things Bossy has been doing in Houston: falling in love with the Chookooloonks family:
And Bossy cavorted with her Houston council on an outdoor patio during a delightful night, including: Ellie, Jenny the Bloggess, Kathryn, Alana, Natalie, Laine, Optimist, with a special shout out to Sugarpie Mike, Meredith, and videographer Niko.
But before all that Houston cavorting took place, Bossy drove from Dallas to Houston and is anyone else confused by the fact Bossy is writing this post in reverse? Bossy is going to need more sleep before attempting to read this update!
Anyway. When Bossy drove her (Harrison) Ford from Dallas to Houston it was all:
And then it got all:
But before the driving away from Dallas part happened, there was Dallas.
As Bossy mentioned, she stayed in a converted church in Dallas which is now a residence and cultural arts center.
The inside was all:
And all:
But the thing Bossy loved the most about her Dallas stop is the mother/daughter team who own the church and not only hosted Bossy but a party of bloggers. Out of all the people Bossy has ever met, these two have the same relationship as Bossy and her mother, which is to say ridiculous fun wrapped in crazy, dipped in extremely close:
Also in attendance were the following fabulous Dallas council: Debbie, Mrs. Blogoway, Biddy Bidsey McBidderson, Marathon Mom, Danielle, Amber Star, Beth, Jennifer, Rebecca, Sandi, Bobbi, and videographer David, who Bossy enjoyed calling John. Hi John!
It never ceases to warm Bossy’s tired heart how blogging brings together people of all backgrounds, ethnicities, ages, and interests. Not everyone has a book but everybody has a story.
Tonight Bossy is in Austin and then she has two very long all-day drives that deliver her to Marfa Texas and then Scottsdale. Stay tuned over the weekend for a special guest post from Bossy’s daughter so we can all find out what in sister mercy is going on back at Camp Bossy. Can’t wait!
My goodness, Bossy’s mouth is open in one of those photos! That’s a rare sighting. Wish I was over there and could join in… you all look to be having a great deal of fun.
Texas is a honkin’ big old state to drive across, isn’t it?
Glad for the update post — was about to expire, holding my breath waiting for it. I want to live in that church-turned-cultural-center in Big-D! wow
Also, love that portrait of Ms. Chookaloonks. Everything about the photo and moreover her: bracelets, flash of color juxtapositions, hair, skin, and that beautiful direct look.
Are you kidding me? People are allowed to LIVE in refurbished churches?! That’s so RAVEN! I so want one — no, I want THAT one. What talented women they must be.
OH Bossy, say hello to my beloved Austin for me. I wish I was there to show you around but I’m looking forward to meeting you in Chicago!
Are you going to stay with PW’s Sista in Austin?
If there’s a videographer here tonight in Austin, I’m going to insist that said grapher-person also double as PHOTOgrapher so everyone can see that Bossy does, indeed, actually have a left hand. If there’s no whatever-grapher, we will commandeer a cute handsome waiter. And make him take pictures, too.
that church place is awesome.
and i can’t wait to hear about marfa, a place i REALLY want to go to, like REALLY.
That church looks like a little slice of heaven. Which is ironic.
There is a couple here who converted a small church to a house. It’s beautiful inside.
They’ll get ya!
Have fun in Marfa!! Watch out for the Marfa lights
such a great time the other night! i had a blast and loved meeting everyone. my link doesn’t seem to be working so if you want to find me you’ll have to click my comment. can’t wait to do it again!
All I can say is that I am SO happy to see Bossy does have teeth. And they are gorgeous! Smile open babe!
Dear Bossy, I am excited to see you in Seattle, however, I am not excited that I will be alone at the gathering. Will I feel out of place? Will someone “friend” me for the event? Will you adopt me and take me under your wing?
P.S. I’m old enough to be your Mother
The day after meeting Bossy is sort of like the day after Christmas. But there are a few differences between the two.
Bossy lives up to her reputation. Christmas? Not so much.
Bossy is way better looking than Christmas. And taller. And funnier.
By the time Christmas day actually gets here, you’re sort of sick of it. Bossy? Bossy should come around every day.
Santa drives a magic sleigh. Yawn. Bossy drives Harrison Ford!
Santa’s friends? Scary elf-types. Bossy is surrounded by smart, beautiful blogger types.
Christmas? Debt for months. Bossy? Helps everyone get out of debt.
Santa has a magic bag full of stuff. Bossy has a magic backpack that swallows keys and lens caps. Ummm…okay, point goes to Christmas.
aaack! despite my best efforts to stay out of your pictures, there I am in two of them with a baby on my hip!
it was so so so good to see you again…once every 2 years is just NOT enough!
Ok, first of all, why I am I not surprised that you RETURNED the lense????? That is so your M.O. And, please say you won’t take pictures of Bossy’s room at my house…
Okay, you were in the city of my birth and a great place for a foodie so where did you eat??
my dad would spend all day talking about lens point this and that – he does that to me ALL THE TIME, forgetting that I shoot video and not stills so to me it always sounds like this:
Our love for BOSSY >Texas. Thanks for stopping through H-town, we hope you loved our little town as much as we all love you. Bossy needs to market her self portrait arm technique; I’ve never seen someone actually be able to take good pictures that way!
I want to live in the church! How beautiful is the Dallas crew!
Thanks so much for posting those photos and for coming through Houston. I had a blast that night, and really enjoyed meeting such an amazing group of women. I hope we can do it again sometime. Safe travels, Bossy!
Jeri/13, why will you be the only one in Seattle? Or am I reading you incorrectly?
Did you miss me? I hope you have fun in Marfa. See you out west soon.
Reeb, I just meant that nobody will accompany me to the gathering. I’m sure there will be many others, and me.
That church is awesome. Wowee.
The Bloggesss! Love. And Biddy! hi biddy> :o)
Wow. An absolutely favulous adventure / endeavor / experience Geor ….. er… .Bossy ! What a great way to meet new ( hundreds of ! ) people … bring them all together .. and see America through a lense the likes of which isn’t even available in the fanciest of foi foi camera stores ! A brilliant idea … and the richest of human stories. This IS the book.
love Bossy’s bro ….Greg
OH! Hi Bossy’s bro!
Blahblahblah LOVE Chookooloonks! blahdeblahblah Jenny the Bloggess never ceases to amaze me! blahblahblah
SWEET MOTHER OF PEARL I WANT TO LIVE IN THAT CHURCH/HOUSE!! My mouth is agape. Literally and figuratively. Most beautiful place ever, seriously.
I am so sick I had to miss the Houston meetup. But Mommy duty called in the form of Kindergarten registration and Pre-K Open House on the same night! *sob*
Gah!! I was in the church/house, but didn’t go back up for the final best tour. Wish I had.
Ya know…I had forgotten how cool Marfa is, if I’ve ever been there. I’ve been to a LOT of small Texas towns, but Marfa has an extra cool feeling…maybe it was your photography. I’ll let Pye know the pics are up. I still haven’t posted mine…and it has been a week. Oh Lord!
oh @elizabeth, they’ll always let you do kindergarten registrations later…unless it was some fancy private school where you had to camp out for your spot. you missed that awesome chouse? (church + house = chouse and i LOVED IT )
Of course you should write the book ABOUT your amazing road trips or were you planning that all along
I am so bummed that I missed your visit to Dallas! What fun it would have been to meet you and attend your big shindig at that beautiful church! I’m dying to hear the story of how you hooked up with Cora Beth Godsey to stay at her refurbished church/house, by the way.