Bit redundant methinks. Although their claims of undoing 3 months worth of damage in 3 minutes is tempting…. because when it fails, dude, lawsuit for false advertising.
Nah, just means it’s a Canadian product. We name everything twice! Once in the English, once in French. So then we get awesome products like Fortifying / Fortifier (please say the second word like you’re Pepe LePew, it’s much more fun that way). We also get to learn things like Shampoo in French is Shampooing. (When you’re a little kid, this is hilarious.)
Bit redundant methinks. Although their claims of undoing 3 months worth of damage in 3 minutes is tempting…. because when it fails, dude, lawsuit for false advertising.
Works best on the fortifyingest day of the fortyifyingest year, assuming you use it with the electric fortifier.
Named by the Department of Redundancy Department
apply only while in a fort!
Nah, just means it’s a Canadian product. We name everything twice! Once in the English, once in French. So then we get awesome products like Fortifying / Fortifier (please say the second word like you’re Pepe LePew, it’s much more fun that way). We also get to learn things like Shampoo in French is Shampooing. (When you’re a little kid, this is hilarious.)
The only thing that can undo three months of damage in three minutes is wine and/or a cabana boy.
I like fortifiant. I feel tres francaise when I say forTEEfyont. I plan to say it more often.
I bet it moisturizes your hair with moisturizer. And strengthens it with strengthener.
Rhymes with Mortifying Mortifier, which is my *other* nickname.
This is the best stuff ever and would love to find more of it. But, apparently, they aren’t selling it anymore!