Bossy’s mom resists modern technological advances. For instance, she doesn’t own a garbage disposal or a dishwasher or a blender or a vegetable peeler.
This is why it may surprise some of you to learn Bossy’s mom has a microwave. It goes something like this: this is Bossy’s mom’s kitchen:
To the rear of her kitchen you’ll find a door:
On the other side of that kitchen door, you’ll find a small mud room that is neither heated nor air-conditioned:
And it is in this mud room during the summer months where you’ll find the microwave belonging to Bossy’s mother:
If you enjoyed this microwave tale, you may enjoy reading this microwave tutorial from Bossy’s recent (No) Book Tour.
hi martha!
Dang…that was good. You had me there for a second.
So what does she use in the Winter?
–>Does she make popcorn on the stovetop?
WebSavvyMom – popcorn on the stovetop? YUM! I haven’t done that in ages. Note to self: do that soon!
So funny, my Mom doesn’t have any of the above mentioned items except for a microwave.
I had a similar room once. It was great for cool storage for Christmas cookies prior to decorating. Major cookie production in those days.
Thanks, Bossy, and Bossy’s Mom.
Love her kitchen! I usually only use my micro for reheating tea…
What is the slatted board thingy hanging on the refrig?
As KathyB points out, in the winter the microwave turns into a cold storage room. Great for extra beer and soda, thanksgiving’s prep, christmas cookies and other miscellaneous.
That’s an adorable kitchen. I applaud your mom for keeping things simple. The more time you spend preparing your food, the better it tastes. Although, when I spend a lot of time preparing a meal I lose my appetite. And it’s not from continually tasting the food. I don’t have too – I KNOW it will be excellent. (Narcissistic?) Weird, huh?
I didn’t think it was possible for me to love Bossy’s mom any more. Will you marry me?
We would starve to death if our microwave died. The last time it did, I was in the hospital, & I ordered it to be shipped to our local Sears. Hubby picked me up from the hospital, we picked up the microwave, and went home.
I’d love to see more photos of Bossy’s moms house. It is so inspiring!
Bet she used the top of the radiators in the winter… so love Bossy’s Mom. xoxo p.s. noticed lots o vertical and horizontal strips going on… love it!
I like the little white doggy, who looks like a cousin to Toto. And the checked floor. And all the photos of BossysMom’s house. Show more, please.
I must say I like the convenience of a microwave for heating up dibs and dabs of leftovers without messing up a pan tho.
My mother has always been afraid of the “radio waves” of the microwave. Actually, me too.
You couldn’t pay me to screw with the atoms of my food like that. No microwave here either, toaster oven all the way for past five years. Tastes way better too.
a good kind of microwave. way to go bossy mom.
It seems to be a clever dual-functioning microwave – one which can defrost and bake food in the summer, and freeze it in the winter.
Funny, tomorrow is the day that I force my husband to toss our microwave in favor of our toaster oven. This is a sign!
LOL-must be pretty dense cause I kept looking for the microwave. *slaps herself*