Yo, Council. I’m a few days from going off camping in the wilderness (sorta) with my delightful one and when I come back, there’s a decision to be made.
It’s past the point of fun experimentation, and now I need to know:
Yes or no to the beard?
So how ’bout it, council: Who’s got an opinion? Bossy’s friend Amy put your hand down.
Could you just clone him? He’s darling both ways.
With beard.
Whatever Mom wants.
Ooooh, tricky. Manly or boyish? Ummm – you’ve got the rest of your life to be a man. Go with youth!
not everyone looks good w/ a beard. Not everyone looks good w/o a beard. You, however, look good w/ both options. If the hair is itchy, then shave. If you like the fact that you don’t have to shave keep the beard. I like the beard look, just don’t go ZZ top on us.
You’re handsome either way, of course. But, I’ve never met a man who I thought looked better with a beard than without (including my husband who I can only hope shaves soon).
Beard… though I may be biased
Without –
I won’t opine on whether you look better one way or ‘tother. But as someone who wears one, I’d say, play with it. Grow it in more. Then shave the cheeks for a circle beard. Then shave it off. Then grow it back. Trim it differently. Have fun with it and you’ll find friends who see it all different ways will start giving their opinions.
Lose the face fur. You’re much more attractive without it.
It’s a heat wave…..
When I pass roadkill these days I have to wonder if it was really heatstroke that got um’. See all that hair (fur) they have?
the correct answer is whatever The Delightful One likes.
I think the beard is a good look for you.
I don’t often go this way but I’m going to go with beard on this one. I don’t think I’d be doing that if it were much thicker, though. The picture has it just a little scruffy and fun.
To me, without is a classier look. But it’s your face…
Isn’t it ultimately up to The Delightful One? You look great either way.
I agree with Elizabeth who said the correct answer is whatever The Delightful One likes. It’s her face that will touch yours.
Keep it.
How about you try half way. Let’s see him with a scruffy goatee…
I vote without! What do Mom and The Delightful One have to say about it?
and longer hair
You know, I don’t really care either way. You’re lucky in that you can pull them both off. But can we all agree to JUST SAY TO to the Beiber haircut? (Not that you have one, I just want to take a pre-emptive strike against that abomination unto the Lord.)
Definately keep it!!
It’s up to no one but you!
I like beards, to look at. I don’t love them up against my face if they aren’t soft. If you keep it, be sure to toss some hair conditioner on there while you are in the shower.
I think you look great with a beard. You are young enough that no one will think you are trying to hide your age, and old enough that no one will think you are trying to, well, hide your age.
Having seen many pictures of your dad and knowing your mom, I am quite certain that this youthful look isn’t fading anytime soon, so no worries about wasting that babyface.
You can always take your beard off if you hate it.
I say grow it and decide whether to keep it later.
well according to the pics – the beard gets you a very nice looking guy and without gets you the delightful one – you do the math. 😉
I think you look good both ways but definitely older with the scruff…are you trying to look older?
With beard ,,,
–>You’re cute either way but til you *have* to shave everyday, leave the whiskers.
I rather like it.
i think that everyone agrees that you look very handsome both ways…….and I am with them on that. However, without shows off the enitre handsome features of your face, smile, etc and the beard hides a little of it…….so without is my vote. But if I were 20 years younger and single, I’d flirt with you either way 🙂
without. He has plenty of time to have a beard. Save it for the older, more distinguished years. Cherish the youthful, dashing, healthy skinned years. Beards make me wonder what you’re hiding under there. He has nothing to hide, handsome guy that is he is!
There are very few people in the world who love beards as much as I do. But his face is just so garsh darn cute that it’s a shame to hide it. No beard!
The Delightful One holds all the voting stock.
I like beards and I like clean shaven, I don’t like the scruff in between, especially up close & personal. No beard!
Beard with the longer hair!
the beard makes him look more grown up, without he looks like a “baby faced boy”. Either way, though, he’s a cutey. Some guys I know grow beards in the winter to keep their face warm.
The longer, playful haircut looks great without a beard. But the shorter cut with a little scruff is handsome too! Let the Delightful One pick!
I’d go with whatever choice The Delightful One makes!
Can wear both… gorgeous and a touch sweet without, a little more growed-up with, but has he tried a goatee yet? Enjoy experimenting, Bossy’s Son!
I have a slight preference for without. But, I don’t hold the cards here…. the important vote comes from the charming gal whose face rubs against it.
Delightful one, what do you say?
While he’s equally precious both ways, I tend to think beards are best served in winter. Since I live in a tropical jungle (The State Of Georgia), the thought of hair on one’s face makes me sweat.
With beard. Esp. for camping!
You look totally handsome both ways. Probably should go with what the “delightful one” likes best!
Keep it through the summer.
I like the beard.
With so long as it’s not too itchy, too hot, or too hard to keep trimmed. ZZ Top is not a good look, even for Brad Pitt.
I’m kind of a fan of the beard! But keep it nice and short and well-trimmed please! No bushman shaggy things going on, ok?
I’m incapable of making a decision when both options are good. My answer then, is “yes”.
p.s. I agree with #23 about the no Justin Bieber cut. He looks like he got a swirly in his elementary school restroom.
i know you said to put my hand down – but you know i can’t – so, shave the beard – keep the face cute as can be.
Smooth like a baby, hon.
Clean for the summer (it’s hot!), beard for the winter (to keep your chin warm). Best of both worlds!
Yes beard…it’s good.
What the the delightful one think?
I’m the wrong one to ask—-I’ve had mine for 42 years!!!
but————-without,for the time being.
Without. It looks kind of scraggly. But you should go with whatever the delightful one wants.
He looks nice either way. But the beard is kind of hip. Most importantly, what does The Delightful One think?
Really such a decision should always be made in consultation with the Delightful One.
With beard provided that it never gets past where it is in the photo above. Anything more and it’s going to look ragged.
I say, heck you’re in college- no better time to rock the scruffy look!! Work it!
He’s cute either way. I say let the girlfriend decide (his, not yours)
not the council’s right to say. Bossy’s son has body autonomy.
Beard. Super adorable!!
Yes beard, trimmed nicely, of course!
No beard.
Keep it while camping. Afterwards, it should be up to the person who will be in contact with your face the most. That’s outside contact, btw. Personally, I favor clean-shaven but it’s not my face. It’s yours … and Delightful One’s. And maybe a little bit Bossy’s.
Beard! Unless vetoed by delightful one – her opinion is infinitely more important….
now i am a biased opinion– I. LOVE. BEARDS.
AND while i was reading the last post i was thinking “hey bossy’s son is looking good with that beard!”
so keep it
Bossy’s Son, you are a gorgeous hunk o’ man with/without the beard. I also side with “whatever Miss Delightful” prefers! (and you, too, of course!)
I like the scruf better. Although I would grow it out much more and if you’re starting to go on job interviews, I’d suggest going clean-cut. Also, the girlfriend should have the option to request he shave should it start getting too itchy.
Prefer the beard. Very nice either way.
I am very pro beard, on you.
I happen to love beards. Everytime my husband says he wants to shave and see his face, I threaten divorce. BUT, Bossy Boy is young-wait a little longer for a keeper beard.Just like a woman changing styles with age, men like the new beard look. Totally handsome either way!
Is he the same age in the photos? If so, then I say yes to the beard. If not, I will need more photos for my conclusion.
He acquits himself reasonably well with the beard, but I’m still firmly in the without camp.
I’m with commenter #13 (Elizabeth)…whatever your Delightful One likes the best. You look very handsome with and without. (My son is your age). When you have youth and good looks on your side, it really doens’t matter what’s on your face, as long as it’s kept clean 😉
I’m on the no beard side, but what does the Delightful One say?
I’m not a facial hair sort of person — and tend to think only people with something to cover up look better with a beard. You, Bossy’s son have nothing needing cover… but I would vote with whatever the Delightful One wants.
Whatever his girlfriend prefers 😀
looks older w/ beard, but way more cuter without!
I vote to nix the beard!
No beard
The beard makes you look older. Because the Delightful One is younger than you, I don’t think that’s a good thing. I mean, *we* know you’re not a cradle-robbing pervert but the general public? They might not. So shave until the Delightful One is of legal age.
Bear. Neatly trimmed, of course.
A thousand times yes.
Delightful gets final vote, obviously, but my vote is a loud WITHOUT!!!
I love that instead of “The Delightful One” you say “my delightful one”.
Don’t like beards generally, but love it on you.
No. He has plenty of time in his life to look older than he really is (and distinguished). Now is the time to look cute.
While you are adorable without it, you do look older and more mature with the beard.
You look great either way but I say without. You have such great bone structure on your face so don’t hide it.
Two letter Friday. w/o.
You’re a cutie either way, but your Delightful One should have the final say…since she’s the one that’s kissing you.
First of all, if you had put up a picture of yourself with facial hair and The Delightful One asking if you should “keep the beard,” I’d say yes, keep her! 🙂
But seriously folks, I’m partial to scruff, but not a full beard, on a young man of your age. I agree with those who recommend growing the hair out a little, too, if you keep the facial hair.
I think the Delightful One should decide…
and BTW does she have college plans?
I’m an owner of one the same age. He has one too.
No beard . . . love the clean shaven look.
Beard.. you will have plenty of time when you become corporate america to be hairless.
Beard for camping and then do away with the damn thing when you’re done. Beards are gross!
He looks cool with the beard.
Mmmmmm, scruffy.
beard… so prof like…. but it is hot and I am practical so shave it now and enjoy the heat till the fall and grow it during 1st semester! Study hard! Peace
At your age it really doesn’t matter because you are young and handsome…..
Shave it off as fast as you can. It hides your handsome face.
Dude, shave it.
i don’t really think that can be considered a “full on” beard….. but definitely NO BEARD! the only fuzz i think is cool is a “delightful” lady “bush”…….. purrrrrrrrrrr.
I’m a fan of the beard…as long as it’s kept neat and tidy (like in the photo above). If you decide to keep it, for Gah’s sake, DO NOT let it get long and woolly looking, like some of the youngsters wear them. They look awful and unkempt and make an un-bearded person look away in embarrassment.
With if he grows out the hair a bit. Without if he keeps the hair short. Short hair and a beard makes him look a little amish like.
the scruff is adorable. you’re lucky to be from such attractive genes.
Beard! Especially for camping 🙂
no beard! Why cover up that beautiful face?
Yes, yes, yes to the beard. However, I am a beard woman. He looks quite grown up with the beard and boyish (in a good way) without the beard. Adorable either way though! You make very attractive children. 🙂
Beard! Meow……
Both looks are Good…
But I would stay with the beard, for now….
To quote Ke$ha, “I like his beard.”
My first response: You like the beard? Then keep it. It’s your face.
Since you asked: I like without. 🙂
Beard. Hairy faces make men look more manly.
It’s just one of those things that men can do that women can’t — grow facial hair.
Although, truthfully, I think the Delightful One should have the heaviest vote here (outside of you, of course).
I wasn’t gonna say anything, but since you asked…lose it, Stud. You’re such a total cutie without the fur — just makes you look like you’re trying too hard.
(And this from a woman who *begged* her husband to grow a beard. I usually love ’em!)
That said, i do agree that your Beloved should have the strongest vote. Since there’s voting, and all 🙂
Have a great time camping with the fam. You guys rock, whatever you want to look like.
Keep the beard, just go for a shorter length. Stubble is in.
at this point it appears that the definitive votes are 45 pro and 43 con. please tdo, chime in.
Beard. Definitely beard.
Oh man that’s a tough one – he’s cute both ways! I guess whatever makes him happy!
No beard. I don’t mind a goatee if it looks good, but full beards are just, hairy.
I normally despise beards, but you look especially adorable with one! (Said in a completely non-cougar, motherly way, of course.)
Plenty of time to look older and scholarly, go for boyish good looks!
Definitely keep the beard.
I just want to know if we’ll be hearing from The Delightful One! Meanwhile, I like beards, but you are adorable.
My gosh…you people are out there thinking about beards and not competing for the great mattress?
But me, I’m not the one to ask since I lived with 57 for many years. On him gorgeous, but you don’t need a beard yet.
And if you do keep it, grow your hair (the Amish comment).
Or better yet, do exactly what makes you happy.
Why not have it both ways and shave it into a goatee? I think it would look marvelous.
I go with clean shaven.
Way hotter without. I am not a cougar, I promise.
No beard, if you’re asking. I’m a fan of beards, but…Your face is your piece of art and the frame is your hair (in your case beard…) Your “art” is quite attractive, so no need for a fancy frame…
While generally I am NOT a fan of beards…I think it looks good on you! So go beard!
Whatever The Delightful One wants.
I can’t believe you asked the Council about this. But you did score over 140 comments from it! What was the result?
My husband has shaved one day in our 28 years of marriage; that was for a joke/prank on a friend. I told him to grow it back the very next day.
God, no.
Please, no.
Did i mention, no?
Shave! You are too handsome for coverage.
Keep it.. as long as it’s the same as in the picture! It’s just enough scruff to be handsome without being ‘boy have you showered lately?’.