The other day Bossy and her husband and her daughter went to the swimming beach at their Vermont campground, which distinguishes it from every other day this week exactly not at all.
But on this particular day, a group of ten friends were also inhabiting the grassy knoll overlooking Lake Champlain, and Bossy and her daughter couldn’t have been more entertained.
They stood around and gabbed and laughed and poked fun at each other:
They drank beer even though Bossy’s personal Park Ranger insists it was Coke:
And the group played their own version of ring toss:
In no time Bossy began to play her own game while observing these ten fellow-campers, and that game went a little like this: Who are the couples?
It was a Match Game — who belongs to whom — and when Bossy whispered this game to Bossy’s daughter who had staked out an adjacent beach towel, she was only too eager to play along.
This is what Bossy and her daughter came up with, and by the end of the day they ascertained that all of their hunches were correct:
Bossy can sum up her new camping game in this way: See what Bossy is reduced to without her MacBook Pro?
Which is what today’s Ten-Word Challenge is all about. In exactly ten words, can you tell Bossy your favorite pastime when on vacation?
And be sure to check back later today for the most vacationy games on the Web.
If you missed last week’s challenge, click here to find out what kind of toppings Bossy’s council prefers on their pizza.
–>Sunbathing, story-telling, drinking, reading, eating, laughing. Rinse. Repeat.
Reading, kayaking, preparing and eating good food with good friends.
Flying up to Napa for a steak dinner at Jonesys.
Eating eating eating eating eating and then eating some more.
Wrapping stuff in bacon. Anyone ever try a bacon s’more?
Basically, it involves hopping: restaurant hopping, bakery hopping, bar hopping.
Going through the alphabet on a road trip. Finding signs/lic plates with “your” letter.
Kindle downloading while sipping adult beverages by water (pool/beach)
Cruising through the clear blue Caribbean with drink in hand.
We play Farkle anywhere and everywhere we go (which is usually camping). Compact and fun.
Swimming, eating, napping, cheating at cards, laughing, swimming some more.
Feeling better about my own swimsuit physique by judging others’.
Books, Scrabble, wine, Tetris. Rinse and repeat, repeat, repeat repeat.
Being in Europe, not understanding a word spoken, ultimate satisfaction.
Rummy, Mexican Train Game, Solitaire; all accompanied by a “Coke.”
I prefer the “I am happily doing absolutely nothing” game.
Egyptian Ratscrew card game and drinking copious amounts of booze.
Reading on a deck or beach with glass of wine.
Daytime reading, night time campfires… beer/wine in hand. Perfection!
Sunset on deck with wine, fantasize about buying little bungalow.
Sunning, beach chair, books and great sheets and books.
Admiring taut abs of men on the beach without getting caught.
Studiously admiring the backs of my eyelids and eating crab.
People and boat watching at the harbor in Camden, Maine.
Read stack of books before coffee/wine/vacation runs out.
taking in the ocean breeze/walking along foreign cobblestone roads.
Not having to do anything I don’t want to do.
Beach, Pizza, Beer, Skeeball, Ice Cream, Boardwalk rides, Fireworks, Sleeping children, Adult time W/ Hubby.
Cribbage championship of the world. Please don’t double skunk me.
At first glance, driving. Look more closely, swatting bugs. jus’kiddin
Eating, Drinking, friends and family, people watching and relax, relax!
Blender drinks, beach chairs, sister and sister-in-law by my side.
Hiking by day and sitting around the campfire by night.
A puzzle! But only if it’s a beach house. Heaven.
Haha! This is EXACTLY what my parents do wherever we are! I, on the other hand, enjoy NOT relaxing, such as swimming, eating and swimming. hehe
Reading trashy novels lounging by the pool drinking Dirty Monkeys!
Newly retired ~ newly RVing ~ unlimited travel with fabulously fun husband!
Poolside with a good book, adult beverage and my hot husband by my side!
Beer not coke you’re right need new glasses oh well
Quiet, relaxing, good food and drink, over and over again…..
vacation? vuboq’s favorite vacation game is “Hello, New Air Conditioner.”
Pawleys Island, SC, Family, Drinks, Lots of Food, great beach!
swilling a cold glass of sweet sweet beer. repeat. repeat.
We used to go to Lake Champlain too! Homesick now!
(Seriously, Lake Champlain is beautiful…have you guys located Champ, the Loch Champlain monster, this time around?)
Throwing used towels on the hotel bathroom’s floor. What luxury.
Bossy’s mom, come stay with me in Bratislava! You won’t understand a thing!
Lounging on the beach, napping, eating, reading, cold beverages, relaxing.
bubblebath and book;never in real life, only vacation life
Skip-bo. Although being grand champion leaves one without challengers.
Church Street is having their annual sidewalk sale. Just saying.
Washer Toss is big here with kids and fogeys alike.
Lie on the beach and guess who’s peeing in the water.
Stop at all minimarts-find freshest Boston Baked Beans
You’re sure to fall in love with old Cape Cod…
My favorites involve wine and crab legs followed by wine.
The only thing distinguishing this as vacation is crab legs.
Road tripping as a means to find the best pie.
What was the question? Guy with beard is too distracting.
Dark or rain: card games, outside, ladderball, cornhole (!), more cards.