There were horses on the ferry that carried the Bossy family toward home, yesterday, from Vermont to New York state. And sister mercy snuggling with those horse heads was like Christmas had come early for Bossy and Bossy’s daughter and the Delightful One.
did you kiss their sweet nuzzley muzzlies?
That must’ve been a treat! Were they on their way to race at Saratoga??
all i can think about is why aren’t these horses wearing shipping halters – which then makes me think about their legs and how they probably aren’t wearing shipping boots… kinda makes this horse girl sad.
oh…I can just smell them and feel the warm breath and the muzzelly noses….heaven.
And bonus: They remind you of Stella!
They’re gorgeous. I’ve spent a lot of time on ranches (though never had a horse, but ranches and Arizona go together, so back when I lived there = ranches). I miss horses.
What a great ferry ride.
Sister mercy I’d be right there with you all snuggling with the horses too!
Goodness gracious me… HORSES on Bossy’s blog! What is the world coming to? Next thing you know I’ll be posting about the city… oh hang on… I’m about to.
The world is upside down today!
I concur with Bossy’s friend Amy…..likely these people practice natural horsemenship too.