Meet Jackie Warner. She’s owns this and stars in Bravo’s reality show Work Out. In the time it takes the average woman to gain two pounds, Jackie designed her own line of workout clothes, launched a fat camp, and converted at least two heterosexual women, although Jackie herself would rather grow cellulite than screw a man.
All this launching and converting builds quite the appetite. Which is why Jackie begins each day with a Protein Shake. The recipe for Jackie Warner’s Protein Shake is sold on eBay, but because Bossy adores her readers she is going to give it to you for free. All you need is $56 to buy the ingredients a blender.
First you take 1 scoop of Mega Green Powder.
Add 1 serving of Whey Protein Powder
1 tablespoon of Flaxseed Oil
1 tablespoon of Liquid Amino Acid
2 cups of Organic Mixed Berries (fresh or frozen)
1 cup of Ice.
Thank gah this recipe doesn’t call for the Psyllium Husk Powder Bossy already purchased when she was on a different kick because that would have been too cost effective.
Anyway. Blend well, pour, own, star, design, launch, and convert.
And look for Jackie’s lastest Bravo reality show, Thintervention, coming this fall!
This woman is like a train wreck. I don’t WANT to watch, but it is so hard to look away. Her other show was so dysfunctionally fascinating. And I have long since embraced the fact that since I like actual food, and am by nature LAZY, I will never have those abs.
I love that Scarlett Jo comparison! The best part of this new Thintervention show (Arg! hate that name) is that there’s a Bravo Real Housewife who’s getting thintervented.
What I noticed on the commercial is that Jackie has no hips! Not a single hip is to be found on her body. I’m not even jealous when I say that I don’t think she looked very good. Straight line from the arm pit down with nary a curve to be seen. I mean, yes, she is in great shape, but zero body fat = no hips. Give the girl some hips!
I hate that they are trying to girl her up, for TV…like they do to Rachael Maddow. Seeing Jackie with long hair is just not right. And why do they always have to have a psycho session on these shows? Folks like food, THE END. No need to get all psycho-babbly
I’m with Pat. And I’m not a fan of reality shows, either. I don’t really get them.
I have never heard of Jackie before this. Did you try this shake? Is it worth buying the ingredients? Is that a man’s torso photo-shopped into that one picture? very funny!
That girl needs a) more clothes on, and b) a cheeseburger with a side of donuts.
I am trying to be disdainful, but CS said a Real Housewife was going to be on, so now I am helpless and will not be able to resist watching. Dang it.
Thinervention? That girl is darn sick looking. Nothing appealing to me about her. No hips, no boobs and too many muscles. I’d love to see what she looks like in ten years.
Your son is spot-on. Not until I read that did I think it and LOL.
Is it just me? I looked at this three times before I realized it was a sports SPA and not a sports bra. Never heard of her! Planning to never watch. Thanks for the heads up so I can avoid it, Bossy!
She has a body like a man. Eat a pizza already
As a rule, I don’t watch anything on Bravo. But my WORD, the abs!
Steroids. They’re not just for breakfast any more. Or guys, obviously.
Remember your hairdresser husband’s advice, Bossy? Embrace your inner curl?
I have embraced my inner, (and outter) curves.
She does look like ScarJo on steroids! The word “Thintervention” makes me want to gag, but as far as I’m concerned, anything anyone does to help someone battle a weight problem is a good thing. I could use one myself