Is it just Bossy, or is there something disturbing about the Got Milk advertisements?
Is it because milk remains are just so shudder?
Is it because the girls are always in seductive poses and the milky smear above their mouth doesn’t really look like a milk moustache?
Or is it because it reminds Bossy of something even more sinister?
–>I’m sure Lindsay would prefer “diet coke.”
It is like elmer’s glue. What bothers me more about the Beyonce ad is how she is standing. All hip check in front of mom. What is up with that?
Just yesterday I was at a local Children’s exploreum type place. They had the traveling “Got Milk” exhibit fo the day, giving away milkshakes and milk and taking moustache photos. My kids opted out of the photos. Anyway, the craziest part was there were PROTESTERS! They had a huge banner that read something like “How would you like to be imprisoned, repeatedly raped and impregnated and then have all your babies taken away from you? Milk belongs to the calves! Go VEGAN!” It seemed a bit much on a Tuesday after most kids here are in school at a place for small children.
Yikes, #3!
How about “Got Nair?”
THANK YOU. Even without going down the sperm/coke route, I still think having food and beverage remains on your face is disgusting and something I try to avoid.
OMG! I’m glad I’m not the only one.
But funnier? When the men have milk moustaches. OMGOMGOMG.
It do look more like hairremoval-cream.
now THIS is funny, Bossy! I read once that they can’t use just milk for those moustaches, that they have to add more yogurt for the thickness and for it to stay put. Can you imagine yogurt under those hot photo lights after awhile? ewwwwwww…..
The real creepy thing behind it is that the guy who created it – Victor Zaborsky is involved in some way with a grizzly murder in his DC home…
Ha! Even before I got to the end of this post, I knew where it was going. I think our minds are on the same ‘one-track’.
There are just certain foodstuffs that elicit that yuk response…and egg on face or shirt, same thing…
I love milk but these ads almost turn me against it…
ROFL. I love me a good Lohan joke. Poor kid.
LOL – bossy is super sassy today!
I don’t think it is milk at all, I think it’s like flour and glue…bleh
How gross. I totally agree that these ads are off the mark. The idea is kind of cute, but whatever sludge they scrape up to depict the illusion of an alluring milk mustache makes it appear that the yummy moo juice is about 15 days past spoiled.
In total agreement. The only thing worse than a milk moustache is milk breath.
I have always found those commercials and ads gross. I appreciate the sentiment, and have nothing against the milk-producing folks or people that drink the stuff, but the ads are a HUGE turn off for me.
What’s so sinister about sperm?
Could a milk moustache do the job of Jolene bleaching creme? It looks as scary.
Only old thick stinky milk would leave a mustache like those….gah!!!
I don’t drink milk (ick!), so I never gave these ads a second look, but now that you mention it…uck!! Ick and uck…yeah, pretty much the way I feel about milk. Period.
Any time I see those ads, I feel a skeevy itch around my face.