How is it that you are all getting married, going sailing, returning from Girl’s Weekend, cheering in football stadiums, holding newborns, staying in cabins, enjoying all-you-can-eat mussels, booking gigs, baking cupcakes, sitting in open-air festivals, playing drums, running marathons, flirting with Jay Mohr, breaking fast, riding bikes, sipping heart-shaped latte, and snapping rainbows — while all Bossy managed this weekend was a Netflix movie and a batch of edamame?
Bossy needs more boring friends.
I can fill that boring slot for ya! I did help a friend get ready to sell her house and move, by doing yard work and cleaning. At least the NetFlick had a plot, right?
was fasting in temple…
(feel better now?)
I, too, am amazed at the social universe that is Facebook. Although, I’m not sure all those people are telling the truth in their status updates. I could say that “I am looking at David Cassidy right now.” And it would be true, cause I’m staring at his picture on my wall. But I’m not REALLY looking at David Cassidy.
Who knows.
Oh, I know. My weekend was SO FULL of things like vacuuming and taking my kid to buy a Superman toy and buying a new bathmat. Gaze upon its awesomeness.
Be like everyone else and post your own faux-experiences to make everyone jealous!
“Bossy’s Husband and I had martinis on the deck while getting synchronized massages. Then played Scrabble with no vowels, just for the challenge.”
–>I only post the semi-interesting things as my facebook status, the really boring stuff goes on twitter.
Edamames sound exciting to me. If you haven’t already counted me among your boring friends, you probably should. I am certain it will make you feel much better about your life! {Unless, of course, standing in the returns line at Target really does it for you – then watch out}
Do not feel bad, Bossy. It was a fairly interesting weekend for some people, I am sure, but not everyone is telling the truth. I believe that Cecelia is correct that many people probably embellish their weekend activities. Watching Netflix movies and unwinding is my idea of the perfect weekend!
You just need fewer friends.
I’d say something interesting, but I can’t. I’m too boring. And sleep deprived. (Baby has an ear infection – it was a REALLY fun weekend. I was up all night, except instead of drinking wine and partying it up, I was begging and pleading for the screaming to end.)
I just gave up facebook sort of. If was making me feel all nervy inside and agree with Judy and Cecelia & Z. If it was all so fascinating, how do they have the time to post? I know someone who facebooked updates during their own wedding. Eff that.
I’m boring…you just don’t see my posts, because…well, you know…boring!! : )
I’m so boring I’m practically a troglodyte – glorious weather here in the south of France and all I managed to do was buy some tomatoes, watch cr*p on TV and sleep during the day. I feel like I haven’t seen daylight since, oh, forever…
Come on, people! Everyone’s life can be a little interesting if you know where to look. It’s a half-empty/half-full kind of thing.
New laptop. All the excitement I can handle!!!
A little down time is a wonderful thing.
Bossy, I’m usually with you on the boring life, but this weekend was so much fun, I did post a few updates, but not during the excitement, I post when it’s over and I’m back to my mundane world.
Thank you Bossy for making me feel normal!!
I said approximately the same thing when you were on the road and I was home, toiling in the vineyard.
It’s all ebb and flow, y’know?
Well, Bossy, I must say it seems you have a “not too boring” life even if the events are boring b/c you have a great sense of humor. But, yes, I agree with you………how is it all these people had these exciting weekends and I was figuring out how to pass the time with my 3 year old b/c I was too stinkin’ tired to do much
Plus….I’m so boring I don’t even HAVE a facebook page……let’s raise a glass to boring!
HEY! That’s my Sorority Girl pointing at the dinosaur!
My vacation got even better. We went down to Key West and it was Bike Week and we went on a Sunset Sail Booze Cruise!
Ummmm. sorry, was I bragging?
Sometimes less is more, right? Think of the times you do cool stuff and don’t post it on FB. You’re just taking the classy route.
BTW, I have met David Cassidy, but it was waaaay before the invention of FB. Okay, now I feel really old. Gonna go spend some quality time with Netflix. {sigh}
i’m thinking that most of the people that i know (in the above pictures) don’t have children or grown children – which makes ones life a lot more carefree and flexible.
Woo there I am a’sailing away! And, bossy’s friend amy, you are correct about the children. Was it the bottle of champagne in our hands and case of beer in the boat’s cooler at 12 in the afternoon that gave that away?
I believe my friends’ posts, because they never post anything outlandish – it’s stuff like concerts and playing drums and sailing and surfing and dinners – real life stuff, with kids, and usually pictures. Who is this that posts fake updates? What an odd concept.
I’m boring. Last weekend I did practice calculations for an exam. See. Nothing fun about me.
I have kittens with fungus. I posted that on fb.
Boring is good but then your facebook would be empty and no reason to check it! LOL
Boring is good though, my religious grandma use to tell me…”Don’t pray for excitement! Hanging off a cliff is excitement but you don’t need it.”
Bossy, you just have to put a spin on it I think…We were looking for a new mattress on saturday. I could have posted: “rolling around on mattress while strangers watch”