For as long as Bossy can remember, which granted stretches back to just prior to breakfast, the Bossy family has been vacationing in a campground. Take the past ten years. Please. For the past ten years the Bossy family has set up shop in a state park in the middle of nowhere Vermont, where shop equals they don’t shop because see part about the middle of nowhere.
But before Bossy tells you more about camping, she wants to tell you
about this:
As part of a paid promotion for their “Do What You Love” Sweepstakes, Cheerios® is sponsoring this post and giving you the chance to win a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: your ultimate family vacation! Enter the Sweepstakes by pushing that link for a chance to win your fantasy family trip, or one of their other great prizes!
We now return you to this Bossy post already in progress.
Camping. Although it’s amazing to sleep outside for ten days, there are many hardships involved with camping, such as sleeping outside for ten days. A camping vacation is anything but relaxing by most vacation standards.
As an example, the above photo depicts the fresh fish that is frequently on the Bossy camping menu. Camping and camping food is all about back to basics, where basic refers to rising before dawn, renting the boat, buying the fishing license, sitting in the wake of speed boats for hour after hour as the sun bakes the top of your head in a nice sauce of sunblock — and then there’s the cleaning of the fish and the fetching of the campfire wood and the water necessary to cook the rest of the dinner, followed by the grilling and the inevitable scrubbing of the stack of dishes utilizing one drop of Campsuds. Ah, basics.
With a scenario like this year after year — and returning home more exhausted than when she left, but in a good, sleepless way — one would think Bossy’s idea of the ultimate family vacation would be something like this:
But ultimately the ultimate Bossy family vacation would involve renting a house or apartment somewhere inspiring so the Bossy family could assimilate into the environment completely.
Interestingly enough, renting a house or an apartment abroad is not that relaxing either since there’s no maid service or other hotel advantages — and assimilating into the environment often translates to mean food shopping and cooking.
But Bossy realizes she is happiest on vacation when she can pretend like she lives in that place. Even if that isn’t always the most restful. On the other hand that Belize spa sure seems nice!
And now it’s your turn. Tell Bossy about your ideal vacation. And don’t forget to enter the Do What You Love Sweepstakes, for a chance to win your own ultimate family vacation. And by the way, Bossy was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity — as does Bossy, who puts the grit in integrity.
My ideal vacation? Pre-kids, it would have been a couple of weeks in Lucca or Florence or perhaps Paris. With my wife. And time to wander and read and eat and did I mention espresso? Espresso. And wine. Olives…. And loads of money to spend on espresso, wine, local foodstuffs…. And time to read!
Post-kids, it wouldn’t be that different, though the chances of time to read… well, hell, this is my IDEAL vacation, right? Do I get to specify the ideal behaviors of the girls as well? No. Well then, maybe a couple of weeks on a quiet, sunny beach where we can swim and eat sand and nap and get cranky from the sunburns. But with espresso. And wine.
My idea of roughing it, is a hotel without 24 hr. room service. My ideal vacation always involves seeing new places. Places with great hotels and 24hr…you get the picture.
Too many to choose from. Although, I would probably say a safari in Botswana or somewhere similar. Maybe a 3-week stay in South Africa, where I could revel in the very metropolitan Cape Town, see penguins in Simon’s Town, visit the Cape of Good Hope, and do a long safari at a private park in the north.
Lately, I’ve been jonesing to take my kids and husband to do a week+ long stay in NYC; if it were the “ideal” vacation, it would involve a nanny friend, a two-bedroom hotel suite near Central Park, and no lines to see the Statue of Liberty. We’d go see a few broadway plays, we’d compare views from Top of the Rock and Empire, spend at least one whole day in CP (definitely do the boating!), let the kids do something else while we went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the MOMA and the Cloisters (they’re young and would whine).
Although, I’ve always wanted to go to Fiji and stay near a waterfall.
Plus, I’ve never been to St. Tropez, and I really think it would be cool to say I’ve been to St. Tropez.
On my Mighty Life List is to take a month off of work and rent a swanky RV and drive the kids all around the country.
Geez, Bossy. Thanks for a roaring case of Wanderlust! Seriously, thank you. I love to think about travels.
God, so many. I don’t have kids but I just put on my life list the fact that I’d like to take another vacation with my parents before they go. Of course my parents are divorced so it’d have to be kind of 2 vacations because vacationing with both of them? Not ideal.
What about this: A couple of weeks in Italy eating great food with my mom and seeing all the sights. We travel to Paris together where we have a nice day then, in one easy trip to the airport, I drop mom off and pick up dad. We drink wine in Paris for a day or so, look at some art, maybe check out the Opera then take the Chunnel Train back to the UK and do a couple of weeks of books and Theatre all over Great Britain.
Wow, that would be really nice.
Australia—with the whole family—where they do their own thing—and check in with me regularly—to make sure I am alive and comfortable—-with books and movies—and stuff to nosh when I want it.
See, I want al the family close, but not—well, you know
A deluxe family camping trip with Backroads. It’s got the great outdoors, only someone else lugs all your stuff and cooks gourmet camp food:
I would so walk the plank in Belize.
Flat in Paris with enough money to eat out in those fancy restaurants every lunch and dinner, and a way to take off all those pounds.
Then a few weeks driving around France to small towns.
Thanks for asking
Bossy, my five children, hubby and I love museums and history. Our ideal vacation: London! Most museums are free and the oh, the history that city has seen would put Jamestown to shame. We hope to get there at some point. And I agree with you…renting a home is not really an ideal vacation. We normally stay in Motel 8 kind of places (which is actually fun, but then, my benchmark is low)…anyway, this summer, we rented a house in Cape Cod for 10 days. We had never done that before. And we will never do that again. I was so tired from trying to keep that rental house clean and tidy. That house was cleaner than my own (although again, my benchmark is low). Anyway, here is hoping that everyone gets to their ideal vacation someday soon.
Ahhhhhhhh! I can’t pick ONE.
Ok ok, I really want to go to Prague, my fathers homeland. AWell HIS fathers homeland, actually his father’s father’s homeland. Anyhoodle…a trip to Praque with my daddy. Yes. Beer.
Ooh, I like that! A drinking tour of…. well, anywhere, really. With umbrellas!
#10: We went to Prague 4 yrs ago when my daughter was working there. Christmas. It was fantastic. Except she lived 5 flights up and it was like Barefoot in the Park. Lots of gasping for breath and collapsing at the top! Needless to say, we should have stayed in a nice hotel with 24hr room service AND an elevator. With enough hot water. City lovely though. Would do it again.
I was all set to go on a Belize yoga retreat this coming February, but it’s looking like it’s going to get canceled (which on one hand is a relief because i can’t really afford it, but still…).
I am SO overdue to hang out on a beach and drink fruity drinks, though.
Beach. Blue skies. Blue water. Lounge chair. Drinks. Good book. Anywhere as long as it includes a luxury hotel with a balcony with a great view. Of the ocean. And maybe after a week of doing absolutely nothing I’d try scuba diving, parasailing, boat tours, etc.
A Cruise – the longer the better! My ultimate vacation would be an around the world cruise. What could be better? See exotic places but sleep in your own comfy cabin every night. Eat wonderful food every day, be waited on hand and foot…ahhhh what a lovely dream!
There are so many wonderful places I want to experience that it’s hard to choose just one. I’m a city girl and Tokyo is looking good to me these days.
I like the style of your vacationing dreams!!! I have similar dreams to travel the world and live life in other countries for short stints
Apartment in Paris… paaalease! Amazing.
I like grit but not grits.
Have done that apt in Paris trip and I want more!!! My favorite trip was a week in Provence and a week in Paris. Parfait!!
Even before I scrolled down to the Belize photo, I was fantasizing about how Bossy should be ensconced in a hut on stilts, somewhere in the Seychelles with all the clothing she needed capable of being transported in a Band-Aid box. And lots of unguents.
I do NOT fantasize about Bossy sprawled on the shore of a polluted, semi-stagnant Vermont inland sea, squatting in the rural equivalent of a tenement adjacent to a gaggle of toothless mouth-breathers whose intellectual passion begins and ends with the proper bait for bottom-feeding junkfish.
Just sayin’…
My ideal vacation would include the kids, their boyfriend and girlfriend, the baby that will be born NEXT WEEK, and my dog. It usually involves winter, and driving, and honestly doesn’t need a sponsor. Somehow, we manage to get there on our own, and okay. So, ideal vacation to me means 1) family, 2) my dog, and 3) safe arrival.
A touristy shore town, staying in a crappy hotel with my four best friends and spending the entire week going to the beach, perusing the boardwalk and drinking at all the local bars.
(ps…I know I am shooting low here, but I like to keep my fantasies possibly obtainable so as to not disappoint myself and cry)
I’d love to travel across Canada, from east to west. Or west to east. Doesn’t really matter.
I’d like to do all our vacay favorites–kayaking, biking and fishing but in an exotic new locale–I’m thinking New Zealand might be perfect.
Loved renting a gulffront condo near st pete this past summer, had a pool and the ocean plus we went to Busch gardens.
But also will love to go back to England and tour the southern coast again. Just love the culture and the B&Bs there! Maybe even pop into London for some Museums and such.
Oh to be independently wealthy!
Well, my children change the equation for the perfect vacation, as previous commenters have said. I love city life, but luckily, too, I love the ocean: my children are at their level best at the beach, not so in urban areas. So a perfect vacay at this point of my life would be a great beach someplace–Tropics? Seychelles? Pacific Northwest? Nova Scotia? ( we are a pale people). Hell, at this point I would settle for Carmel (an hour away)! Oh, and PS, I really like Cheerios. Never tire of them.
Somewhere with no blackberry, no computer, and no medical textbooks with my best girlfriends. A cabin by a lake filled with art supplies, good books, sunlight, and copious walking trails with a kitchen stocked to the gills with fresh veggies and tasty morsels.
To Greece with hubby and the kids, both of them having a very enthusiastic nanny for when I want to nap/drink/ have adult company. Historical touring, , and then goodbye kids, husband and I having great food and wine and the capacity to conduct a conversation without interruption.
Best vaca so far a) childless Prague – so gorgeous and b) with kids Ireland where the smiles never leave the kids’ faces from the “mornin'” greeting by Customs at Shannon airport when you arrive., to that “safe trip now” of the security guy when we make our way back.
I’d take pretty much anywhere at the moment, if it included the chance to sleep for longer than 4 hours at a stretch. Though that would mean anywhere my son isn’t, which might be kind of hard, actually.
I would LOVE to go to a place like that spa, with the delivered meals and the never having to leave the . . .house? Cabana? Whatever it is. Anywhere where someone takes care of all the details of food and so on. And where I could get a massage.
Lord, do I sound like a cliche of a mom with a small child? Yes, yes I do.
I would love to tour China with my partner, our close friends and a translator.
A river cruise through Europe making sure to see the castles in Germany.
Would like vacations like my neighbors: South of France, again and again and again. Husband wants more diversity.
But if we’re talking imaginary and wondrous vacations, then I’d love us to see the gorillas in Rwanda, only beamed directly in without the 7 hour walk through jungles with the promise that one may-or-may-not see gorillas at the end of that hike. Just hang out with gorillas in the wild: something we’ll likely never do at this point.
The Southwest U.S. Wander by Jeep, (air conditioned), through the red rock beauty all summer long, until the snow flies. Please.
Many of the commenters seem to fancy Europe and yes, I can see their point: I’ve lived in Europe all my life and there are some FABULOUS places to visit: Lake Como is beyond beautiful (and George Clooney lives somewhere round there, though I didn’t see him), Amsterdam is glorious, Lisbon is wonderful… And of course, London (my almost-home town), Paris (where I lived when I was a young graduate), Barcelona, Madrid, Rome, Florence… not forgetting Montpellier in the South of France where I am now. Vienna, Salzburg, Zurich, Geneva, Heidelberg, Freiberg, Munich all had their good parts, but didn’t do it for me in the same way as Spain, Portugal, Italy and France. Sweden was lovely too, though ridiculously expensive.
As I seem to have visited quite a bit of Europe, my dream holiday would be over your way – far from the cramped, olde worlde style of Europe. I long to visit places like San Francisco, Seattle, the Deep South (New Orleans, Charleston, Atlanta…) or New York (the only place I have been in the US – and loved)…
And for the holiday to be truly ideal, it would have to include a swanky hotel, a nanny-type person to look after my daughters when I fancied some adult time, and of course Pat Monahan…
Can you tell I live in fantasy world?
For information, I took the girls (aged 8 and 6) to Bilbao in Spain this summer and it was FANTASTIC – the city gets pretty bad press, but is much nicer than the guide books let on, much cheaper than its “prettier” neighbours (Santander and San Sebastian), and home to the spectacular Guggenheim Museum… I highly recommend it!
Anywhere rife with cabana boys and nannies would be dandy by me. I’d consider camping, but I hear it’s not good for suede and it’s not like I can leave my new boots home alone, for God’s sake.
My ideal vacation? They build a Lego World at Atlantis. And it comes with child care that’s available on demand 24/7. Sometimes family time must take second place to cocktails…
My ultimate vacation would involve a cabin (a nice one, with plumbing) or a condo. Ski in/ski out. Ski passes. Ski lessons. Fireplace. Lots of snow. Cool restaurants serving game meat and high fat desserts. I believe this place is called Breckenridge.