Climb on Bossy’s lap and, in exactly ten words, tell her what you want for Christmas. Not health and love blah peace, but think like a kid — got anything you want?
And don’t forget to stop by later today for the best gift ideas on the web.
Nook, tall winter riding boots, gift card to tack shop, cashmere, a dyson (which had best not be purchased by my husband – who knows he is not allowed to buy me appliances for xmas), new flatware – okay not exactly ten words or ten items – but you said sit on my lap style…
I read bossy’s friend martha’s entry as wanting “double porn porn”. Geeze, that does look like pom. Pom… porn. Yep, looks exactly the same in this font. p o r n, double p o r n. Sick. I’m sick. I clued in when ‘knit hat’ came after it… i was all “whaaaa???”
Instant fitness so maybe I’d like jogging and I’d cancel gym membership
Two fully funded college funds
a big box of Cadbury’s Roses that would have no effect on my weight whatsover.
A toasty fire and an excellent book and a cup of Barry’s tea to enjoy the dietetic Roses with:)
A Kindle and an endless supply of free good books that magically appear on said Kindle
A kickass new wardrobe filled with non-Mom stuff.
Four clean bills of health for four humans
A magical cure for a supershedding Black Lab
A massive wine cellar full of delicious vino
Unlimited vacation time and unlimited travel funds
Hang on ,… 10 words. OK then,
“One Powerball Winner tonight, named km,somewhere in CT.”
Pay off the rest of our debt. Finish the half of the downstairs that is under construction. Expand my bedroom to include a sitting area and one more closet. Oh, and a new job. The old one is really worn out.
Awesome new 15 inch laptop with great sound – since I use it as a stereo.
New clothes from my brother, who has better taste than me.
Donation to charity in my name – the feel good, clutter-free gift.
A baby who sleeps through the night!
I want the seasons of all Doctor Who 1-5 on DVD, a laptop, my husband to get the job he dreams of, move out of the country to where I can get decent internet connections
A Canon D60 with 18-135 mm lens. And to #7, the good thing about the Blendtec is that it pulverizes things and the bad thing about the Blendtec is that it PULVERIZES things. You can have mine!
A really, really great place to live… at the end of January, we have to leave the house in which we raised five children, the house in which my papa died… Oh, Santa Bossy, please make my Christmakwanzakkah wish come true!
A new job or an ipad or both and some good chocolate and some cash that does not have to fit into the budget and can just be blown on whatever…yes, I want all that!
Pay off my VISA. I’ve been good to myself.
lipstick that doesn’t come off on my teeth
A new camera and tickets to somewhere near Bossy!

Still waiting for go-go boots; third grade Santa request.
Kick-ass new job. Tickets for WICKED. Reach my goal weight.
I want an iPad even if it’s an oversized iTouch.
Ridiculously expensive blender that can pulverize anything and everything. BOOYAH!
I want a bigger craft room and a serger.
Oh, little things–clothes, camera, new car, water heater, vacation . . .
skylights and heat for studio and double pom-pom knit hat.
Nook, tall winter riding boots, gift card to tack shop, cashmere, a dyson (which had best not be purchased by my husband – who knows he is not allowed to buy me appliances for xmas), new flatware – okay not exactly ten words or ten items – but you said sit on my lap style…
I read bossy’s friend martha’s entry as wanting “double porn porn”. Geeze, that does look like pom. Pom… porn. Yep, looks exactly the same in this font. p o r n, double p o r n. Sick. I’m sick. I clued in when ‘knit hat’ came after it… i was all “whaaaa???”
Winning lottery ticket
boots – black
island vacation
new kayak
Big Ben Barbie, and a glittery NYE shirt and tiara
Awesome pants that fit my stubby legs. And a panda.
A trip to Disney in Florida with the family!!
A little camera and a trunkload of makeup from Sephora.
(Here is the little camera, Santa – hope you’re reading this:
A little red smart car with a big red bow
A doll, sled, roller skates and key, delighting in all!
A personal best half marathon plus completing a full
–>A fancy DSLR camera with lens and instruction book.
I really want a 55inch LED HDTV.
Not sure if Santa can fit that in his sleigh this year.
Might be getting iPad. Need new laptop. Want flatscreen TV.
Powerball win…even the $200K prize would tickle my fancy!
Can I retire tomorrow? House replastered and painted. New camera.
Laptop, camera, and a lovely apartment in Philly. With bathtub.
(And an adult sized kitchen, but that is more than ten words!)
Villa next door to George Clooney’s pad on Lake Como.
Museum quality specimens of rutilated quartz and watermelon tourmaline. I’ll take 7 of the first and 3 of the second.
A new puppy to hug and squeeze and love forever.
Instant fitness so maybe I’d like jogging and I’d cancel gym membership
Two fully funded college funds
a big box of Cadbury’s Roses that would have no effect on my weight whatsover.
A toasty fire and an excellent book and a cup of Barry’s tea to enjoy the dietetic Roses with:)
A Kindle and an endless supply of free good books that magically appear on said Kindle
A kickass new wardrobe filled with non-Mom stuff.
Four clean bills of health for four humans
A magical cure for a supershedding Black Lab
A massive wine cellar full of delicious vino
Unlimited vacation time and unlimited travel funds
Hang on ,… 10 words. OK then,
“One Powerball Winner tonight, named km,somewhere in CT.”
An engagement ring. Anxiously waiting for the boyfriend to propose.
iPad; TV that doesn’t randomly change channels;Blueray DVD player.
Wow, how materialistic of me. Take 2:
For Penn to accept Eldest; money to pay for it!
My husband is building me some things in the garage.
Weight lose in my sleep-come on Santa-you’re magic!
Fifteen books on my list- will settle for only fourteen.
I meant weight LOSS, Maybe I need an English class!
A red Coach purse.
Restored Vintage AMC Gremlin-cherry red
10,000 shares of facebook
I want an iPad. Don’t need, want.
Just want my kid to talk.It’s very simple, really.
XBox 360 w/Kinect, Jeans that FIT, sparkly stuff
A housekeeper, a personal chef, a gardener, and some chocolate.
I want it all!!!!
A kick ass juicer
A huge chili pot – and a smaller one too
New boots
Wooden Cooking Utensils
Books! Oh god, Books!
A bigger house so I can pretend that I’m going to have people over and Christmas yard decorations!
Pay off the rest of our debt. Finish the half of the downstairs that is under construction. Expand my bedroom to include a sitting area and one more closet. Oh, and a new job. The old one is really worn out.
Awesome new 15 inch laptop with great sound – since I use it as a stereo.
New clothes from my brother, who has better taste than me.
Donation to charity in my name – the feel good, clutter-free gift.
A baby who sleeps through the night!
Jon Blair’s Illustrated Discography of Surf Music 1961-1965 (4th Edition)
To keep my job so I can pay off bills.
ipad, iphone, flat-screen tv, VitaMix blender, weekly maid service!
A personal chef, a personal chef, a personal chef, ten.
Either a Hermes Birkin or Kelly bag, for investment purposes, of course.
Please bring me a week of full-night’s sleep. Please!
Valium, vodka…and a vacation (oh wait, that is redundant)
Pay-off of student loans I took for kids’ college so I can retire…I’m 68!
I want the expensive horse to stop limping right away…..
Unfortunately he is on 8-12 months of stall rest and we just wrapped up month 4. Ughhhhh
A Red Kitchenaid Mixer … and a new kitchen.
I want the seasons of all Doctor Who 1-5 on DVD, a laptop, my husband to get the job he dreams of, move out of the country to where I can get decent internet connections
All I want is 15 minutes of quiet. Too much?
Job with paid vacation, being self-employed means no benefits.
I’ll take a New Year as good as this one.
pay off my Visa or Plastic surgery and recoup time please Santa!
Oh Santa Bossy, ipod touch and ability to drive it.
A Canon D60 with 18-135 mm lens. And to #7, the good thing about the Blendtec is that it pulverizes things and the bad thing about the Blendtec is that it PULVERIZES things. You can have mine!
Sorry, Bossy. I want a healthy son. Like, now.
A tall, sexy, intelligent, financially-sound and loving MAN please!
what #35 said, and bling from boyfriend maybe xmas fiance : )
Nintendo Wii and lots of games to play with it.
PLEASE………Husband NOT to snore & Black, flat, suede boots,
(I HAVE them somewhere, but can’t even find new ones to buy!)
I want a puppy. Everyone is getting puppies this year!!
A new butt..ok a new car, hows about both?
Boob-job . They went too far south when I lost 50 pounds .
A brand new bicycle–just like when I was nine.
A really, really great place to live… at the end of January, we have to leave the house in which we raised five children, the house in which my papa died… Oh, Santa Bossy, please make my Christmakwanzakkah wish come true!
A boyfriend and a new laptop. And still? A puppy.
Eat my way through San Francisco and not gain weight.
lots and lots and lots and lots of blow jobs.
A new job or an ipad or both and some good chocolate and some cash that does not have to fit into the budget and can just be blown on whatever…yes, I want all that!
i want i want i want i want i want…
Frequent Flyer card for the Virginia ABC store… I mean hell… vodka for my fresca adds up…(maybe one for the wine store too for Jeff…teeheee)
I’d LOVE a week off to read in divine solitude.
Some special time in a hot tub with Craig Ferguson.
We are homeless. We want $ for an apartment.
Boots. Dead sexy boots. That fit my calves. 2″ heel.
Employer to stop illegally garnishing my pay. And a boyfriend.
Running sneakers with wings or tickets to Mary Poppins.
Vacation. Now I need to find nine more words. Vacation.
Lots and lots and lots of money. With extra money.
I got me a new grandbaby! So… I’m good, actually.
A whole new wardrobe from Anthropolgie and many new shoes!
Drum pad and sticks, chocolate, chickens (decorative), iTunes, a wallet
To have my autistic, diabetic daughter wake up magically cured.
I want Moxie’s daughter to wake up all cured, too.
A drama-free Christmas week with my in-laws would be refreshing.
Didn’t know Husband posted here as Muskrat/78. He’d enjoy one.
A bottle of bourbon next to another bottle of bourbon.
House with a yard and a room for my stuff.
That, or what Moxie asked for, because that seems like a much better use of Santa.