Bossy woke up thinking about New Year’s Eve, which is a coincidence since it is tonight.
Bossy never gave much weight to this night which every year makes Bossy rethink all the decisions she ever made and every path chosen and not chosen as well as wonder how to right the wrongs in the coming year while maintaining everyone’s happiness and earning her potential and what do you mean most people just like to drink champagne and kiss strangers?
Where was Bossy? Oh yes, Bossy was not giving weight to this weighty night.
Historically speaking, Bossy’s significant others have always been musicians who played New Year’s Eve, which perpetually left Bossy a midnight war bride, counting down the new year in the middle of a beer-drenched audience with a band mate’s girlfriend.
In Bossy’s married mom life, most New Year’s Eve celebrations have consisted of, let’s see, um. Actually Bossy can’t remember what she did for the bulk of two decades on New Year’s Eve.
The exception to this rule is the past few years, when Bossy has traipsed the convenient and cherished two-hundred paces to her friend Martha’s house to pass the night with warm friends and chilled martinis, and never the other way around:
And Bossy knows what you’re thinking, and she agrees. The end.
The fact is, it doesn’t get much better than passing New Year’s Eve at Bossy’s friend Martha’s house. So what was it about the following photo that made Bossy a little melancholy?
You are looking at, let’s see, what are you looking at? You are looking at a model you hope is nineteen but she’s actually sixteen in front of a white screen in a photography studio in that certain part of town where long ago cattle cars delivered to the meat-packing plants that are now million dollar condos.
But what the above photo symbolizes for Bossy is festive New Year’s Eve wear. And more specifically, Bossy’s lack of it. Shall we?
Bossy was thinking it would be fun to wear a sexy dress on New Year’s Eve. So let’s consider that item number one on her New Year’s Eve bucket list.
Caviar. You know it’s a delicacy when people can refer to it as fish eggs and it still sells for two-hundred dollars an ounce.
Not that there’s anything wrong with the Trader Joe’s spanakopita Bossy will shake from the oven foil and lovingly flip onto a serving platter for Martha’s house. Still: caviar. That could be considered item number two on Bossy’s New Year’s Eve bucket list.
Most of the other puzzle pieces for Bossy’s New Year’s Eve bucket list have always been close by, and simply need to be snapped into position:
In fact, there remains only one unknown regarding Bossy’s New Year’s Eve bucket list — and that unknown goes a little something like this:
Okay, council. What you got? What’s on your New Year’s Eve bucket list? And to all of you, from Camp Bossy, wishes for a happy happy New Year.
I have NEVER had an intimate, passionate, meaningful kiss on NYE. I want. I want. I want!!!
oh, come on, Bossy, you could totally rock that velvet mini and black stocking look.
Tonight I’ll be heading to a party about 200 yards away as well, in my find of the year–a slinky black Norma Kamali minidress that cost only $18. (it’s from the NK collection at Walmart … yes Walmart), toasting with a dirty martini, as I also don’t like champagne, savoring my friend’s fabulous food and then watching fireworks explode over the Delaware River at midnight.
Friends, food, fashion, music, laughter, lights, all around the corner … what could be better?
Just MOAO and I…alone with a frig full of delicious (if I do say so myself) leftovers. We have entertained dinner guests for three consecutive evenings this week and want nothing more than to be home alone tonight. We’ll anticipate our upcoming trip to Aspen where we’ll ski and celebrate our 25th Anniversary on Jan 13th; we got married there and are returning for this special anniversary. Welcome 2011; come on in!
We are currently under a tornado warning. Because of this, my kids have decided to throw everything they own into plastic bags. (Cute little weirdos, they are.) Bucket List. Hrmm. To have all of the bags unpacked and back in the drawer before the new year hits? (I *did* shower and my legs are shaved, so there’s that!) Happy New Year, Bossy!
I will settle for my red wine, the left-over hershey bars from my kids stockings, 2 new kittens snuggled up on my lap as I watch the movie Cousins for the 235th time, as my husband snores away on the couch across the room until I kick him and he goes up to bed at 9pm. Then I will finish my wine..alone.
Happy New Year, Bossy.
You crack me up. My bucket list would probably be a list of all the cute buckets I might covet. Red ones, vintage green ones, the standard galvanized bucket is always a win… especially when planting bulbs for spring…
Bucket Lists….I can’t focus so much on the List part, because I am too busy being freaked out by the Bucket part.
Prolly bad tv and snuggling on the couch with the puppers and hubster. I cant sit yet, cant drive and cant drink. Boo. I might make it until 9. Maybe.
Watching my mom die, hoping she doesn’t die today, my birthday.
Cheery, huh.
Hey Doll
“Happy New Year!”
Have a Fab 2011!
Well, are we talking about the bucket I use to water the chickens, or the bucket my husband uses to water his sheep? Because my chicken bucket is way smaller, so the sheep bucket would mean I would have to come up with more. But since I don’t even know what a bucket list is and what’s supposed to be in one, I guess I don’t have to come up with anything.
When did I become so tragically uncool?
Actually Beth my mother did die on New Year’s Day. It’s one more reason I hate the holidays.
What IS a bucket list? Olivia has heard of wish lists and grocery lists and to-do lists and check lists and boats that list – but never a bucket list?!?
I wish that I could go to bed at 9 PM and NOT feel guilty bec DH – the ultimate night owl – thinks this is the one night of the year when I should be able to stay up later than a 3 year old.
A Bucket List is, technically, a list of things you want to do before you kick the abovementioned bucket. But I hardly think Bossy meant it that way!
I’d like to ring in New Year’s Eve from my over-the-water thatched hut in Bora Bora, sipping champagne. I”m sure there’d be other things, such as another person, music, possibly food, but right now that’s all I want. A thatched hut in Bora Bora and champagne. Oh, and plenty of money and no repsonsibilities. Is that asking too much?
Happy New Year to Bossy. May it be your best ever. The best is yet to come for sure.
Here in the treehouse it’s Chinese food, Liberty Bowl (GO UCF Knights!) an adult beverage or 2 and maybe staying awake until midnight.
Next year, I’d like to be spending NYE on a catamaran in Key West.
Happy New Year, Bossy! Health, Wealth and Happiness in 2011.
so, we want to see a shot of you in the awesome little black dress you had on your blog not too long ago with a glass of red wine shaking that little hiney-hine (as we call it to our 3 year old) to some kick ass music.
I have a 3 year old….don’t need to say much more about my new year’s eve
I don’t want any kind of bucket list because I nearly did kick the bucket less than a month ago…things I want tonight…I want beer to taste good again…it hasn’t since my surgery…I want another year on the planet, and maybe a kiss!
Love and peace to Beth and her mom.
I actually used the term “bucket list” for the first time in my life today. Tried it on for size, didn’t like it, won’t use it again, and also wondered WTF people did before this phrase entered our lexicon. Tonight: already took a cat nap so I’m ready to hang out in front of the fire and watch a movie with the hubster. Midnight may not be in the cards for me.
My heart goes out to Beth.
Hoefully I won’t get a hole in my bucket…..
On my bucket list, is to never hear the words bucket list again. Also, making the black eyed peas,or we’ll be cursed with bad luck all year. I’m a Yankee and they make me do this!Try to stay awake for our New Year kiss.
don’t you have a new little black dress?
anyhoo, HAPPY NEW YEAR Bossy!
Happy New Year to Bossy!
Bossy, didn’t see this until AFTER NYEve but I had my list and got my bucket filled! Good friends, lotsa laughs, dark chocolate cups w/Baileys (to die fo!) dancing to a great band, a comfy hotel bed in which to rest my head and the joy of no one having to drive.
Happy New Year!
Our champagne wasn’t chilled and we ate pizza rolls, but damn…it was a happy New Year!
I spent New Year’s Eve folding laundry while drinking white russians.
Also, we lost our bucket when we moved, and I no longer even have a bucket, so I don’t think I’m allowed to have a bucket list.
i love lists so i’m sure i would do well with a bucket list. my only question is do i have to carry it around in a bucket, because if so i need to go shopping. i do have a cute little basket that a nice list would fit in. will that work? a basket list does kind of remind me that i have laundry to do so maybe i should stick with bucket.
My end of year wish list is always fulfilled with champagne, cigars and a hot tub.
love your blog! and your sense of humor. happy 2011! xo
I don’t speak “bucket list” any more than I speak “that’s just how I roll.” Just doesn’t come out of my mouth. The movie excuse to put Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman together, not particularly entertaining either. The old Burt Reynolds/Dom Deluise dying movie “The End” much funnier. Love Bossy’s blog, even if she did choose to dance in old blue skirt and black tee instead of her little black dress.
No resolutions. We watched SNL variety of themed shows on cable until time for the big ball drop. Beth, sorry about your mom. Lost mine two years ago on the 30th. And Aimee, many more returns.
Farty vaguely remembers telling son-in-law about a marvellous invention – a wine glass that can hold a whole bottle of wine, thus avoiding the need to get up and refill it. Son-in-law said, “Like this one?” Things went a bit hazy after that.
I kid, he just kept me topped up all night long.
Happy New Year, Bossy!
No buckets were harmed in the making of this comment.
Dancing in a small living room around a large coffee table. And as long as someone at some point winds up dancing on top of the coffee table, a good time was had by all.
My heart goes out to Beth. And my gratitude to Bossy, for letting me read about her fun-loving family and friends and for sharing a bit of her undivorce with us. My resolution is that I can find my own place, that my kids understand that two bedrooms can be better than one, and that life can and should be about families giving each other the benefit of the doubt and trusting your home to be a loving and accepting place. help.