You are looking at one of Bossy’s New Year’s resolutions, which is read more. It’s strange, Bossy used to be quite the reader. Of course, that was back when Bossy was the reader who was frustrated she wasn’t writing. Which is a coincidence since Bossy is now the writer who is frustrated she isn’t reading.
But back to Bossy’s first resolution, and the book that will help break this spell, The Girl With The Pearl Dragon Earring Tattoo.
Bossy has three things she wants to share with you about this book. The first is how you can tell by the limited rumpled pages that Bossy hasn’t made it that far into this Swedish crime novel. Namely, page 17. Out of 644.
Next Bossy wants you to know the print on these many pages is very, very small. If in fact it truly is print, and not fleas as Bossy suspects. Fleas organized into sentences.
And finally Bossy wants you to know Bossy’s son is currently reading the same book! In Spanish.
Bossy’s next resolution is to update her blog with the kind of five-days-a-week frequency her readers have enjoyed here on I Am Bossy for the past five years. Which is why Bossy began her first week of tackling this resolution by playing hooky — including today with Bossy’s mom, which consisted of sitting inside Bossy’s fireplace drinking hot chocolate and talking and snacking.
Which leads Bossy to her next resolution: stop snacking.
Other Bossy resolutions: Stop the cursing and the yelling.
And lastly, Bossy’s final resolution, which is: Go to Detroit in mid January. Because sub-artic Philadelphia isn’t nearly cold enough.
And Bossy’s resolution is about to come true! Who remembers Bossy’s boyfriend (Harrison) Ford?
Well, Bossy is about to be reunited with (Harrison) Ford‘s extended family at the Ford headquarters in Detroit for a few days this coming week while Bossy attends Ford’s Green Driving Technology Event and the North American International Auto Show, even though Bossy isn’t entirely sure how it can be both a North American auto show and an International auto show. But that’s just how magical Ford is!
But don’t just rely on Bossy’s description of what she’ll be doing in Detroit. Here’s Ford’s official disclaimer to clarify: Bossy was invited to participate in this program by Clever Girls Collective, Inc. in partnership with Ford and Ogilvy PR. Ford Motor Company paid for Bossy’s travel and accommodations at the 2-day Driving Green Technology event, Bossy was not compensated in any other manner for her time. Bossy’s opinions posted here are her own.
This disclaimer is good news since Bossy’s opinions are just about the only opinions Bossy can handle.
Meanwhile, Bossy will try to adhere to her New Year’s resolutions while freezing her ass hiney off in Michigan. Wait, they don’t have snacks in Detroit, do they?
Dang. I thought you were going to announce another roadtrip. Say hi to my homeland for me. Detroit is breathtaking.
I’ll warn you now, that book is wicked hard to read until you get past the first 100 pages. Once you get there, you won’t be able to put it down. It gets just that good. Honestly.
The first time I watched the movie that goes with that book, they kinda sounded like the Swedish Chef on the Muppets, but gobbled up all three books.
Michigan in January, not a fantastic idea, but I do remember Bossy’s boyfriend Harrison Ford. Ya never know where this could lead. Still, Philadelphia is bad enough for winter weather, just saying. I’ll cross everything for decent weather for the trip.
I’d like to hibernate myself. Not going to happen, batting a thousand on that negative.
One of my NY resolutions involves Detroit! I’m signed up to run the Martian Marathon there on April 2! You should come back. We’ll have snacks. After the race!
As a Detroit suburbanite who will be missing the Auto Show this year, I hope you have a great time. Should be fun!
I found the English translated from Swedish to be completely charming and sister mercy (to borrow from bossy) do Swedes EVER drink a LOT of coffee at ALL hours of the day and night!!! No wonder they’re hopping in and out of each others’ beds all the time!
I read all three. Stick to it and you’ll be glad you did.
BOSSY needs to stick with the book–once you get into it you’ll be hooked.
Why do you want to stop cursing? Maybe just stop in front of small children.
Please say hello to Harrison Ford for me – I only got to meet him on a dark street in St. Louis, but I thought he was rather gallant.
Have a good trip . . . and let us know what green car we can get to replace the tired Honda.
Safe travels, p.j.
Will we see photos of a scantily-clad Bossy at the North American International Auto Show, draped across (Harrison) Ford’s hood? That would be #$%&!=@ AWESOME!
Cursing? Moi? Why, no…I was just brushing the cookie crumbs off my keyboard.
no snacks in Detroit – but they do have Lafayette Coney Islands – which many in Detroit eat as a snack. Stick with the book – it really is that good – and when you are finished with this series – I’ll turn you on to Henning Mankell.
Will Bossy’s council be conviening? Count me in.
Stick with the book. Skim past the first 100 pages. When your done reading the series, read this great articles Nora Ephron wrote for the New Yorker. Very amusing if you’ve read the books.
Detroit? Okey dokey.
I kept wondering if I should read that series but when my eyes glazed over while skimming the dust jacket of the first one I put it down. I’m thinking DEB and BOSSY might have a mind meld.
The books are VERY good. Like Smoochiefrog and Jen said, the very beginning is tough, but once through, you won’t want to put them down. In my mind I always skimmed over all those Swedish names rather than agonize over pronunciation. Helped keep things moving.
Have a safe trip!
OK, skip about the first 250 pages of that book and you’ll be golden.
I agree with all comments above about the books. I’ve read all three and really, really liked them. BUT…. There are slow spots, especially in the third book. Just skim and skip and move quickly past them. It’s worth it.
GAH, life is too short to read books with slow spots. I recommend moving on.
I believe snacks in Detroit involve mashed potatoes and gravy.
I haven’t read that book yet myself. At the moment, I’m(not) reading The Dark Night of the Soul by Thomas Moore.
Also, I would play hooky if I had the option of drinking cocoa, snacking and talking with Bossy’s mom. Because I am a fan of Bossy’s mom’s. She rocks.
Same problem with the small print in long books until I got a Kindle for Christmas 2009. Read 62 books in 2010, almost every word while riding buses or waiting in line or having a lunch break. Read all 3 Stieg Larsson books and really enjoyed them. Give them a chance!
That reminds me of the vacation I took one year to Maine. In the middle of December. Only a wood burning stove for heat and egg salad for food. Not fun, yet fun, yet not.
PS. I read those books too and really liked them! The first movie was pretty good too (and hey, it’s subtitled which might actually count as reading it).
good book
NO resolutions.
all we are saying is give stieg a chance.
vuboq *hearts* Detroit! it is close to the home of the SuperFantastic Cuzin! And, the Diego Rivera murals at the DIA are amazing.
As for the Dragon Tattoo series. First book was hard to get into, but good. Second book was still interesting but not as good. Third book all i could think was “stop torturing that poor girl. Make it stop! Make it stop!” I’m glad it’s only a trilogy.
Ditto Smoochiefrog – Once past the first 100 pages the book is really good. I immediately had to read the next two. I plan to watch the movie this weekend.
Detroit is a cool city, despite it’s reputation. Lots of snacks, and foods, in every ethnic possibility. I hope they are putting you up in the RenCen!
2011 is the year of UNresolutions.
Gain 10 lbs
Drink more martinis
Eat more red meat
etc etc etc
The NAIAS is a huge deal here. You stand a good chance of running into celebrities when you are here for that! Also, on this visit, let me know if you want to visit The Henry Ford Museum, about 15 minutes from either COBO Hall (where the NAIAS is held), or 5 minutes from Ford HQ. If Harrison is not at your beck and call, I can provide transportation. Incredible photo opportunities, and you can see it all for free. Maybe Bossy’s Michigan council can meet in the Michigan Cafe for a festive lunch, no?
The books are good. Soldier on. My resolutions involve reading less books. Household chores go by the wayside and I feel guilty. Only a little; but, guilty. Now that my Husband is home more, he is really cramping my style!
Read ’em Bossy….when you are done with all three you will be in mourning that Stieg Larrson had a heart attack and died right after he finished the third one. Must’ve been all the coffee and cigarettes.
my resolution…
Try to STOP reading so much…definately the drug of choice.
If Bossy’s Michigan council is meeting up, count me in as well!
Hey – when you are done try to grab a car and zip down to Vegas. Not hot this time of year, but supposed to be up near 60 daytime next week.
That book is hard to get into, but gets better if you stick with it. However, keep in mind its original Swedish title was “Men Who Hate Women” which is a much better title for the book, considering it’s contents. So consider yourself warned. Also: don’t read Freedom: A Novel by Mr. Franzen. 700 pages of misery that book.
My intentions (not resolutions b/c I’m wimpy) are to eat less and move more. So far the eating less part is working out pretty well. The moving more part? Not so much. I hate exercise. Have fun in Michigan. Look up Sweet Juniper’s Jim Grifoen for a tour of the cool hot spots. Or Melissa Summers from Suburban Bliss — she’s in a suburb of Detroit, I *think* Royal Oak but am not sure.
I guess I’m the odd man out but I did NOT like that book. I am an avid reader and made myself stick it out but just couldn’t get into it. My mom said the same thing.
I don’t know precisely what dates you will be here or whether you will have any non-sponsored time available — but if you want someone to go out for a drink, email me! I’ll meet you wherever is convenient.
I read this book for my book club. The first 150 pages killed me, and I would have quit reading it if it weren’t for the pressure of the club. It gets much better after that.
So Bossy shouldn’t feel too bad.
1. Stick with Stieg; like sex, it only gets better.
2. If Bossy’s son were reading Stieg in Swedish, I’d be TWICE as impressed, instead of just generally blown away as I usually am by his awesomosity.
3. I can’t believe nobody else asked about this yet. In that photo above, with you in the driver’s seat of Harrison Ford, with your elbow sticking out of the driver’s side window… is that also your arm waving out of the passenger side window? ‘Cause it sure looks like that. But then that would mean that your arms are about 5 feet long or something.
4. You wrote: “Which is a coincidence since Bossy is now the writer who is frustrated she isn’t reading.” ARE YOU WRITING??? WHAT ARE YOU WRITING??? IS THERE A BOSSY BOOK ON THE HORIZON???
That is all.
I’ve started that darn book 3 separate times and the farthest I’ve gotten is 57 pages in. My parents swear by them and continuously trick me into starting it again.
I think I’d read more books if I stopped reaching for that one.
I LOVE reading, but have the reading-attention-span of a gnat. If the book doesn’t catch my interest in the first 5 pages, forget it. So I suppose I’ll be missing out on this particular series. Or not missing out. Depends on who you talk to.
Oh, how I remember Bossy’s boyfriends. Cowboys, fishmongers and Roloffs, to name a few.
Just need to say, that while I’m not a car person – in the least, what-so-ever, I researched (Harrison) Fords after Bossy’s trip, and will definitely consider any feedback Bossy has on cars at the big show. Where’s a girl to look for honest auto advise if not Bossy?
yes, yes, stick with the book! And read them all.
Have you tried the trilogy “The Hunger Games”? very good.
Oh Bossy- so sad to know you’ll be so close but yet so far away….enjoy Detroit- wish we could do another meet and greet!
Bossy is funny AND has super long arms!
Oh yes…that Harrison Ford passed me up, too for that skinny Calista chick.
January in Michigan really isn’t that bad. However, it will snow during the auto show. It ALWAYS does. Bring cute (and functional) winter gear and you will be just fine! Enjoy Detroit.
Tell ya the good eating in Detroit I miss is Xochimilco’s in Mexican town near the Bridge to Canada, Don’t miss the Botana, a sort of Mexican pizza that is to die for.
A restaurant chain that is good in the area is Olgas.
Greektown is cool too,.
I miss the food there obviously, but not the weather. Wear shoes that can get wet in the slush. Ugh.
wow…so many of Bossy’s readers have Detroit in their hearts!! I grew up there too, and @marthavmuffin…you are Right On! Listen to the council Bossy…they know their foodz!
Ann Arbor-ish here but would love to meet up with Bossy and other Detroit-ish people. Oh Bossy, buy yourself a bunch of Faygo. Rock n Rye is my favorite (with or without vodka.)
Resolve to make no resolutions. Get audio book playaways. Get headphones, Stick playaway in bra. Paint cabinets in kitchen and “read 3 books”….wait…..that was me.
Dear Bossy, suit yourself, be yourself and put yourself first. Your kids want you to
Mwah !
P.S. that book does get good around page 120 if I remember. I read, for real, with my reading eyes, all 3.
Or get Room. It’s a really quick hook and an excellent book.
I just wanted to echo the comments about making sure you read at least 200 pages of this book before you decide you hate it. I turned to my husband at page 200 and said, “I think I am bored by this book, why does everyone love it?” Then a few pages later….BAM! It really hooks you and you are on a wild ride through the end of the third book…which you will finish two days later without having bathed. Good luck!
I have decided my resolution for 2011 is going to be 1024 x 768
I disagree. The whole bajillion pages are over-hyped and not fun. Don’t feel bad if you haven’t finished it. I foolishly thought the 2nd one was maybe better but meh.