Bossy and her family woke to a foot of snow and the cancellation of school, so here are just a few of the exciting activities on the agenda:
Bossy and her family woke to a foot of snow and the cancellation of school, so here are just a few of the exciting activities on the agenda:
Sometimes I think the Flannel Shirt is a Bossy-family superhero unto itself…
Things DG does on snowdays: Stay in PJ’s all day on the couch, drink tea…that’s about it.
This…and also watching New York! And Boston! on TV is yet another reminder of why I have to decide whether I’m wearing shorts to go to the library this afternoon.
We got about 5 inches. Sure that closed our schools, but I don’t have kids so no issues here. It would kinda suck if I was snowed in today because we have no power. I’ve never been happier to go to work!
Nothing says “Martini Time” like being snowed in!
We had a couple inches yesterday. Had to scrape the car windows before I could go fetch pizza for supper last night. Was so hoping it had melted off by itself. Nope, just ice under the snow.
Less than a week to Ground Hog’s day. Spring training reporting dates follow by two weeks. Spring will come, even in Bossy land.
And then Bossy’s storm continued its rampage up the East Coast into Olivia-Land and Olivia blew halfway across the neighbouring field while trying to feed the (so totally NOT) starving birds that were making rude and threatening gestures at her from under the maple tree.
I opened the bedroom door and saw what I thought was a drop of water fall *inside* my house. Yes, that would be an ice dam. Or ice damn? Vuboq is right about martini’s today.
That’s one big ass jar of olives in your fridge.
That’s almost the same movie that plays on my t.v. Except mine’s titled, “The Stahls’ House”.
Stella is very demure
Gosh, I sat outside in a t-shirt reading my book. (after the fog lifted)
The bird house is so cute I can’t stand it…..and…can’t you make a mashed potato ball and throw it over this way?
That birdhouse has a sad face and fluffy white hair.
Three things:
a) Ass jar. (Blame Ellen and my sophmoric sense of humor for that one.) (But I noticed the same thing.)
b) Dude, hang a blanket over that window and watch some bad TV.
c) How are your legs post-surgery? (I saw your legginged leg and it made me think of that.) You never did a follow up and I’m honestly curious — not just b/c I”m nosy and hope you’re better, but also b/c I have crappy veins and am considering surgery too.
I’m pissing over the mashed potatoes! I’d read Bossy’s son’s book any day!
I wish I had snow days! Instead we get ‘gale force wind days’ and everyone is still expected to show up to work and school, just a little more wind-blown than usual.
I’d gladly redirect some of that snow toward Michigan. We’ve not gotten our fair share this winter, that is certain. Also I need a day like yours.
I was hoping for a 2 hour delay here in the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton area but the snow came too early and was fluffy. We have had 3 snow days to be fair though. I’m hoping for a Nor’Easter to dump a pile and go sleigh riding with my daughter and friends on the killer hills behind our house.
MomZombie… Ask and you shall receive! It’s coming down pretty hard here in Ann Arbor.
Here is how I do snow days, zzzzzz.
I like mashed potatoes better the second day, anyhow.
#1 – I heart Stella! 🙂
#2 – It was 60 degrees here in Arkansas today.
#3 – Love that mashed potato bowl!
Over here in B-port, it’s rise at the ass crack of dawn to begin 1 1/2 hour hardcore shoveling, followed by a lovely trip to work, because I am “essential personnel”, to come home to everybody’s dining room furniture “saving their spot”…..It ain’t South Philly people!!! I like Bossy’s snow day much better.
Oh, and I LOVE Stella!!!!!
Harrison Ford would not like that blanket of snow your current auto is trapped beneath. Not at all.
My little brother just moved to Philly. I think he’s selling Verizon phones or something. He looks a lot like me, so keep your eyes peeled.
The snow covered birdhouse looks like Gary Oldman in Dracula. No offense.
Unserved mashed potatoes and frozen glacialness?
What’s not to love?
Bossy’s son needs to blog, so he can then say ‘I’m so going to post this’, or at least put it out on Facebook.
it took me thrice times looking at the car to figure out that the stickyuppythingies were the windshield wipers and not extra weirdly positioned side mirrors.
Hellllo from Arizona! We are dumb in the ways of the SNOW
Just like me prancing and leaping through other peoples tracks in the snow because I’m wearing BALLET FLATS. Like a freaking genius.
Also massively in love with the bird house photo. So perfect. And cold looking.
I like the movie that’s on TV. I think it’s really interesting. And also the mashed potatoes. This is another funny post. Thank you for the laugh.