remarkably, we’re living parallel lives. i too was waist high in old pictures this weekend, wading through, reminiscing, and wondering why i had decided it was time to start this project of organizing all these photos and not waiting for retirement.
It appears that there is altogether too much legginess in the Bossy family. Would you mind handing over a foot or two to those of us who are vertically challenged?
P.S. I remember those zippered shirts/dresses with the circle pull tabs.
Easter Sunday—???1971 ??
Cute–very cute!
Hey dad, nothing like Easter Sunday with the Jewish side of the family!
Wow. I would totally wear your brother’s outfit today, except maybe with different footwear.
Stripes were in that year.
remarkably, we’re living parallel lives. i too was waist high in old pictures this weekend, wading through, reminiscing, and wondering why i had decided it was time to start this project of organizing all these photos and not waiting for retirement.
Is your brother Harold from Harold and Maude?
I thought that was Bobbie Sherman.
so so so awesome. {miss you}
Oh, you hip little hipsters.
What a way to go! Would make a great card!!!
No way, how cute is this! You two were styyyyylin’!!
It appears that there is altogether too much legginess in the Bossy family. Would you mind handing over a foot or two to those of us who are vertically challenged?
P.S. I remember those zippered shirts/dresses with the circle pull tabs.
Dear Bossy. I’m writing to let you know that your buddy Slattery is in Adjustment Bureau and is supposed to be quite funny.
Missing you,
I just can’t take it all in. Wow.
Sorry B, his hair is better than yours.
God I loved those zippy dresses. Bossy’s legs were always chin high, even in the day?
Cute little girl in a cute little dress.
Hey, I just realized that your son hits Rio just in time for Carnivale! Bet he’s living it up.
You both haven’t changed a bit!
Your mom was so cool!!
LOOk at her taste!!
Bossy is very cute but, Bossy’s brother is one hip looking guy! Like he’s on his way to Vegas.
Even as a kiddo, Bossy is stylin’
So, which of the Austin Powers movies was this photograph from?
Your excused for the week…
Awww! freaking adorable.
What’s Bossy’s brother up to these days?
And I thought I knew the meaning of mod.
So stylish! I think the sandals make the photo.
How adorable!
I wonder if our kids will feel the same sense of “wow, my mom had such good fashion sense” when they look at their childhood pictures.
LOVE THIS!!! The turtleneck & sandals combo is classic.
This might be my most favoritist thing I have ever seen here!
Classic!!!!!! Even as children, both of you are totally stylin!!!!! Thanks for sharing