Congratulations to Bossy’s Daughter! However, Bossy and Bossy’s family should begin carrying sticks to defend against all the boys who will be pursuing this grown up, and beautiful young lady.
P.S. Also, I so wish my hair would look like that.
She DOES look like Kate Middleton!! Wow… gorgeous girl. Does Bossy and her unhusband have a shotgun ready at the back door? Looks AND talent…
Go girl!
I think she looks like Bossy in this pic. It may be the attitude, but for the first time, I really see her mom in her. That is a good, very good, thing.
Oh my goodness, Bossy’s daughter is looking so grown up in this picture.
wow. she looks like kate middleton.
Academic strength will complement her theatrical endeavors; learning is the best thing !~! Proud of Bossy’s Daughter, yes, we are. Brava, young lady.
she looks so grown up in this picture.
You go, girl!
Of course she did!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations to Bossy’s Daughter! However, Bossy and Bossy’s family should begin carrying sticks to defend against all the boys who will be pursuing this grown up, and beautiful young lady.
P.S. Also, I so wish my hair would look like that.
She DOES look like Kate Middleton!! Wow… gorgeous girl. Does Bossy and her unhusband have a shotgun ready at the back door? Looks AND talent…
Go girl!
I think she looks like Bossy in this pic. It may be the attitude, but for the first time, I really see her mom in her. That is a good, very good, thing.
I’m sorry, wasn’t she like age 10 a minute ago???
Very glamorous. You are going to want to borrow her shoes I think.
Good for Daisy!