Bossy’s brother is a famous graffiti artist in Philadelphia. Over the long weekend, Bossy’s brother tagged Bossy’s mom’s garage. It’s like a love letter to the neighborhood.
just one day old and already have people posing in front of it for a picture!!!
I think my neighbors love it…that’s how they are…
And..although its visable from street, .it’s in the back of my property not right in everyones’ face.
I live on Union Avenue and I love it, LOVE IT, LOVE IT. I think Bossy’s brother should do one for every street in town. Hope he gets to–and gets PAID for it. And that the series becomes as well known as the Philadelphia Murals (
I love Bossy’s brother. Also, I assume you’ve already seen this, but this is one of my favorite things in the world. It makes me miss Philadelphia so much my heart might burst:
Cute but what do the neighbors think?
Love! Could he come and do my barn?
just one day old and already have people posing in front of it for a picture!!!
I think my neighbors love it…that’s how they are…
And..although its visable from street, .it’s in the back of my property not right in everyones’ face.
The world needs Peace, reminders that peace is what we want, visible declarations of Peace.
I love Bossy’s Brother and bow to his Inspiration.
Neighbors schmeighbors. Let them spread their version of Peace too.
More power to you, BOSSY’s Mom. As long as your neighbors love it then there WILL be peace. 🙂
The BOSSY family is way cool!
Oh I’ll never comprehend how they do that—in the same way I try to grasp how Flannery O’Connor writes a yarn the way she does.
I live on Union Avenue and I love it, LOVE IT, LOVE IT. I think Bossy’s brother should do one for every street in town. Hope he gets to–and gets PAID for it. And that the series becomes as well known as the Philadelphia Murals (
I love Bossy’s brother. Also, I assume you’ve already seen this, but this is one of my favorite things in the world. It makes me miss Philadelphia so much my heart might burst:
Hi Yellaphant…. That mural and whole loveletter trip is by ESPO. He’s in incredibly creative philly graffiti and beyond artist.