As you may already know because Bossy can’t stop talking about it, Bossy and her daughter are currently visiting Bossy’s close and personal friend The Pioneer Woman on her ranch in rural Oklahoma!
So the other morning, Bossy and her daughter were sitting on the balcony of the guest lodge when they decided it would be fun to take a walk in the general direction of The Pioneer Woman’s house!
The first thing wrong with Bossy and her daughter’s plan was this:
This is a Golden Retriever who apparently found its way onto the ranch an undetermined number of days ago from an undetermined home in an undetermined location, currently under the care of undetermined.
This proved to be one too many undetermineds for Bossy and her daughter, who worried about this dog while on their rural walk.
The next obstacle on Bossy and her daughter’s walk was this:
They’re wild horses, and Bossy and her daughter were entertained by how entertained the horses seemed by Bossy and her daughter on their walk! You’d think no one walks along this road!
The next thing wrong with Bossy and her daughter’s plan: no one does walk along this road. Bossy and her daughter soon learned it has something to do with this:
That arrow is pointing to specks on the horizon. And those specks on the horizon are cows in the road. Specifically, the cows in the road are bulls in the road. Luckily Bossy and her daughter realized the bulls were not contained behind a fence in time to turn back toward the guest lodge:
But all was not lost, because on the way back to the guest lodge Bossy and her daughter passed an abandoned farm outbuilding full of decrepit character:
But before you could count to there aren’t even any hospitals to stitch-up a blogger impaled by bull horns, Bossy and her daughter were back in the lodge situated safely inside the Pioneer Woman’s ice cream freezers.
On the one occasion I was in Oklahoma this time of year it was 104F at 10:30 pm. I hightailed my a$$ back to San Francisco so fast I nearly laid rubber in Dallas.
I like how I just yelled, “Bossy is at Ree’s house!!” to my Dh in the other room and he actually knew who I was talking about. Sigh. Two of my favorite bloggers. Together. Enjoy!
Bossy and her daughter are very adventurous. And epic dog walkers.
Impressive. xo
One day I swear, One Day
I will make it too Ree’s and Bossy’s
I noticed the bull poop on the road way before you noticed the bulls in the road.
Also, I bet someone had told you the Pioneer House was just down the road a piece.
The next time you’re invited to Ree’s ranch, I’d like to request the spot reserved for Bossy’s Daughter. I’m sure she’d like to go back, but she’ll probably be in school or busy or something.
Is that George? He was our welcoming committee when we visited… and also – not to rain on your ranch parade – but I think those are Josh’s work horses… but I am sure they can be quite rambunctious if they don’t get their dinner on time!

I think it’s totally awesome for city folks to experience the country life. I grew up in Dallas all my life. My dad met a woman who’s dream to own land, horses, etc. My son grew up experiencing country style living – now not a working ranch like Pioneer Woman lives on – but country living is just an completely different world. I go out to my dad’s when I just want to slow life down for a bit
Were you taking this fun walk before you had any coffee? Good call on turning around when you saw the bulls. Enjoy! And continue to report, please!
I love how you worry about the fat stray. I would, too. Hi, Pioneer Woman!
You know what? This is going to be funny.
Because I am a city girl and sister mercy, I can see this happening to me.
Love it so far…
So does this mean that you’re trapped in the guest house until Ree decides to come get you? Is this your coded way for saying that you’re a prisoner of The Pioneer Woman?
–>I want to know what Ree’s fixin’ for supper (and breakfast and lunch).
It looks like you’re having quite the adventure and that sidewalk confuses me too.
Avitable, that’s exactly what I was going to say! I half expected to see Dharma Initiative electromagnetic towers on the long path to the main house.
I’ll bet it would be nasty to catch the heel of one of your Manolo’s in one of those cattle guards…or one of those meadow pies. Better follow the dog.
Living the sweet life!!!! Next time, be sure to get one of those ATVs they have there for hightailin’ it past those bulls!
I spotted the “road apples” before the bulls…..
I know you are a city girl but doesn’t 3 years in the hills of virginia on our farm count for anything?!
those “wild” horses look more like happy quarter horses to me – not mustangs… please post pictures of you actually on a horse and rounding up some cattle.
Oh you lucky ladies being at the PW ranch!! I will assume the weather is lovely and hot eh?
That dog reminds me of my favorite children’s book ‘Old Arthur’. If you haven’t read it, please do. I’ll wait.
Really enjoying your visit to Ree’s, tell us more!
Yes, those look like fat and sassy Quarter horses. We call road apples “cow pies” and as kids we loved crossing cattle guards on tippy toe! Never been chased by a bull, but a cow with a new calf for sure!!
Oh, and a trip to OK would not be complete without a trail ride on one of those cute cow ponies! Pictures please.
I would like to know where your spurs are?
I was charged by a bull once. It really wasn’t that bad.
You’ll know you’ve “crossed over” when you step in yet another cow pie and maybe get some on your jeans and you just really don’t care. Have fun, girls!
Bossy, you’re approximately 40 minutes from me! You should have come 2 weeks ago during the summer of He’ll and 112 temps!
Ha! For some reason I had the notion (or is it I had had the notion?) that the lodge was just “next door”. Wow.
Hope you had a blast!
Since when are bulls allowed to run free? usually those suckers are penned up. Also? Loved this site untill this past weekend…..
Hope you had a great time visiting Ree! Next time you go can you pack me in your suitcase?
Oh, what fun! What a great trip.