There are few things Bossy finds more entertaining that spying someone who looks like someone else, especially if that someone else is famous. In fact, Bossy has a compulsive habit of casting people in her head. All day, every day.
In addition, Bossy makes her loved ones cast people Bossy has not yet met, so she can better organize that stranger in her thoughts. To spend an evening with Bossy is to understand that someone may look like the baby of James Brown and Margaret Thatcher.
Which is why Bossy was so delighted to find herself caught in the labyrinth of a Talent Agency website that specializes in celebrity lookalikes. Shall we begin?
Pierce Brosnan:
David Bowie:
Mick Jagger:
Oprah Winfrey:
Billy Ray Cyrus:
Justin Timberlake:
Oh no they dih’int:
Paul McCartney:
And a parade of George Clooneys:
Sometimes the celebrity lookalikes are sent out together, as in the case of The Sopranos Cast:
And finally, Ray Charles:
If you enjoyed this old post about lookalikes, you’ll really enjoy this old post about lookalikes.
Is Justin’s hair PAINTED on? Because, ew.
Is that Paris Hilton with lookalike George? Or a lookalike Paris? (NONE of those Georges are even close.)
I could be wrong about this but I’m pretty sure that if the last guy performs in that getup he’s breaking the law.
Somebody is lying to some of these people.
The fact that Paul McCartney is left handed apparently made no impression on his lookalike.
Those George Clooney’s scare me.
The David Bowie looks more like a blond Jonas Brother and my brother looks more like George Clooney than any of those faux Clooneys.
When I lived in H’wood (three weeks ago) the only way I could tell that someone was famous was that other people would come up to them excited and sometimes fluttery.
Obviously I would suck at this game. They all look sort of vaguely familiar. Maybe we went to high school together?
Wasn’t Billy Ray just a little freaked out when a dude who sorta looked like him came up asking for his autograph? It’s creepy!
Apparently George Clooney is one-of-a-kind.
Billy Ray should have taken one look at his lookalike and been able to see how absolutely ridiculous he looks with that fluff of hair under his lip. I would prefer he have his mullet back to that business!
Helllloooo …. that last Cloosney look-a-like actually should try harder to be a look-a-like for Will Ferrell. And the Ray Charles guy- no one could ignore the painted on skin pigment. .. these were fun Bossy!
The faux Tony Soprano looks more like the evil clown in Stephen King’s “It” than James Gandolfini. The lookalike for Lorraine Bracco is dead-on though; she looks terrified.
Well, this has been fun.
That Pierce Brosnan lookalike is downright yummy. I’d be in for a Thomas Crowne Affair with him….
That Pierce Brosnan lookalike is downright yummy. I’d be in for a Thomas Crowne Affair with him….
I’m still trying to figure out who Bossy looks like.
I know, Meg Ryan!
And Bossy’s mom was definitely a star. Liz Taylor maybe?
How Funny! I have had people approach me and ask for my autograph LONG before I even knew who Ina Garten was! some simply insist that I am Ina even though I reassure them that I am not! Now that I have familiarized myself with Ina and have learned how to ‘affect’ an even better ‘Ina’ impersonation . . . we all have great fun and laughs faking people out! P.S. I love and adore Ina, so I would NEVER use my powers for evil lol!
Some of these fall under the category of “Oh honey, No!”
Bitchin Amy above wants herself a DOUBLE Thomas Crown affair. Maybe she will invite me to the second one.
That Paris Hilton next to the non-George Clooney is pretty spot on. Except I bet she wears the glasses because she’s Asian.
Please, Bossy – tell me my lookalike??
Will the real size/width/length of Justin Timberlake’s eyebrow please stand up? Or is that the one that’s already raised?
Is that Ray Charles actually black? He looks painted black, or not even black… like cinnamon, which is all sorts of wrong. For a lot of these maybe they are just saying they “lookalike a man” instead of the person they are trying to impersonate. *coughs*I’mtalkingtotheJustinTimberlakedude*coughs*
Once I was in a store in Hollywood shopping for a clock radio. A green MG pulled up outside and the REAL Pierce Brosnan vaulted out and strode manfully into the store. He walked right up to us, took my right hand, put it to his lips and begged my pardon for interrupting. He was on his way to (it turned out) his first Bond audition and needed an electric razor, auto version.
He kissed me again on the way out. I didn’t wash my hand for several days.