Oh good, it’s Valentine’s Day again, because you know how much the Undivorced enjoy celebrating the holidays of romance.
Except the truth is Bossy never saw the appeal. While it’s true Valentine’s Day affords a chocolate-eating opportunity, it’s also the day we celebrate Cupid’s arrow through the heart and — is it Bossy — that’s just ow.
Bossy never understood why Valentine’s Day gained in popularity given all of the other widely-known events worthy of celebration that took place on February 14th. Shall we?
- Happy Apple Parer Patent Day!
- Happy Oregon admitted as the 33rd State Day!
- Happy Emperor Leopold Chases Jews out of Vienna Day!
- Happy U.S. Congress Begins Using Voting Machines Day!
- Happy Victor Fleming replaces George Cukor as Director of Gone With the Wind Day!
- Happy Sugar Ray Robinson defeats Jake Lamotta Day!
- Happy Anniversary of Jackie Kenenedy‘s Televised White House Tour Day!
- Happy Aretha Franklin Records Respect Day!
- Happy First Micro On A Chip Patented By Texas Instruments Day!
- Happy Jerry Garcia Weds Deborah Koons Day!
and finally
Click here for Bossy’s post from yesterday about City Hall and penises.
Lovelyn says
February 14, 2013 at 1:33 pmLove this idea!
Happy First US Textile Machinery Patent Day
Charlie says
February 14, 2013 at 1:38 pmOne could also…
– honor William T. Sherman’s birthday by cutting a swath of destruction thru Georgia.
– honor Jimmy Hoffa’s birthday by going missing in a NJ swamp.
– honor actor Simon Pegg’s birthday by whacking zombies in the head with a garden shovel.
ScottsdaleGirl says
February 14, 2013 at 1:43 pmALso Arizona Statehood day (48th state, 101st bday today!)
Shelley says
February 14, 2013 at 1:59 pmI was going to point out AZ statehood day since I was born and raised there (but finally escaped a few years ago), but Scottsdale Girl beat me to it. So…I will point out that today is ROB THOMAS’S birthday (Matchbox 20). What could be more important than that?
Steve says
February 14, 2013 at 2:10 pmWill you be my Valentine, Bossayy?
KathyB says
February 14, 2013 at 3:43 pmThank you, Bossy!
Harbormom says
February 14, 2013 at 4:22 pmAnd happy birthday to the inventor of the [Guess What] Wheel…. George Ferris!
Arli says
February 14, 2013 at 4:55 pmFrom one who was unmarried, and undivorced but definitely CHEATED ON exactly 1/2 year ago … thanks for giving me so many reasons to celebrate and chuckle today!
Chesapeake Bay Woman says
February 14, 2013 at 8:41 pmIs today over yet? Valentines Day truly sucks. Worst holiday ever. Bah! Humbug! Can’t wait for a real holiday.
March seems to be chock full of good ones, including Multiple Personalities Day on March 5, National Frozen Food Day on the 6th, and Be Nasty Day (!!) on March 8. National Potato Chip Day is on the 14th! You can overindulge in frozen foods and blame it on your other personality or be nasty and drown your sorrows in potato chips, all in the span of two weeks!.
(All I did was google “little known hoidays.” )
Bring it on, March!
zidia says
February 14, 2013 at 8:52 pmIt’s amazing what goes around, comes around;
For example: 1.) I wore a white shirt and Jerry Garcia tie today; 2) I saw the the Robinson-LaMotta fight(not the DeNiro one); and 3) It is a distinct possibility that Bossy’s Great,Great,Great,Great Great, etc.—————— Grandparents were chased out of Vienna by Leopold!!!
Cactus Petunia says
February 14, 2013 at 11:10 pmWell, would it bother Bossy very much to say, your bloggy council loves you! (and we miss your daily postings!)
dexter says
February 15, 2013 at 12:16 pmIsnt also Happy G day and Happy Bobo day and National FTS month?
joeinvegas says
February 15, 2013 at 5:08 pmWow – still undivorced?
For a lot of people it might be sit alone at home and drink a while bottle of wine by yourself day. Just sayin’
BB says
February 15, 2013 at 8:03 pmNumber 8 made me giggle… you ARE funny. Happy UNValentine’s Day. And despite being not undivorced (hang on, is that right?) I got nothing for this silly day. Luckily I didn’t marry my hubs for his deep romantic streak. (He tells me he got the bore pump going for my gift, but I failed to see the big red bow on that one!).
Hugs and ?