Earlier today which was wrapped in eternity, Bossy received an email wrapped in a publicity campaign. And in this publicity campaign wrapped in a proposal, Bossy was asked to promote a stroller, which doesn’t make sense since we know Bossy’s two babies are wrapped in adulthood.
But then Bossy saw the name of the stroller. Meet the Graco FastAction Fold Jogger Click Connect Travel System:
But to really appreciate the Graco FastAction Fold Jogger Click Connect Travel System, how about a tutorial courtesy of their website?
First the nice lady tells you about the Graco FastAction Fold Jogger Click Connect Travel System’s all terrain tires, complete with a pivoting third wheel:
Then we learn about the Graco FastAction Fold Jogger Click Connect Travel System’s compatibility with their other Graco baby products:
Next the nice lady describes the many necessary stroller features. For instance , this is how you lower the stroller bed to the reclined position:
And this is where you tuck your gin bottle:
And this is the button you push when you want to fold the stroller to its function as an upright vacuum cleaner:
And this is where you keep your cell phone:
If you liked this Bossy post about strollers, then click this link to see Bossy’s review of additional baby technology, including the advent of black babies!
Or speaking of babies, perhaps you’d prefer to click this link for a photo of Bossy’s Not Stray Cat Baby David in the window box.
Or perhaps you’d like the chance to win one of these strollers, plus some scholarship money, by following this link to the Graco FastAction Fold Jogger Click Connect Travel System Facebook page and posting a photo of you and your baby in action.
And don’t forget, Bossy is posting every single week day in March. It’s March Madness on I Am Bossy yo!
It’s a miracle any of us survived. I was born in ’67 and adopted in the summer of ’68, so this is approximately what my parents would have had to choose from:
#6 is a travel bed that goes on the floor of the car for baby to play on. Awesome.
Not sure if Bossy was aware, but throughout high school, I was a pivoting third wheel. Fortunately, I was fully detachable.
Never had a stroller for daughter born in 75. Had a way cool backpack carrier that could stand up on the ground though. Carrying her in backpack left arms free for grocery bags and stuff.
Her first car seat was a small laundry basket that sat on the floor of backseat. Used it while riding to see grandparents and other family. My brother drove, hydroplaning on the interstate for much of the first leg of the journey. Good times, not exactly.
Wow, remember this Bossy when grandkids roll around (or need to roll around) (Yes, I know, don’t even want to think about being a grandma)
Olivia’s grandson has a couple of these strollers.
That’s right . . . A couple.
But Olivia and DH had to buy one of those old fashioned umbroller strollers because they were unable to figure out how to get their grandson in and out of his fancy stroller – not to mention that, even between the two of them, they didn’t have the strength to lift the fancy one in and out of the car.
DH and I had no less than six, yes six, strollers for our two kids- two joggers very much (if not the same) as the one Bossy has described-desperately needed so husband and I could run AT THE SAME TIME, two strollers that the carrier (which was also the car seat!) snapped into, and two umbrella strollers that were much more convenient, space saving and loads lighter. My parents could only operate the umbrella strollers and refused to use the others…the other baby items NEEDED to rear our children have been similarly numerous!
Bossy, I’ve missed you. Glad you’re back in fine form. My kids are fully ambulatory now, but I admit this looks like a pretty cool stroller. (Even if it would’ve taken me 15 minutes to figure out how to fold it back up.)
The key feature of this behemoth was the rack underneath that holds 3 full-sized grocery bags.
Added bonus; it shut down the smug moms every time. Win!
I am annoyed by the detachable car seat business on all these new-fangled strollers. Hold. Your. Baby. Once. In. A. While.
I love the all terain wheels. As if my stroller ever went off the street or mall floor.
I fashioned a special wine holder for my baby jogger/stroller. So when I’m using the jogger (which usually does not involve jogging of any sort), the wine stays put and doesn’t stain the baby’s hair red. And it only took one roll of duct tape.