For the past several days, plus weeks and the entire year prior, Bossy has been facing major decisions.
The biggest decision currently on the table is whether Bossy should move from her happy apartment in a small town neighborhood to a shabby very expensive loft in the dangerous city:
And when Bossy says she is trying to make a decision whether or not to move, she means she has already signed a lease on the new loft and her current apartment has been rented!
Bossy hates change as much as finding out Target changed the packaging of their holiday lights. Bossy hates change as much as learning that Ikea’s drinking glasses are now a wholly unusable size. Bossy hates change as much as knowing Google changed the font size for their search engine.
So naturally, Bossy is experiencing a bit of anxiety surrounding her impending move. But Bossy calms herself with the understanding her anxiety is only due to the unknowns surrounding a new beginning.
Bossy came to the idea of moving to the city after hours of consulting with her brilliant stable of friends, coworkers, and family. And after hours of quiet soul searching. And after wine, a lot of wine.
The process looked like this:
But Bossy is beginning to warm to her decision, where warm equals Is it warm in here because a person could faint!
What say you, Bossy’s esteemed council? Any words of wisdom?
hahaha First of all, thanks a lot because now I have Traditions!! Stuck in my head, which isn’t an awful thing really since I do love Fiddler on the Roof but really, when I get something stuck in my head it’s for a long time. To point, I have been humming “Ding dong the witch is dead” for the last 2 weeks after having made a Wizard of Oz reference. ANYWAY, I swear I’m not trying to troll for traffic…that’s what it’s called when other bloggers do comments on others’ websites to get people to go to theirs, right? Trolling? For real though I just did a post on downtown living. I was in the ‘burbs on the beach for a long time and when I said “Maybe I’ll move downtown” it was kind of equal to saying, “Hey, maybe I’ll move to Africa.” It is definitely an adjustment but I think you’ll love it!!
Here is the post if you want to read about some of my adventures in the ‘hood which isn’t really the ‘hood at all but I like to pretend I’m tougher than I am…
Good luck!
I work in the city, as well. I think you will love it. unless you are moving to North Philly, then I say panic.
We city dwellers welcome you with open arms. Even if it’s not our own city.
Go forth! Conquer! Do the Mary Tyler Moore spin! This sounds like a perfect change for you.
You could have moved into my basement and been a lifeguard at the pool
You got this.
I’m disappointed. You know I would’ve let you move in with me for free, and you didn’t even ask.
Moving is stressful. Move the wine first.
Now it’s time to tell of your seashore vacation plans which may foster a bunch of invites to wonderful spots costing nothing.
AND….wait a minute, you grew up in the city AND lived there as an adult, I think you are just unnerved about moving from your most cherished people!
If that loft is where I’m guessing, that’s a great neighborhood—especially since the trail you mention is in fact a trail and not just a grassy embankment from which winos throw rocks at fish (like it once was). And you’ll be able to walk/bike to some of the best eateries, stores, galleries, clubs and events. Plus: no more commute. Sounds like a win-win.
Listen to your wise and supportive mama! Sounds like Daughter is up for it, and it sounds like living downtown will be a fun New Bossy Adventure. You will miss your neighborhood, but the ties are strong there. Sending you my love- I am terrible with change as well so I know it’s HARD. even when it’s right.
Holy crap.
Lots of liquor stores in The City, so I’m guessing this will be manageable. Still, we’ll miss you in suburbia.
You are so brave! But nothing to lose; you can always come back to the boring, bucolic ‘burbs!
Hooray for Bossy! Change is good. Do not fear it!
Big cities are definitely noisier than the burbs, but hopefully there will be no fiddlers on Bossy’s roof in the big city.
I just want hair like the band TV on the radio.
I’ll come visit you no matter where you are girl.
I miss the city. Go forth and conquer it. It will be awesome. And if it’s not, oh, think of the blog fodder. Wink.
Live downtown, make friends, hit all the bars and dance clubs. Enjoy life!
Welcome to the Big City! Oh wait, I live in NJ. But there’s no beating a big city for opportunities to expand your horizons, meet people, and be inspired. (they’re just opportunities, though…gotta go for them.). And change is something it pays to embrace. Why? Because it’s there if you embrace it or not. You can always go back, , so forward is usually a good move…low risk & no regrets. just ask bossysMom….I bet she’ll agree. Onward, ho!
I’m crushed; I thought for sure I’d get to meet you once again in your “natural” surroundings and get a photo. If you move, I’ll never. Best of luck whatever you do!
If I were a rich man–I would say that the move will be a good choice—
if I were a poor man—I would certainly support the move!
On the other hand———–
Everything will be cool, you’ll see!
You are a city girl after all, Bossy. Born and bred as I recall. Modern life is complicated but not without its perks. Bossy is so on top of the culture curve.
Congratulations on making all these decisions. Not easy but definitely empowering.
Bossy darling, you are the goddess of your own universe, don’t be afraid to reinvent yourself.
Bossy has already decided where she moving on her own! That is exactly where you need to be. St 17 the kidlettes is ready for an adventure and pshawww 15 miles is just 3 miles further than I commute to work every day. Although ill miss dreaming about your perfect MTM apartment… Can I live through you vicariously in a loft? Be careful though Bossy and congrats on the forward progression of your life!
Ruth in Oxnard Ca.
I think you’ll love it! Not having a commute will be so awesome. You can just grab a coffee and stroll down the street, peoplewatching. AND I’d just like to add that I think you’re awesome, and I’m glad to see you back to posting more often!!
Holy Gah! I can’t imagine moving from my first house, purchased in 24 years ago (where does the time go?), and that in itself tells me what an amazing thing you are doing. Stuff doesn’t change unless you change.
Good luck!
Change is good. It is time for you to move on and start a new chapter in your life. I wish you much happiness and peace.
I vote for the city!
–>Change is good.
Although the thought of moving makes my heart race mostly because I hate the purging, the packing and unpacking and then taking it to Goodwill anyway.
Will daughter have to change schools?
On to the next thing and don’t look back.
Trust me…you’ll love it.
Dive in!! Plenty of floatation devices – and you can walk to most of them (just not at 2am after all that wine, okay?)
Okay…here’s the deal: 1. Move 2. Take decent photos of the new digs 3. Post the photos so we can all picture you somewhere new 4. Write and post on here again and we’ll all be happier. There. Now you can do four things, right? Good. I know you can! Oh, and 5. ENJOY!
Much better to live in the city. Everything you need is close by. You can always come back to the burbs if it dont work out..
Does this mean we can see each other soon? I’d really love to see you soon. My office is downtown. I think I know what building you’re moving to, if that’s the one in the picture. It’s pretty close by.
Miss you and love you and I am really excited for you
From reading your blog, I learned that talking about yourself in the third person is the new black! Chrisor Babe is going to try that.
Besides all the obvious differences between small town and city life, the biggest has to be the mentality. It is a whole different mindset. Both have advantages and disadvantages. You will find this out soon enough. You will learn a lot by taking the chance and embracing the change. Huzzah!
The thing about changes is that they don’t have to be permanent. If you get there and decide that life in the loft sucks hind tit, you can always take a deep breath and change it back. Life’s for living.