Hello, and welcome to I Am Bossy, a humor blog without the blog posts! Luckily the blog is still funny. Even if currently written and archived entirely within the confines of Bossy’s own head!
Bossy hasn’t been writing lately because of the following items, in no particular order except from most important to even more important:
Working. Bossy has been working full time at an Institutional Investment Firm. If you don’t understand what Bossy could possibly provide in skills to an Institutional Investment Firm, you are not alone! In fact you are joined by Bossy, along with everyone who works with Bossy! The good news is, after nearly two years, Bossy is beginning to understand her field. The field very close to her apartment.
Dating. This past year Bossy placed her profile on several dating sites, where profile equals Bossy avoided using photos of her profile.
And so it was that Bossy found herself on dates with the three-dimensional versions of the flat men featured on the websites. Due to Bossy’s superior vetting, most of her dates were not disappointing in their representation. The exception to this rule are the men Bossy seems to favor, who all have rather troublesome medical conditions such as penniless or married.
Cycling. Cycling is exactly like riding a bike, except it costs more to buy the padding you need for your ass. Bossy began cycling at the beginning of the summer and now goes on 60-mile rides, which is like riding one mile sixty times, or like listening to 120 songs, or watching two movies, or four Project Runways.
Redesigning. Bossy is in the process of redesigning this blog so she doesn’t lose all will to live every time she spies the many defunct features in the left column and don’t you look over there either. Bossy’s redesign process will swap out the existing orange and red banner for a tediously similar orange and red banner, as well as offer Bossy readers the social media sharing and liking tools that will be obsolete by the redesign’s completion!
Please don’t lose faith in Bossy and her ability to make a comeback. Bossy will reconvene her esteemed council beginning September on a regular posting schedule so check back often! Bossy has lots of stuff to tell you and is no longer paralyzed to say it.
Mothering. You’ll be happy to know Bossy is still the mother of two kids, even if they are no longer kids.
Bossy’s daughter turned 18 this summer, finally joining her brother in his 7-year established adulthood. This fall Bossy’s daughter is a senior in high school, ushering in a year of lasts for Bossy and her (Un)husband, who have had one or the other child in school for the past twenty-three years. Bossy’s daughter is facing the college search process, the college application process, the college acceptance process, and college. Meanwhile Bossy’s son, who graduated from Columbia University two years ago, is equally contemplative regarding his next move, which will likely situate both goofs in a University near you Fall of 2015.
And lastly, Bossy’s Dane isn’t just Great, she is now elderly.
If you liked this post, click this link to read about the celebrities Bossy would reject on a dating site.
Or click this link to remember what it was like to tour colleges with Bossy’s son.
Or click this link to read about how Bossy’s Great Dane Stella came into the Bossy family.
Hi there. I fully support your return to blogging.
Let’s get some face time in soon.
Nice to see that bloggers can return from blogger oblivion. I’m hoping to make a similar comeback one of these days.
Hope all’s well. 🙂
Wow, I’m excited, I meet both of Bossy’s qualifications! And I live thousands of miles away! Getting close!
So great to hear from Bossy again. And 18 years old, a new voter! Good for Bossy’s daughter. If Bossy’s son plays his cards right, can keep this higher education thing going a long time 😉
Oh, do I know about the not-blogging. I used to have time for it. No – I used to MAKE time for it. And now, there are just so many things I wish I could write about but I just… can’t. Which is a shame. Anyway- Bossy’s still GOT IT and I for one hope Bossy will share it with those of us who still stalk your page from time to time. (It isn’t just me.)
Yay! Bossy is back!!!!!!
Hi there Bossy!
Little Miss Sunshine State’s blog is also hanging out in Blog-Limbo.
Nobody wants to hear about dealing with elderly parents, a 29 yr old son who is living with us and daily cat vs dog shenanigans.
I do miss the goof and Stella stories.
Bossy has been missed…it is good to see a post. I will eagerly await more 🙂
You still got it baby. Keep posting so I don’t have to pine for you so painfully all the time always.
Yes, yes, glad you’re back, yes, yes….
glad to see you back Bossy, you’ve been missed 🙂
YAY Bossy is back!!
Bossy deserved a trillion year sabbatical in my humble opinion. Bossy also deserves a comeback not unlike that of John Travolta’s career back in the early 90s. Go Bossy Go.
Yay to the millionth power — times a million!
The two goofs, oh yes!
And oh, Sweet Stella. Please smooch that grizzled face a time or two extra for me when you get the chance. If I lived near you I would volunteer to just sit on the floor and stroke her dear (huge) head day in and out.
Welcome back, Bossy!
I’m so glad to see you bossy. I am new to the world of posting/facebooking/pinning/tweeting because I have been too busy working. Now that I am partially unemployed I have been enjoying reading blogs like yours. It makes me laugh. And I really need to laugh.
So tempting (and annoying) to start singing that ballad from Titanic.
But seriously, I will always love you.
Bossy is back and there’s going to be trouble….
Welcome back, Bossy! Can’t wait!
Oh, and the now-elderly Knuckleheads send their regards to Stella.
Nice to hear from you again, Bossy! And I LOVE the pic of the Goofs. Cute, sweet goofs, they are!
Welcome back Bossy! You have been missed. I know all too well how easy it is to let the blog go.
I missed you Bossy. Welcome back!
Bossy!! Yeah, you’re back!!!
I’ve always wondered how people can take time out of living life to write about living life. And I completely understand how easy it is NOT to do the writing. But I’m so glad you’re coming back to share the writing with us. It’s so good!
BOSSY, MY BOSSY. That’s a line from something, but I can’t remember whut. I love you and your blog and love loving you on your blog so keep blogging. No one ever looks at the shit in the columns, anyway. xo
Yay! Bossy’s back in town!
Hooray for a post! And a comeback! I knew you’d do it.
It was so great to spend time with you in Atlanta, and I look forward to more words from you, Missy. xoxo
So glad to see you’re back!
–>So glad you’re doing well! I miss the Bossy posts.
(And I got a little teared up after clicking through to the Stella link. I just have to remind myself that All Dogs Go to Heaven.)
Ditto to all posted before me!
Olivia near keeled over in joy to find Bossy had posted again. Olivia’s own blog has been sorely neglected due to her taking on a plethora of activities – where taking on means “How the f*** did I get saddled with all this stuff?”
Anyway – welcome back Bossy and your kids are bee-you-ti-ful!
I’ve been following Bossy’s events on FB, but it’s always better to hear it in a post. I am sorry about Stella.
Yea Bossy!!! I have checked back many times and was so tired of staring at the alien. Love to have you back!!
Glad you’re back, Madam. Keep it up; you’ve been missed.
Hey there, Bossy…always checking to see if you have anything new up and I am so happy to see you back! You really have been missed!
Bossy, I was so happy to read your new post. I started reading your blog years ago when I was searching for something completely unrelated and up popped your post about tampons. I’ve been a fan ever since!
Yay, Bossy!! So sorry to read about dear Stella. Glad you are back!
Hi there! This is my 1st comment here so I just wanted to give a quick shout out and tell you I really enjoy reading your blog posts. Can you recommend any other blogs/websites/forums that go over the same subjects? Thanks a lot!
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