Hello readers reader it’s time for another edition of Everything I Know About Being Half-Assed I Learned From Reading Bossy.
Recently Bossy’s Close and Personal her offered a one-hundred-step marvelous Photoshop tutorial on how she achieves the burned edge effect on her pictures. Bossy offers the following two-hundred-step shortcut as an alternative method.
First begin with a photo. This is Bossy’s Dane, Stella. She isn’t just Great, she’s a couch potato:
And here is that same photo straight out of the camera, or SOCCER MOM SOOC:
The first thing Bossy notices about her Dane photo is that it sucks ass leaves a little to be desired. Bossy will first adjust the levels in order to pump up the image. In order to accomplish this go to Layers, and then New Adjustment Layer, and then Levels:
Then you’ll get another Dialogue Box with three arrows you can drag around to make the blacks blacker and the whites whiter and the, yeah:
This is the newly leveled-out Dane:
Next Bossy notices that the image is a little blurry. This is because Bossy has never taken a focused image in her life the living room moved. To fix this problem, go under the Filter menu and click on Sharpen, and then Unsharpen Mask:
You will get a new dialogue box with three different categories of focus to adjust:
This is Bossy’s Dane after the Unsharpen Mask has been applied:
Next Bossy decides to bring a little more life into Stella’s eye by dodging the highlights of her, um, eye. First you do this:
Then this:
Then using your magnifying tool, increase the magnification of the new window until the whole thing is taken up with eye. This allows you to avoid Bossy’s every minute mistake overdoing it.
Now you’re ready to grab your Dodge Tool from the sidebar:
Then go up to the top menu and make sure you’re set to lighten the highlights at a small exposure percentage:
Using your highly magnified window, click the dodge tool around the eye until you achieve the desired effect.
And this is Stella after her Dr. 90210 eyelift procedure:
And now the moment Bossy’s readers reader has been waiting for — Bossy’s über simple technique for adding a burned edge effect to her pictures photographs. The first thing you’ll need from your tool bar is the Brush tool:
Next you want to select a large brush circumference and a nozzle that allows for a spray effect instead of the more precise paint effect:
Hello the one reader left! Anyway. Now you need to set the desired paint flow and the opacity of that paint:
Did Bossy mention you should have the color black selected? Because you should totally have the color black selected. Next, position the paint circle icon over the edge of your image until it barely overlaps your cropped photo. Did Bossy mention you should have cropped your photo? Because you totally should have cropped your photo. Anyway. While holding down your shift key, move the paint icon down the edge of your photo:
The great thing about this technique is you don’t have to be exact because the photo is cropped and therefore all but the thin border line falls off the screen blah blah Bossy’s blood sugar is dipping. Do you understand?
Also — the smaller the paintbrush circumference and the more refined the nozzle, the sharper your frame will be:
Here is the before and completed after:
Ahhh, much easier, now I just need to get me a copy of “GraffitiShop”
Stella is so hugable looking.
That Dane is great, but Bossy’s instructions (dare I say it?) are greater.
Oh, I really want to thank you for all of the Photoshop lessons. It is really impressive to see all of the screen shots for the controls and what you go through to make things interesting. With circles and arrows and everything.
OK… that was quite possibly the most hilarious thing I’ve ever read.
I need a nap – or a drink, one of the two….
Oddly, I think that was easier for me to understand than Ree’s version.
Definitely more coherant than a lot of the photoshop tutorials out there. lol
You made my head hurt what with all that teachin’ and learnin’ and all.
Can you please do the tutorial on
How To Get Photoshop.
I seriously can’t even breathe now.
Ok..so maybe that’s a slight exaggeration, but you know what I mean. Your sense of humor friggin rocks.
That seemed like a lot of work. Making a martini is easier. And more rewarding.
Isn’t it tedious making all of the pictures with captions for us? They sure are helpful though! I’m going to try photoshopping my cat tonight.
I think I am in love with Stella.
OMG! How he is laying on the couch, he thinks he’s human.
Seriously, do you drag the paintbrush around the edges? My hand is NOT that steady! I would have squiggles all over the entire pic!
I use the “rectangular marquee” tool, and make an outline frame INSIDE the border, then go to “select-inverse”, then “select-feather” (like maybe, 2 to 5 pixels), then “edit-fill” (black) and you can choose different “modes” on the drop down-menu.
You’re welcome.
Bossy writes, “Is Bossy the only damn one who can’t take nice photos of her computer screen or TV?”
Computer screen photo fix for Bossy.
Open any screen on your computer
At same time press the Ctrl key and the Print Screen key
Open Word document, Paste in Word document. Then transport anywhere you want.
Bossy says, “Shit, I already knew that you duck lov’in know-it-all dead beat Audubon Ron. You must just be a ton of laughs at a party giving everybody instruction and knowing all these teeny-weenie facts. Are you a one trick Ron or do you have more razzle-dazzle for me today! How is this for a trick, watch Bossy give Audubon Ron a dinosaur Yawn.”
Um, I like the first picture better.
And I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who has to cover her couch.
I assume the shortest short cut would be to hire an intern who knows how to use Photoshop while I make myself a drink.
Brando, you forgot to hire an intern to make your drinks but other than that, your solution is ideal and demonstrates clearly the supply-side blogonomics.
Fer chrissake, just the picture of the Dane lying in that weird position makes me happy. Now my head hurts from all the explainin’.
My big lug of a dog (a paltry 110 pounds to Stella’s what? 200?), would love to be photographed in such a lovely way. That pose kills me. I bookmark all of your tutorials for the day when I actually get some software loaded on to the computer. Until then, I’m aiming for the worst photos on a blog award. I’m in the lead.
Okay, so … I like the soccer, errr, original shot the best.
Now that I gave the bird to the corporate man, I should have time to learn Photoshop. Yeah, right.
DG is totally in love with Bossy’s Dane and hopes to meet Stella someday. That’s some personality, sitting on the couch like she owns it (because she owns it, right?)
In other news, you have teh mad photoshop skillz that DG wishes she had. Love the burnt edge thingy.
Dear, dear, dear. I am but a point and click person. That all looks like far too much of a brain ache.
I would hate to disturb the slumbering Stella [even if I could lift her] but I think if you put her on a chocolate brown blanket, you’ll save yourself a lot of hassle.
Okay, so I knew how to do that BUT I had to say that your dog and my dog need to come together and rule the dog kingdom.
Meet Bruno: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ohmystinkinheck/426104321/
Bossy has made my head hurt with all the ‘splaining.
Bossy’s attention to detail and swearing have helped me burn some edges.
Bossy is hilarious. I love Bossy’s Dane, she is not great, she is bloody marvellous!
OH I don’t have the patience that Bossy does !
We used to have a 100 lb Belgian Shepherd who insisted he was a lap dog. Oooof. Stella would’ve loved him.
Also, Audubon Ron, if you want to only paste the active window (rather than all the toolbars, etc.)hold the ALT key as well.
There you go, I’m a two trick Ron now.
Thanks Manic Mommy, I’ll try it.
*smacks forehead* How simple!
you are magnificent. i didnt think anything could top the dooce video which is so masterful, such a cinematic delight, it’ll definitely be a hit at sundance this year and if you get robter redford’s autograph you are so going to be my new best friend.
but this tutorial of yours, it may be your finest moment yet. you speak to us – the unwashed masses of the internet. and on behalf of us all, i congratulate you on making this photoshop thing, this captivating counter-intuitive, frustrating beast that has me in its clutches, almost approachable.
thank you and good night.
i must now go bathe so i am worthy.
Bossy, this would be so much easier if I weren’t hypnotized by the demon dog.
Oh and if I had photoshop.
That dog is a scrunchle bear and needs some serious snuffling.
Oh, nice houseplants.
Doesn’t Fotoshop have a burnt-edge tool then?
this is a tutorial as to Why All I Do To My Pictures Is Crop Them.
I can’t get over your dog’s position. How cute.
Bossy fiddles with Photoshop so I don’t have to.
I think I love you.
Oh, it is better. Much, much better. Thanks for the toot-orial.
PS I can’t get that XTC song out of my head. “Yumma lama dima lama dooey ama, dooey ama. Freezing, freezing.”
Im so confused.
funny dog, he sits like a person, lol.
GGC loves Bossy’s Dane. To hell with photoshop. If it ain’t broke…
Come over here and teach more of those mad skillz, woman.
Now, see, I am so lazy. If it didn’t come off the camera right, I don’t bother with it. Maybe I suck?
Love Stella!
To take a screenshot of a specific part of your Mac window, hit “command (the apple key), shift and 4” at the same time. That will give you a little target-shaped curser which you can then drag over the area you want to duplicate. Just lasso the area you want and when you release the mouse, and if your sounds are turned on, you’ll hear a camera click sound. The image will be on your desktop in .pdf format… called “Photo 1.” Go to Photoshop and open it from there. When you’re done messing with it, you can “Save for web” and turn it into a jpg.
That’s a wonderful dog!
Who needs expensive Photoshop courses when all we have to do is come here!?
Thank you bosssyyyyyy.
Should I mention that there’s actually a really fast, easy way to do that?
I use a match, burn the edges, then take another picture of the burned picture. Cheaper than Photoshop and addresses my pyro neediness.
Seriously, thanks. One day I’m going to invest. I have a pug who pitifully sleeps on the back of the couch. His pics are somewhere on my website. Uncropped, undemoneyezed and unburned. Yet.
Does Bossy teach a class that I can take?
I was just trying to figure out how to do the burned edge effect the other day. Stupidly I hadn’t thought to crop. Thanks! Hilarious tutorial.
oh bossy, biddy loves you. and by the way, have you heard of the little command called print screen? you can take a picture of your computer screen without, well, taking a picture of it with the camera! biddy would be glad to teach you in less than 32 steps…
That was great. I actually have loaded photoshop and then got intimidated and never used it!
How about I send the photos that need editing to Bossy…I don’t follow directions well (no matter how good they are).
“old school graffiti nozzle” cant.stop.laughing.
Is your friend the random number generator picking a winner of Photoshop? Ooooh, pick me.