That’s right, today Bossy leaves on a little excursion she likes to call Project Constipation. Perhaps you’ve heard of it?
Here are the Excellent Road Trip rules: Bossy will post every day. She’ll provide a Road Trip photo of the day. She’ll talk about the restrooms-across-America beautiful scenery and the countless people she will meet.
Bossy’s first stop is D.C. She’ll be staying with him and she can’t wait because he’s already offered her tons of packing advice which includes booze and should guarantee a suitcase brimming with ill-fitting shirts and unmatched socks.
On Wednesday Bossy will be in Richmond. Thursday: Atlanta. Shall we begin?
Drive Safely!!
Is that Paul McCartney? Ooooh bring him along!
Be safe Bossy!
wow…what a crew. hope your trip is a trip! have fun and drive safe.
If that were me leaving on an excellent road trip, the picture would say something completely different. There would be crying children hanging off the windows. A dog with a tail between her legs trying to climb into my lap, my husband and father blocking my path because they’re protective like that. And my mom waving goodbye because she’s supportive like that.
I hope you are not blogging while driving!
Have a blast! Can’t wait to see you very soon!
what? no stella?
be safe, bossy! see you in a few days!!
And just why did you leave Steven Spielberg behind?
Nice pit crew….
Have fun Bossy! Drive safely!
Did you seriously sneak out when the kids were at school? MEAN MOMMY! The parenting books tell you never to do that!
Drive safely!
and where were Matt and Daisy?
they didn’t get to see you off?
mad bummer.
well have fun Bossy and be safe!
i look forward to reading all your posts
from across the country. =]
So, if you totally trash the inside of that nice new car, will they let you keep it?
Safe Journey!
Will Steven Spielberg be directing the Road Trip Movie?
Bossy! It’s not safe to post and drive!
Safe travels, woman. Can’t wait to see your updates!
So cool! They are all smiling. We’re off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz. Because, because, because, because….
Can’t wait til you get to Seattle! It will be your best stop! If the sun’s out. And the traffic isn’t too bad. And you don’t run over too many crunchy granola types and their dogs.
Drive safe!!
Here’s a website for ‘ya
keeps ya up-2-date on the speed traps!!
(Saturn–pay no attention)
Bossy, drive carefully and wave (flip off) the resident when you go past his house, okay?
But wait, who is going to feed Stella?
I’m so excited for you!!!
Have fun and be safe, kay? Stay away from those hitchhikers. I hear they can be all sorts of dangerous…
I smell “new car”
Fer chrissake, drive safely and have a great time!
What a view from the Vue!
ohmahgad. ohmahgod. ohmahgod. ohmahgod. need to clean my house and teach my kids manners and water my plants and make the beds and so the laundry and put on my bossy t-shirt and buy some wine. what? just the wine, you say? alright.
Jenn: I’ll bring the wine! Mr. Whiskers will share.
and ohmahgod. i totally need to go buy loga yants.
Jenn: I’ll bring the wine if Mr. Whiskers will share.
I am so sad I missed it. Come back to DC, Bossy!
Awwww…but how exciting that you are coming to visit! By the way, the ebay advertisement has a “4:20” bumper sticker for sale. Do you think Saturn would mind if you slapped one of those on the back of the car?
See you soon!
Yes, you should have a Blackberry, or better yet a cool iPhone, so that you can write your blog posts as you drive, holding the device in one hand while steering and typing with both thumbs. That might help keep you awake. Maybe.
If Hubby needs any company while you’re gone, send him my way. Woof.