Bossy has been devoting all of her spare time to the final details surrounding her Excellent Road Trip. And by all of her spare time she means the hours between 3 a.m. and 6 a.m.:
So far this is what she’s come up with: she is going to drive around and meet a bunch of people and stay on a few sofas. It will cost one million dollars. The end:
Bossy has been studying her busy family calendar and she finally selected the perfect travel dates that coincide with the best chance for decent regional weather as she crosses the country:
In addition she’s been negotiating with various Corporate Sponsors, and she has some very exciting announcements to make regarding her vehicle:
However Bossy’s biggest problem is still the cost of fuel:
There are other costs too, such as renting a laptop, because:
However, Bossy Is As Near As A Three-Dollar Bill. This means if you donate only three dollars Bossy can reach her goal. Just press the below link for Bossy’s Donation Jar. It’s easy like Paypal. In fact it is Paypal:
Bossy loves you.
A car sponsorship! Way cool! Bet you could get fuel company sponsorship, too. And laptop. And food. And shoes. Maybe clothes. Haircut? Oh, but wait – you might not want to pimp yourself out to that degree. You’d have to behave like the companies wanted you to – and nobody needs that kinda pressure.
If you’re coming to Texas in April… you should be safe from hurricanes! Hurricane season is from June to November around here. April should be beautiful weather in Texas. Enjoy!
I ponied up my $3, but I want a refund if you don’t grace my couch with your presence. 🙂
I’m sending some gas money, but with hopes that you will have some “Brit-Bossy” photos of you coming out of gas station bathrooms in flip flops (I’d NEVER ask you to go barefoot like Brit) …. and drinking a slurpee!
I think I just donated my whole paycheck. But, it should cover you. For at least 20 miles. Hope this means Chicago is on your triptik!
I just bought you a gallon of gas. So, when are you coming to New York. Oh wait, Philly to New York? Probably takes more than a gallon.
I put my $3 in. You’re welcome to come poop in San Francisco.
*Another* $3? Okay. On its way.
I can’t believe that gas companies aren’t pushing and shoving to sponsor you. I guess their Moms must’ve taught them good manners. For real weather adventures, you need to come up to Upstate NY in March – talk about a crapshoot!
If Bossy could get sponsorship from a HYBRID car, she might not need that extra 3 bucks…Why hasn’t Steve Jobs come out with the i-car yet?
You won’t need to stay on my couch – you can sleep in girl child’s room on her HELLO KITTY sheets. Money coming your way girlie.
reason number 4398573457 bossy should come see biddy: there are no hurricanes in west texas. and we haven’t had a tornado touch down in 12 years!
Bossy is to poop on the floor with the dog hair.
Bossy, I don’t have PayPal but I would like to donate to the cause. I will email you to remind you to send me your address (if that’s ok with you) so I can send my donation.
I feel like that entry had some kind of subversive message. I just can’t work out what it was 🙂
BOSSY! I’ll donate $3.50 to get you to Traverse City MI!
Umm, Bossy? My husband is a manager at a FABULOUS resort You’ll get a restful night’s sleep on 600 count sheets. For free. Oh, yes you will.
I donated my 3 dollars! And you can poop in my toilet too…you just have to hold the handle down…and then make sure the water isn’t still running…and have a 17 year old cat sit on the sink next to you and stare while you do your business…sounds inviting, right?
donated! i’m moving into a new place in march that has TWO bathrooms. so you can poop in total privacy there!
Does Bossy sleep in a cat suit? Meee-OW!
Off to pay the wizard . . .
my $3 was sent weeks ago… and you can poop in the guest bathroom.
E-mail me with your info and I’ll send you some cash money to get yourself to Boston!
And trust me, I’m used to poop here in the Trenches. (Although I betcha Bossy’s smells like roses.)
I just want to know if you’re going to make it down here. Because I need to buy some underwear without holes in it if so.
Did you seriously get a car sponsor?
OMG hating you right now.
(PS, please come sleep on my IKEA furniture that I bought just special for you.)
Where has the time gone? I was meaning to send you a big check, but stupid things like groceries and dentist bills keep getting in the way.
I just sent you 15.00, which isn’t nearly enough, I know, but I WILL be sure to give Bossy the good bed and pack your cooler for you before you set out again. Any cooler staples/goodies preferences?
I already donated because I want to make sure Bossy makes it out to CA before “the BIG ONE”…..that would be earthquake and not Bossy’s poop.
AND, when you cruise the Pacific Coast and romping in the surf, remember one thing…the ocean is not Bossy’s toilet.
I just found you and I am completely cracking up with laughter.
My sides hurt.
I need to remember to b-r-e-a-t-h…
Bossy, you can sleep in my bed and I’ll take the couch. My bed does not have cat hair under it but not because there’s not a fair amount of cat hair floating around here, just because I threw out the frame in a fit of frustration and there is no “under” to my bed anymore.
If it will make you feel more at home I can try to lift the mattress & box spring up and shove some cat hair underneath.
I have sent a small donation because I am poor but when my ship comes in I will send it to pick you up so you can take an Excellent Cruise Trip and won’t have to worry about gas.
I went crazy and gave you $5.
If you visit me on April 3 you can come as my guest to the opening night of our production of Antony & Cleopatra starring this guy:
If I can spend $3 bucks at the re-sale shop for a t-shirt, I can send $3 to you. After all, you and your road trip are far more entertaining!
I love you too. But how do I KNOW you love me, I mean really KNOW!
Look me in the eyes and say it again.
Loving the car sponsorship! Bossy Rules. I am off to chip in / donate $$ for gas. (and hair products)… 🙂
I already sent my money, but in addition I would like to offer to pay for Bossy to get some highlights while she’s in town.
I’m in three times…once for me, once for Graduation Barbie and once for Stella. Now git on that road!
Yeay, I just sent you a gallon’s worth of gas because you asked. Please ask me to eat a cupcake now. I really want a cupcake.
I love you too!
I’ll pony up some cash, perhaps maybe even $4. I am excited for your April swing through California. You will be pleased to learn that earthquake season is in the fall. Be sure to drive through the desert on your way to the coast–the blooms this year will rock, what with all the rain we’ve been having.
Bossy should increase budget by $399 and buy and iPhone instead of renting a laptop. From the iPhone she can email & write blog posts and can even take pictures with the iPhone and post them to her blog with the flick of a finger. Perhaps people could send $4 to help defray that cost and hook bossy up with the cooest new on-the-go gadget?
Bossy, I don’t do paypal, but if you email an address, I’ll send you a gas card. Or I can give you one when you come to visit me or invite me when you visit one of your chosen ones in my area. And… I highly recommend that you take Sister Honeybunch up on her offer, because that is a great area! Although I think S.H. should admit that in late March it will still be a little – wintry – there.
I know you already have your route planned to the very last detail, but if you’re in Oklahoma City, could you swing by and show me how to use Photoshop? I’ll let you use my laptop for blogging while you’re here.
Bossy, You can poop at my house! You’ll just have to “hold it” til you get to California. And, sorry to burst anyone’s bubble, but we dont have an earthquake “season” except “all year”.
Im hoping that your complete denial of the road trip, on my blog, was not a secret message.
Now if you were coming to visit ME I would donate, and straighten your hair with my fabulous straightening irons (that no one, on the pain of death by bleeding hemorrhoids is allowed to touch) and even throw some food your way. But noooooooo, Bossy won’t come to visit me.
Sheesh woman, it is not THAT big a swim to Australia…
Bossy poops?
Bossy poops?
We’re all about bodily functions around here. Just don’t come to Mass around the last week of May or you’ll be getting more bodily fluids than you bargained for.
Fer chrissake.
bossy is loved and we can’t wait for you get going! oh and we’re all jealous that we didn’t think of this first!
I sent more than $3….like 11 more. Because I believe in your cause…and gas is obnoxious! 🙂 Can’t wait for you to visit!!!
I have 2 potties and a futon. A nice, oak one. Not oak potty- oak futon. You can choose to sleep on any of the above (though I recommend the futon), but I am less flexible about the poop. Sorry to be such a hard ass.
You must be composing blog posts between 3-6 am. I can hardly keep up!
Thanks to Surcie, Bossy just got $3 closer to $1 million!
That crooked litle heart at the bottom is just classic emotional blackmail. you do know that right?!
Poop… in my cat box…. and sleep on my…. couch on top of the unfolded laundry…comfy…
Uh, is this one of them there internet scams? Like, is Bossy going to use all that CASH to get new highlights or something? I smell a rat. But, it’s such doggone entertaining reading that I’m in for my share, whether it buys gas or one foil’s worth of highlights.
If Bossy comes and stays on Meg’s newly-assembled trundle bed, Meg will palm her a ten-spot for some gas! Yes, way.
We love you too, Bossy, and that is why I am going to go ahead and ask this question:
Bossy, have you pre-screened all the people you plan to visit? You know, to weed out the nut jobs?
Go ahead, call me paranoid (everyone does) but what if you wind up on the couch of a psycho axe-murderer? What if you disappear somewhere between the earthquakes and hurricanes because someone poisons your wine?
Bossy, I am a bundle of anxiety as it is. I have been fretting about this trip ever since you announced it. If you don’t come home and I no longer have Bossy around to make me laugh every day, I will have to go on some serious medication.
I can’t wait to read about your trip, but please, please PLEASE be careful!!
when you’re here, you get an entire apartment to yourself!!!
oh yeah…I donated some shekels to the fund.
You have your choice of the Dell laptop (an Inspiron 1720) or the Mac upstairs (it’s not so mobile, but the monitor is HUGE) if you stay here. I will fill your tank with gas before you leave. And … and … and … we have a king sized air mattress? Yes! Yes we do! And clean sheets! And … and … and … a husband who loves to cook!
and we love bossy too
You forgot to add the red highlights to your self-portrait. Also, is that bed from Ikea?
Yay for sponsors! And at least the midwest is pretty quiet in the spring, aside from the occasional freak blizzard.
I was just wondering how long Bert, Walt and Dondi stayed in Canton? How much fun can you have there anyway?
Also on you Excellent Road Trip…..the experts say there is no earthquake “season” actually most of the sizable earthquakes in the last century, in SoCA were this time of year.
Sylmar, January ’77
Whittier, February ’94
Long Beach, March…this was the granddaddy of them all but it was also in 1933.
Now, that doesn’t mean that the west coast won’t be rockn’ and rolln’ when Bossy arrives!
i get paid friday. you can have $3 after i’m not overdrawn anymore. and if you don’t come to my house i’ll expect a refund.
Oh, goody! Looks like Texas is ON THE MAP so it seems that Galveston remains in the “running” for one of your stops. I can throw some paypal jing your way but I already pledged the $25 Exxon card I got for Christmas to you. Gosh, are you needy or what!?!? Let me know if a one-way Southwest ticket will do you any good for your roadtrip. You could hop a plane from Columbus, OH (after hanging out with MomoFali) and arrive in Houston within hours instead of days. This IS fun! Hugs~ EE
I just paid MORE than $3.00. Does this get me on your road trip??? I’m in Texas but not in hurricane season!!!! :o) Denise
Donating the $3 ASAP
I still have room for you – I have a luxurious 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment.
Will you need to poop in both toilets?
Bossy, you should take sister honey bunch up on her offer for the Grand Traverse Resort! That alone could make your trip worth it!! Traverse city is beautiful…even in the dead of winter.
I just recently started visiting here. I love it so much I gave you a double donation. Good luck on the trip!!
I gave 20 big ones, just in case gas goes up another $6,000 before you leave. And I owe you for all the smiles and belly laughs!
You can use our toilet to poop and we already plan on giving you the youngest girls room to use. Complete with Princess bed spread. And we’re gonna wash all the sheets!
Oh, Bossy loves me. (do I have to tell my wife?)
I just bought you two gallons of gas – are you stopping in Baton Rouge, Louisiana?
You really got a car sponsership? You are my hero.
Waiting to hear when you’ll arrive!
I saw your $3 and raised you $2 – but if you come through Daytona beach, I want to at least buy/make you a cup of coffee/tea and/or lunch/dinner (i’m so decisive) – and I also have a couch….
i’ll donate $3 cubed if you will come visit me in california. you can have the guest cabin, you can poop in the guest toilet. i will give you beer and lemon drops (okay choose one, gwendomama hates a sloppy drunk but loves a fun drunk) and take you for the ride of your life.
haha i just typed lice!! they are not invited!
this ride:
can’t get me no bossy love.
I donated even though I never bothered to get on the official Road Trip bandwagon. However, should you make it to the Phoenix/Scottsdale area, which fyi is VERY beautiful in the summer, I’d love to see you!
There is even a good chance it won’t be over 110 degrees. Actually, not that good of a chance 🙂
You are starting your road trip on my birthday! It will be a good start 🙂 So when do we learn if you are visiting us?
Since I live in Philadelphia, I suppose that wouldn’t be much of a road trip for you….unless you have a sudden yen for fresh smog and litter?
Yay Bossy! I’ve been waiting for that button so I can chip in. I’m really surprised they haven’t come out of the woodwork to get a piece of this blog-history action… seriously.
Hope you get to Dixie Land! You will most definietly have a place in our home should you need it. Oh, and we’ll stock up on matches!
I see a lot of Texans begging for the visit. I paid before but I can pay again, but I think I win “best pimping of Bossy on a blog” award with the post I just put up.
I’m just sayin’
This is the most awesome trip ever. I can’t wait to see how this shapes up. Will you put a big sign on your car to advertise across the country?
You can poop at my house, but then I’m going to blog about it;)