Bossy will get right to the point, since by the time you read this, Bossy will be in the car on her way to camp in Vermont — so if you read this in the morning Bossy will be driving to Vermont, and if you read this in the afternoon Bossy will be driving to Vermont, and possibly if you don’t get to this blog post until next Tuesday sister mercy Bossy will still be on her way to fooking Vermont.
Vermont. Every year, this is the location Bossy and her family go to camp, where camp equals read and wrap stuff in bacon. Bossy and her family used to camp in a tent, but last year they got spoiled with a pop-up trailer sponsorship, where spoiled equals lord it may be off the ground but it is still living outside for a week.
This year Bossy and her family are renting their pop-up trailer due to the economy, and when Bossy says due to the economy she really means who knows, but that seems to be the excuse everybody used when Bossy tried to round up a pop-up sponsorship this time around.
Press this link if you want to see and read about Bossy’s exact camping set-up, since it won’t have changed since last year — except for the part where Bossy is now using her own money to camp and do stuff like poo in a concrete communal rest room, due to the economy.
And press this link if you want to know why Bossy and her family choose camping vacations to begin with — and no it isn’t strictly financial! OK, yes it is.
Bossy admits to being enamored of her friends and the different, glamorous ways they spend their summer vacations, and oh — remember a bazillion years ago when Bossy was going to get right to the point? Here it comes.
It’s time for another round of Match Game! This time Bossy gives you a list of her friends and a list of vacation facts, and you have to match the friend with their vacation fact!
And what do you win?
Bossy apologizes in advance. She is giving away some of the swag she received at her blog conference, where swag equals have you ever played that crane game in an arcade? And you plug one quarter after another into the machine just for the chance to swing that crane around and pick up a stuffed purple elephant the size of your fist when that stuffed purple elephant is manufactured for less money than the original quarter?
That’s like Bossy’s conference swag, except in this equation, baby, the quarters are airfare and hotel rates and conference fees.
So! Yay! The winner will receive:
What is it? Darned if Bossy knows and she can’t open the package to find out because, hello, giveaway prize! But it looks like a bunch of files and maybe a larger accordion file to put them in and a ledger notebook and some clippy things or maybe they are fishing weights because sister mercy this thing will cost more for Bossy to ship than it is worth.
The second prize is this:
Why it’s the Limited Edition Robert Osborne bobble head, although Bossy is fairly certain the folks at TCM just repurposed the leftover Bill Clinton dolls.
To win simply match all three of Bossy’s friends with their correct vacation fact. If more than one person guesses correctly, assuming more than one person enters the giveaway and please enter because it’s all the dignity that remains for Bossy’s sleeping outside ass, Bossy will employ the random number generator to select the winner at the end of the weekend.
Got it? That’s three friends, one random number generator, and a winner. Who’s in?
Wendy – Las Vegas
Eric – Sweden
Amy – Beach House
Have a great vacation, Bossy!
Amy – Sweden
Eric – Vegas
Wendy – Beach House
Eric Sweden _ I’m going with the Eric the Red theory
Wendy Vegas
Amy Beach House
One good thing about living in CT is you’re half way to Vermont already:)
Amy – Sweden
Wendy – beach house
Eric – Vegas
Waving hi to Bossy as she drives on I-84 past Hartford!
Wendy – Sweden
Amy – to the beach house
Eric – Las Vegas
Wendy – Vegas
Eric – Beach house
Amy – Sweden
Wendy goes to the beach
Eric goes to Vegas
Amy goes to Sweden
Wendy – Las Vegas
Eric – Sweden
Amy – Beach House
Give my regards to the Lake Champlain Islands. Rest! Relax! Enjoy!
Wendy = beach house
Eric = vegas
Amy = Sveeeden
reader = wishing i too could camp in Vermont!!!
Amy – Sweden
Eric – Vegas
Wendy – Beach House
Wendy – Vegas (scrubby desert background pic)
Eric – Sweden (nordic name = right answer!)
Amy – Beach House (process of elimination)
Have a great vaca!
(Too funny! I played $25,000 Pyramid on my blog today!)
–>Have fun camping Bossy. Did Bossy’s Great Dane Stella go too?
Amy – Sweden
Eric – Vegas
Wendy – Beach House
Wendy – Beach House (she looks like she tans well)
Eric – Vegas (playing in a band behind a cool animal act)
Amy – Sweden (she looks Nordic)
Amy – Sweden
Wendy – Beach House
Eric – Vegas
Have fun in Vermont!
wendy – vegas
eric – beach
amy – sweden
Amy – Sweden
Eric – Vegas
Wendy – Beach house
Have a great time in Vermont (Maple syrup! Cheese!) Forecast is 100’s here next week. I wish I could be in Vermont.
Erik- Sweden
Amy- Vegas
Wendy- beach house
Amy – Sweden
Eric – Vegas
Wendy – Beach House
Amy — Sweden.
Eric — Las Vegas.
Wendy — Beach house.
Wendy – beach house
Eric – Vegas
Amy – Sweden
Eric-Las Vegas
My best guess…
Wendy- Beach House
Eric- Las Vegas
Wendy-Beach house
Eric-Las Vegas
i think i’m just repeating what pretty much everyone else has already said (it’s junior high all over again!), but here goes:
wendy — beach house
eric — las vegas
amy — sweden
Amy – Sweden
Eric – Beach house
Wendy – Vegas
Wendy = beach
Eric goes to Vegas
Amy = Sweden
Amy – Sweden, Eric – Las Vegas, Wendy – Beach house
wendy – beach
eric – vegas
amy – sweden
Eric – Vegas
Wendy – Sweeden
Amy – Beach house
Uhg….you’re makin’ me work when I haven’t even had any caffeine yet, this morning. Besides, I think someone above me may have already answered it correctly and to be honest, I’m kinda clueless when it comes to stuff like this.
Hope you have a swell, and not sweltering, holiday!
Wendy – Sweden
Amy – to the beach house
Eric – Las Vegas
Wendy – beach house
Eric – Las Vegas
Amy – Sweden
Amy – Sweden
Eric – Vegas
Wendy – Beach house
Wendy = Vegas
Eric = Beach House
Amy = Sweden
Have a great camping trip Bossy!
amy – sweden
eric – vegas
wendy – beach house
amy-beach house.
so i’m going camping this weekend (in VT) and I will now look at every person I see and wonder…is that BOSSY?? Wondering if it’ll be rude to walk up to random people and ask them if “they are bossy?”
have fun.
No wonder you leave to go camping — who’s left to hang out with during the summer?
I just hope it’s not Eric = vegas cause that seems sorta obvious.
And I don’t particularly want the stuff. Which means that this time my number will win.
Wendy-beach house
I am enamored of Bossy’s use of the correct preposition for use with “enomored.”
Amy-Beach House
I have no clue for obz…but I’ll guess:
Wendy = Beach!
Eric = Vegas!
Amy = Sweeeeeeeden!
Amy goes to Sweden of course, and Eric *loves* the beach house, and Wendy loves the commute to Vegas! Ta da!
I suck at games. And it’s the only this I suck good at.
Okay Eric and his microphone go to Vegas, blonde Amy goes to Sweden and Wendy smiles on the beach.
Amy-Las Vegas
Wendy – Las Vegas
Eric – Sweden
Amy – Beach House
Amy- Vegas
Eric- Sweden
Wendy- Beach House
have fun camping!
Are we there yet??
Eric = Las Vegas.
Amy = Beach House.
Wendy = Sweden.
Wendy goes to the family beach house
Eric goes to Vegas, Baby
and Wendy has Swedish pancakes in Sweden!
And my family is experiencing Staycation for the second year in a row, due to “the economy”.
Oops, meant to say Amy goes to Sweden!
I don’t know any of the answers, but if Bossy’s friend Eric is the one who has connections to my husband Kevin Bacon, then Bossy need to tell Ericto tell Kevin Bacon to come to my house every other weekend, and then we’ll spend some time in Vegas, and maybe even Sweden.
p.s. Obviously, I’m holding out hope for the random number generator.
Wendy – Beach house
Eric – Vegas
Amy – Sweden
Amy – Sweden
Eric – Vegas Baby
Wendy – beach
Eric- Beach House
Amy- Las Vegas
My psychic powers tell me that Eric goes to Sweden, Amy goes to Vegas and Wendy goes to the beach. Word. And thanks!
Wendy-O. Williams
Eric-Burdon and the Animals
Amy- Pure Prairie League.
I never win these things so I decided to make it Free Association Musical Friday instead. Have a great time camping!
First, are you sure Wendy and Amy are two diferent people, because they look a lot alike. My guesses are:
Amy—beach house
Wendy – beach house
Eric – Vegas
Amy – Sweden
BOSSY-fooking vermont
john cusack-BOSSY’s lap (heh. you wish.)
Amy – Sweden
Eric – Vegas
Wendy – Beach House
happy camping!
Wendy- Beach
Amy- Sweden?
Eric = Vegas
Wendy = beach
Amy = Sweden
rockle = used to camp in the 1000 Islands every summer and is now too old to sleep in the dirt, but I still like fishing!
swag = scientific wild ass guess:
Eric – vegas
Amy – beach
Wendy – Sweden
Wendy – beach house
Eric – Vegas
Amy – Sweden
Eric – Vegas
Wendy – Beach House
Amy – Sweden
Eric – Vegas
Wendy – Beach House
Eric – Vegas (microphone and all)
Amy – Sweden (looks blonde & sweedeny)
Wendy Beach House (um… default)
Eric Beach
Wendy Vegas
Amy Sweden
I’ll say that Amy goes to Sweden, Wendy goes to the beach, and Eric commutes to Vegas. And have fun camping, I happen to like camping! Except for the mosquitoes and bears and occasional gypsies that made my father sleep with a knife next to his sleeping bag.
But anyway! Bossy, If I win? Please don’t send me the swag. I’ll donate the office supplies to your son and daughter and maybe the bobblehead could be a water-balloon target at your next neighborhood get-together, or a booby prize for whoever arrives last at Bossy’s next dinner party, or something. Just please, please don’t send it to me!